• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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BNH and MNH questions

Look in "RESOURCE\Textures\flags".

"shpflg" files are warship flags. Naval ships will use those and so will you if you're a privateer or a naval officer. Each file shows all the naval flags for one period: "shpflg1.tga.tx" is for "Early Explorers", "shpflg2.tga.tx" is for "Spanish Main", and so on up to "shpflg6.tga.tx" for "Napoleonic".

"merflg" files do the same for merchant ships, which is why (depending on period), you may see British warships flying a blue ensign and British merchant ships flying a red ensign.

"frtflg" files are the flags seen on forts.

"perflg" files are the Personal flags. They aren't periods dependent. Each file is one row of the flags you'll see if you click F2 -> "Relations" and then click your Personal flag to choose a new one, or if you click the Personal flag when you choose your storyline.

"pirflg" does the same for Pirate flags. Additionally, random pirate ships you meet at sea will have a random choice from these files, though they're blocked from using the bottom two rows as those are special flags.

"shppnt", "merpnt", "perpnt" and "pirpnt" are the corresponding pennants. Forts don't have pennants which is why there are no "frtpnt" files.

Exactly that - skills which don't contribute. There are also contributing and non-contributing perks. For example, your navigator will only contribute skills and perks related to sailing the ship - "Sailing" skill, "Speed Increase" and other sailing-related perks. He won't contribute "Cannons" skill or "Increased Crew Damage" perk, for example, because those are for gunners. The navigator is not involved in firing cannons! Likewise, the gunner won't contribute "Sailing" skill or "Speed Increase" perk for the same reason.
what would be the best program to edit the flags tx files
First you'll need TX Convertor:
https://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/Cloud/Tools/Modeling+Texturing/TX Convertor.zip

That converts the game's .tga.tx files into .tga format. After that, many picture processing programs such as Photoshop or GIMP will edit .tga. Then use TX Convertor to convert the new file back to .tga.tx format.
is there a way to edit the game files to allow for me to use the sail to feature to go to enemy ships inside combat and outside of combat