• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 31st January 2025]


I am playing the Sept 24 version and I cannot get sail to work. I have Sailto disabled, but it won't let me sail to any ship. On further reflection I must correct this. Sail to works, except during ship to ship combat.

#define SAILTO_DISABLED 0 // BOOL - 1=ON - Cannot Sail-To any ships at sea

I am also experiencing more frequent freezes of the game than in previous versions.
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No problem. It's not as though this is a paid job or any sort of contract! It's entirely voluntary, which means you're free to do as much as you want, whenever you want, or to go off and do something else instead.

Did you complete the Aruba section? If so, perhaps upload what you have so far.
I know, I mostly have a guilty conscience towards myself. ;)

If I upload the Aruba section, I can as well upload anything, perhaps a project for my week off in a few weeks.

I am playing the Sept 24 version and I cannot get sail to work. I have Sailto disabled, but it won't let me sail to any ship. On further reflection I must correct this. Sail to works, except during ship to ship combat.

#define SAILTO_DISABLED 0 // BOOL - 1=ON - Cannot Sail-To any ships at sea
That is correct and it has always been like that as far as I can remember. Once you're in combat, you can't use sailto to go directly to another ship - only when you're far enough away from any enemy that you can also go to worldmap. That SAILTO_DISABLED presumably prevents you from using sailto even when you're not in combat.

I am also experiencing more frequent freezes of the game than in previous versions.
Is there anything which particularly causes these freezes? My own experience is that the game sometimes freezes when I'm in certain locations, specifically Tortuga town and Santiago port, so I'm in the habit of saving immediately after landing in either place. That, however, is nothing new; I've been having that issue for years, which is why saving game in these places has become a habit.
I don't see any improvement in any of the scenarios... in fact regressed to masts falling like pins in a bowling alley, freeze when ship is sunk by my or companion cannon fire, transitions crash game... etc. Is somebody overwriting the Initial Settings? I set all mast damage to ZERO (O) yet keep falling at first salvo of 4LB skiff cannons. Storms are nearly constant even with Weather parameters set to ZERO (O) for all months. Storms are not fun, unrealistic, and just a pain in the posterior (ass) for no particular reason and is irritating, not fun, this should not irritate people, this game is meant to be played for fun not anger with really irrational effects. Have any of the coders even read one of the Hornblower novels? Seems like NO! Guys, read up on narrative of the life at sea in that era from the knowledge of one of the most informed historical writers ever... PLEASE! Then craft a game that simulates those events in those novels... PLEASE?
"InternalSettings.h" is overwritten by the updates. It has to be, because a new setting has been added since the 2022 installer. If the update does not contain "InternalSettings.h" then that setting will be missing and the code which checks it will crash. Presumably you do not want another source of crashes!

The "Chronicles of Horatio Hornblower" storyline is based loosely on events from the "Hornblower" and "Sharpe" TV series, with some artistic licence since neither TV series took place in the Caribbean and the two characters never met in either series.
"InternalSettings.h" is overwritten by the updates. It has to be, because a new setting has been added since the 2022 installer. If the update does not contain "InternalSettings.h" then that setting will be missing and the code which checks it will crash. Presumably you do not want another source of crashes!

The "Chronicles of Horatio Hornblower" storyline is based loosely on events from the "Hornblower" and "Sharpe" TV series, with some artistic licence since neither TV series took place in the Caribbean and the two characters never met in either series.
So...why wasn't the now obsolete (over-written) InternalSettings.h deleted?
Actually the Hornblower series of novels is written by an historian specializing in that period:
Many know of Horatio Hornblower's exploits during the Napoleonic Wars through the novels of C.S. Forester, but how many know the true Hornblower – the man who rose from midshipman to admiral of the British Fleet? Using Hornblower family papers discovered in the 1970s, C. Northcote Parkinson has set the record straight in this authoritative biography. Drawn from the Hornblower series as well as from Parkinson's knowledge of the Royal Navy, this account of the popular fictional hero is as entertaining as the C.S. Forester novels themselves.
So...why wasn't the now obsolete (over-written) InternalSettings.h deleted?
Because I can't delete files. All I can do is create a collection of new or updated files and put them into a .zip file.

Learn to use WinMerge. It allows you to see the differences between two files, or even between all the files in two folders. I have to use it myself because my own "InternalSettings.h" has some differences for my personal preferences, so I have to make sure that only those changes needed for the game to work, such as new variables, are included - I'm not trying to inflict my own choices on everyone else. You can do the same - use WinMerge to see if anything has changed since the previous update, then copy into your file only those changes which do not overwrite your personal choices.
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, someone's stolen the old man's hat.

I don't want to rush out a new full update before the end of the year. Rush leads to mistakes, mistakes lead to bugs, bugs lead to suffering. But for the greedy Social Climbers among you, there's this:
Gold for Honours

Merry Christmas, and I'll see you again in the New Year!
I found a bug or two in the GoldBug.


  • GoldBug fix 2025-01-30.7z
    36.4 KB · Views: 20
First update of 2025!
https://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_1Jan_updates_310525.zip

@AkrimalS continues his translation work and has also been debugging the "Bartolomeu" storyline.

Remember how beggars could spread the word about how nice you are if you gave them money when you were just plain "Neutral"? Now they can also spread the word if you're "Dashing" or "Hero" and you don't keep giving them money. If you want to keep your shiny reputation, act the part!

Perhaps you've read about political corruption in the news. Now's your chance to get in on it. If you're a FreePlay Social Climber, you have a spare million in cash, and you haven't yet earned your title, try making a governor an offer he can't refuse. ;)
Remember how beggars could spread the word about how nice you are if you gave them money when you were just plain "Neutral"? Now they can also spread the word if you're "Dashing" or "Hero" and you don't keep giving them money. If you want to keep your shiny reputation, act the part!
The beggar grapevine must be powerful indeed!

Perhaps you've read about political corruption in the news. Now's your chance to get in on it. If you're a FreePlay Social Climber, you have a spare million in cash, and you haven't yet earned your title, try making a governor an offer he can't refuse. ;)
Perhaps it is because my brain is totally fried, but...
I do not understand what you're suggesting here.