• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 31st January 2025]

Odd - where did you get the version of "Bart_Cooke_dialog.c" with the line about "stephan_bonser_attack"? The version in the January 2022 installer should already have the line 'AddDialogExitQuest("bill_jellybones_attack");' - you don't even need the 6th June update, which does not have a version of the file.

Earlier installers did not even have "Bart_Cooke_dialog.c", it was all handled in "Stephan Bonser_dialog.c", which could cause trouble if you were doing "Smuggling for Thomas O'Reily" at about the same time as the meeting with Stephen Bonser on the way to the canyon in "Tales of a Sea Hawk". That is why the dialog for "Smuggling for Thomas O'Reily" was split off into "Bart_Cooke_dialog.c", while the storyline-specific part remained in "Stephan Bonser_dialog.c", now moved into the storyline dialog folder.
Thanks for your response.
The version I had was my long running updated directory that I have updated whenever there is a new update in the first post of this thread. The standard storyline is always the first I run through and I do as many of the side quests I have time to between updates. I haven't had this issue in previous updates - the last being in April I remember although I probably took a different path with Thomas so I may not have seen this for a couple of updates. Probably time to do a completely clean install.

Do you know what the current situation is with the new Beyond Horizons Build 15? I haven't seen anything on Pirates Ahoy for a while about this?
That's odd. "compile.log" shows that you should have automatically boarded the brig, but no transfer to the brig happened. Do you have a savegame from any point after you landed at Santiago? Preferably as close as possible to when you went to the dock to steal the brig, but before you actually got to the dock. Just after you have spent time in the tavern but before you go to the port would be ideal.
Thanks for your response.
The version I had was my long running updated directory that I have updated whenever there is a new update in the first post of this thread. The standard storyline is always the first I run through and I do as many of the side quests I have time to between updates. I haven't had this issue in previous updates - the last being in April I remember although I probably took a different path with Thomas so I may not have seen this for a couple of updates. Probably time to do a completely clean install.
Yes, a clean install using the January 2022 installer plus the 6th June update would be a good idea.

Do you know what the current situation is with the new Beyond Horizons Build 15? I haven't seen anything on Pirates Ahoy for a while about this?
Last time I tried to install Build 15, it refused to run, saying it needed some more Windows components. I haven't had time to try again recently. But there is certainly a thread about it:
WIP - Beyond New Horizons Alpha Release
That's odd. "compile.log" shows that you should have automatically boarded the brig, but no transfer to the brig happened. Do you have a savegame from any point after you landed at Santiago? Preferably as close as possible to when you went to the dock to steal the brig, but before you actually got to the dock. Just after you have spent time in the tavern but before you go to the port would be ideal.
I can send 2 save files, the first one will be where the bug happened, and another one where before the bug happened, the bugged one is the -=Player=- Cuba. Santiago port. August 1st, 1691 and before the bugged save file is -=Player=- Cuba. Santiago tavern. July 31st, 1691

Also I did something that prevented the bug from happening I hope this helps in debugging. When the bug happens, after I rented a room in the tavern, I fast traveled to the port and that's where the bug started to show up (locked icon and the gameplay is broken at this point). but then I tried going to the port manually (by walking to it) and now I got transferred to the ship I was supposed to steal.

I was able to do this fast travel to port before updating the game to your latest version, so it seems there might be some stuff changed on the character position when doing this quest. Because I was able to do this and i was positioned far from the edge of port to trigger the next part of the quest


  • Ardent.rar
    1.1 MB · Views: 103
Useful hint - don't fast travel! It breaks all sorts of quests, not just in this storyline.

I'll have a look at those savegames and possibly disable fast travel at the point where you have rented a room in the tavern, at least until after you have boarded the brig.
Yes, a clean install using the January 2022 installer plus the 6th June update would be a good idea.

Last time I tried to install Build 15, it refused to run, saying it needed some more Windows components. I haven't had time to try again recently. But there is certainly a thread about it:
WIP - Beyond New Horizons Alpha Release
Thanks @Grey Roger, Did a complete new install and all was good. Tested the Ardent storyline and had no issues except for the Electress being kept in the officer menu after she should have left it after her rescue and the discussions in Havana.

Turns out I must have applied the update to an older version I had on my back up drive. Still have issues with saving games - 9 out of 10 saves result in a bad save. Even the quick saves have this issue. Might be my PC virus protection or something specific to my PC setup - not sure, but this has been an issue before and was resolved with an update a while ago but is now back for me.

I might wait a little before jumping into the Build 15 version as I don't have a lot of time to test it at the moment.
Thanks @Grey Roger, Did a complete new install and all was good. Tested the Ardent storyline and had no issues except for the Electress being kept in the officer menu after she should have left it after her rescue and the discussions in Havana.
She should never have been an officer, but I can see how she might have remained a passenger if you declined the San Lorenzo. Thanks for pointing that out - it should be fixed in the next update.
Useful hint - don't fast travel! It breaks all sorts of quests, not just in this storyline.

I'll have a look at those savegames and possibly disable fast travel at the point where you have rented a room in the tavern, at least until after you have boarded the brig.
ohh i see my bad then, i thought it was supposed to be like that
So, we've been discussing it on the discord, but once the Build 15 Beta releases, all the major bugs should be fixed and we are going to want to shift all active efforts towards the Build Mod 15. It'll be playable enough and having a standalone mod with the new engine will attract a lot of people since people don't have to go fetching POTC CDs anymore which are becoming evermore difficult to find. Everyone please prepare for this change, as personally, I won't give a hard deadline, but I wouldn't be shocked if this happened by the end of the year. I'm going to post this to most relevant threads so I can get some feedback regarding this. Hammie has done a lot of work on this and I've been doing a lot of testing, and we're becoming more confident with each new patch about its viability to launch.
Okay, I started a private conversation with you and a few others too if you want to respond there, otherwise, I'll keep checking here as well, just want to make sure you're in the loop :doff
At last, another update!

It's here:
https://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_1Jan_updates_031023.zip

Before you install this update, be warned - you will need to start a new game. Two of the changes included in this update make this necessary:

One is for the benefit of Spanish speakers - as well as continuing the general Spanish translation, @Homo eructus has translated the texture files which provide the tips on loading screens, but the code needed to switch to the folder of Spanish language textures breaks any previous saved game.

The other is that when you choose your pirate flag, you'll find a row of new flags, plus a few plain black place-holder flags.

If you try to continue an existing save, it will appear to work, right until you decide to quit for the night and save the game again, and that's when it will crash. If you start a new game, you should be able to save safely - it certainly works for me.

So, what else is new?

@Homo eructus and @AkrimalS have been continuing their fine work translating the game into Spanish and Russian respectively, now including the storylines - dialogs, questbooks, on-screen messages.

Ever noticed that when you sail to Cuba, Bahia de San Antonio is closer to Santiago than Havana, while Bahia de Moa is up near Havana? Not any more! They're swapped round on the worldmap. But don't worry, quests such as "Peter Blood's Crew" still work - just make sure you sail to where Bahia de San Antonio is now, not where it used to be! It still links to the same beach, from where you can still walk to Havana to rescue the crew.

We've had a nice new cursed Flying Dutchman for some time, thanks to @The Nameless Pirate. Now @QARownsBP has retextured it to bring the same improvements to the uncursed Dutchman.

Finally, @Purpure Longstride has been working on a story called "Squire of the Sea" in a completely different game. You can read about it here:
Introducing Myself
The main character, also called Purpure, looks very similar to one of the regular NPC models in PoTC, so now she's also a FreePlay character:

The story is supposed to be set in 1840, but the last period in PoTC ends in 1830. So there's a little bit of trickery here - the story selection screen shows 1830, but the year is 1840 when the game actually starts.
@Grey Roger have you had the chance to try BNH? From my limited time with it, it seems at least as stable as the current NH build and certainly loads faster and it's way more accessible, being standalone. Do you consider moving onto it sooner or later?
@Grey Roger have you had the chance to try BNH? From my limited time with it, it seems at least as stable as the current NH build and certainly loads faster and it's way more accessible, being standalone. Do you consider moving onto it sooner or later?
I think that we need to first make the old version stable. At the moment, the stable stories are those that I checked on the Russian version... and not the ones you think. After passing there are even some bugs, for example with a powder keg. I can’t say anything about the second part of Woods Rogers, nor about the Devlins’ plot. Also, I haven't played FreePlay yet. Now I have finished translating the new DevlinOpera files and will check them. As I understand it, this is not the final version, the author has disappeared again?
I think that we need to first make the old version stable. At the moment, the stable stories are those that I checked on the Russian version... and not the ones you think. After passing there are even some bugs, for example with a powder keg. I can’t say anything about the second part of Woods Rogers, nor about the Devlins’ plot. Also, I haven't played FreePlay yet. Now I have finished translating the new DevlinOpera files and will check them. As I understand it, this is not the final version, the author has disappeared again?
The question is whether it is worth it to keep trying to make the old version more stable when there is already the new version that already is more stable. Even if all the storylines are fixed in the old version, they probably will need new fixes in the new version too. If all the fixing can be done directly in the new version, that would save time and effort. I don't see many people clinging to the old version once the new one is in good shape, other than veterans who have been playing the mod for years in its unfixed state and will probably be happy to continue so. Even ongoing games aren't really en excuse because this last update isn't savegame compatible anyway.

In a mod as huge and community-driven as this, there's always going to be unfinished stuff. That shouldn't be a reason not to move on eventually. Even if it stays unfinished in this version, it could always be completed in the new one.
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The question is whether it is worth it to keep trying to make the old version more stable when there is already the new version that already is more stable. Even if all the storylines are fixed in the old version, they probably will need new fixes in the new version too. If all the fixing can be done directly in the new version, that would save time and effort. I don't see many people clinging to the old version once the new one is in good shape, other than veterans who have been playing the mod for years in its unfixed state and will probably be happy to continue so. Even ongoing games aren't really en excuse because this last update isn't savegame compatible anyway.

In a mod as huge and community-driven as this, there's always going to be unfinished stuff. That shouldn't be a reason not to move on eventually. Even if it stays unfinished in this version, it could always be completed in the new one.
I know that it is stable, but if I start playing it now, I am sure that I will find bugs that I did not find in the old version. Therefore, I will finish the old version first, in fact it will not have any effect, as I understand the code for these games is the same.
For the translation, at least, I believe the code is the same, as are the translation text files. Therefore there need be no argument about which version you play, at least for translation purposes - the translations should be equally applicable to both.
As long as both versions keep consistent with each other in terms of content, but I don't know how long that will last once the porting phase is considered done and they start working on new features or content.
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Porting over these updates can be quite a lot of work already, so I'll probably stop doing them once the Build 15 beta is released.