• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 31st January 2025]

Ahoy Mateys, Just curious if these updates will be pushed out to the download from the ITCH.IO, I purchased the engine and started the game to test it out. But noticed these updates and would rather play the latest up to date version. Also since Im not sure where to find it but is there supposed to be indicators with health bars and an arrowpointing at the ship above it in COAS similar to Caribe Stories, was playing the Historical Eras version.
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Ahoy Mateys, Just curious if these updates will be pushed out to the download from the ITCH.IO, I purchased the engine and started the game to test it out. But noticed these updates and would rather play the latest up to date version. Also since Im not sure where to find it but is there supposed to be indicators with health bars and an arrowpointing at the ship above it in COAS similar to Caribe Stories, was playing the Historical Eras version.
The Maelstrom version of New Horizons (the one from itch.io) is independently managed by @Mirsaneli .
The one on itch.io is Maelstrom, which I do not have. Some of the changed or new code in the update might work with the Maelstrom version, some might not.

PoTC has health bars for the player character and for officers in the party, above their status icons which are at the bottom left of the screen. At sea, again, the player's ship and companions show health bars at the bottom left. Other characters do not show health bars over their heads as they do in later games, and neither do ships. A good spyglass can show an estimate of a ship's health but it is just that, an estimate, and will not be completely accurate.

If you are issuing an order to one of your ships to defend or attack something, the target currently selected for the order will have an arrow pointing at it from above - green for a friendly ship, red for a hostile. Beyond that, there are no arrows.

I found another tiny little mini mistake.
In one of the dialog files probably the full stop at the end of the sentence is missing.

Dialog file "Arendt Dickman_dialog.h", line 18:
"I'm sorry, but I don't have anything to talk about right now",

Have a nice sunday!
Me again :)

file: Antoine Lebretton_dialog.h, line 157

...until you reach the gates to another part of town\nGo through that part of town...

Missing full stop before a new line or paragraph begins

Next one: I don´t know if this has already been reported: the line is too long to fit in the dialog box.


  • Tavern.jpg
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Me again :)

file: Antoine Lebretton_dialog.h, line 157

...until you reach the gates to another part of town\nGo through that part of town...

Missing full stop before a new line or paragraph begins
That should not matter because the "\n" forces a line break, adding "..." to the end of the part before. You could put a full stop there, in which case you'd see "All right, but it's your funeral, perhaps literally, if you're not careful. If you still want to see him leave the tavern and go to the right until you reach the gates to another part of town...." instead of "All right, but it's your funeral, perhaps literally, if you're not careful. If you still want to see him leave the tavern and go to the right until you reach the gates to another part of town..."

Next one: I don´t know if this has already been reported: the line is too long to fit in the dialog box.
This is not a problem I've ever seen - which version of the game are you playing? Some other characters have much longer lines than that. The line should automatically be split to fit into the box, so that Simon Hanpool and any other characters with a very long line of text have that text split across several lines in the display.
That should not matter because
My English is anything else but perfect, so maybe I didn´t express clearly enough what I wanted to express. :)
I just stumbled while reading this sentence because there is no punctuation that "ends" the sentence. That was all.

This is not a problem I've ever seen - which version of the game are you playing? Some other characters have much longer lines than that. The line should automatically be split to fit into the box, so that Simon Hanpool and any other characters with a very long line of text have that text split across several lines in the display.
This is the first time I ran across this problem of a line not fitting in the dialog box.
There seems to be nothing remarkable about the text lines. I copied the relevant first two lines:

"It's nice to see a person in this god-forsaken hole who dresses nice. My name is ",
", and I am the owner of this establishment.",

Version is Build 15 alpha 9
Your English is fine. The sentence does look odd without the full stop, unless you know that it will have three of them added by the line break. ;)

The problem of text not being split to fit inside limits does indeed seem to be a bug in Build 15 - have a look at this:
WIP - Beyond New Horizons Alpha Release
I've still not got round to trying again to install it (last time I tried, it wanted some additional Windows components which I didn't have) so I'm still using Build 14.
Just experienced my second CTD.
The situation both times was more or less the same: I could board a ship and even win the fight. Those ships always had a higher class than my old one,
so I decided to swap the ships and took the goods and crew. And both times when I pressed exit --> desktop.

If you need any files please tell me which ones.
Next time you are in position to board an enemy ship, can you save game and then post the file? It will need to be the last enemy ship as you can't save during a battle in progress.
I can see, that it's still the build 14, that is the last known stable version. I'm too lazy to play an alpha build 15.

But if I want to play the most updated version of build 14, what files must I download? There seem to be a tons of different updates, and I don't know, If I have to find and download all of them.
I can see, that it's still the build 14, that is the last known stable version. I'm too lazy to play an alpha build 15.

But if I want to play the most updated version of build 14, what files must I download? There seem to be a tons of different updates, and I don't know, If I have to find and download all of them.

Everything you need is in the first post of this thread, the build itself and the latest update (currently 6th April) that already comes with every other previous update.
I'm planning to put out an update tomorrow. @Jack Rackham, @AkrimalS, @Homo eructus, @BathtubPirate - if you have anything new and ready to add, please upload it today or early tomorrow.
Let's try it.

I might have forgotten something outside the storyline folders, remember this was all done months ago...

The quest "My Life as a Waitress" could probably get some improvements of things I didn't finish last year (specs of the officer, examinable map), but should mostly be finished and payable and hopefully a bit tricky. ;) Then follows the quest "Hermit and the Frogs" of which there is just a short beginning. It should abruptly end after you visit the Cayman governor.