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'After Final' gives no action for Danielle/Clement


Storm Modder
Hey all - back again :)

I just played thru "Tales of the Sea Hawk" and completed the final mission to sink or capture the Black Pearl. I now have "After Final" in my quest book, but when returning to Lighthouse Bay on Barbados, Clement has no dialogue other than his usual "get me back to the lighthouse". I tried to take Danielle to Rocky Shore on Jamaica and same issue -- there's no ending dialogue available.

Any hints here?
Do you have a savegame from shortly after you defeated the Black Pearl but before you went to Jamaica or Barbados? Or do you have a savegame from shortly before going to Cozumel? If you can upload either of those, I can take a look and see what is going wrong.

Which version of the game are you playing?
Sorry! Forgot to add here -- I'm playing the latest Build 14 "final" release.

Attached save file here -- right after capturing the Black Pearl and heading back towards Bridgetown. I also captured the man of war and one of the pirate frigates.

Much appreciated!


  • -=Stock=- QuickSave 133.zip
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There are a couple of very odd things about that game. One is that you're in for a surprise next time you go to Martinique - you somehow managed to bypass an event which should have happened long ago when you returned to your ship through the jungle or port, so it's waiting for you next time you land. As far as I can tell, it shouldn't send the whole story back to an earlier point; it should just do something which looks odd now the main story is over, then close a questbook which is still open.

More importantly, after defeating the Black Pearl, did you see a video of the ship sinking and some skeletons walking on the seabed, with a narration by Keira Knightley? Did you see the credits video? My guess is that you somehow managed to bypass the credits video because the piece of quest code which shows it should also have put an entry into the "After Final" questbook which is not there, it should have replaced the cursed Black Pearl with an uncursed version, and it should have set up a trigger for things to happen when you arrive at Barbados lighthouse. None of this has happened, and that's why Clement doesn't say anything special.

Danielle doesn't say anything special at Jamaica until you go to see the replacement governor. That part, at least, does work - I was able to land at Rocky Shore, walk into town, talk to the governor, and then Danielle talked to me when I left the town hall.
Interesting. Re: Martinique, I'm really not sure how that happened (my guess is that it has something to do with the character's ship now being a fast travel item from anywhere in the land world -- in almost all instances, I fast travel back to the ship vs trekking back thru jungle or town. Would that make sense?

No ending scene of the Black Pearl played either. I captured it and then immediately went to F3->World Map to enter the overworld and try to escape back to a friendly port before my captured ships sank in the sailing mode :) I wonder if I did that too quickly and didn't give the game time to trigger the cutscene. I saw all the other cutscenes in the Khael Roa temple as expected.

Is there any way to manually edit the save file to set the quest completion statuses to the right point?

Much appreciated!
I've never tried manually editing a save file but this might work instead. Download the file, put it in the "PROGRAM" folder, then load your savegame and press F12. If it works, you should have a new entry in the questbook, suggesting you go to Jamaica and also take Clement home. And you should have an uncursed Pearl. If it doesn't, there will probably be an "error.log" file in the top level of the game installation folder, in which case post that.

Fast travel can play all sorts of havoc with quests! Indeed, if you used fast travel to zap back to the ship then you bypassed the triggers in both the jungle and port on Martinique, which is why the triggers are still active and waiting for you to enter town by either route.

If I want to save time travelling around town or back to the ship, I just press 'R' to speed up time and run around, then press 'G' to slow time back to normal. You can press 'R' several times to speed time even more, in which case each press of 'G' cancels one level of 'R'.


  • console.c
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Thanks - the console change worked perfectly! I'm now able to see ending dialogue for both Clement and Danielle.

If fast travel to the ship breaks quests then it seems strange that it's enabled in cases where it can disrupt a quest? It's very handy to use that instead of trekking thru the jungles (even using R/G to speed/slow time) and to avoid random encounters in the jungle which proved to be very unforgiving in the game. I wouldn't have used direct to ship travel mode if I had known I was breaking quests ;) :)