Thanks! Do you also have "ships_init.c" with an entry for it? I'd need to play around with the privateer lugger's entry to put it into PoTC's version of the file, but the original version should contain some stats which I can use as a starting point. Otherwise, how does it compare in performance to the basic "lugger"? What are its normal cannons?
Here it is mate!
//// Lugger
refShip.Name = "Lugger";
refship.Soundtype = "lugger";
refShip.Class = 5;
refShip.MaxCaliber = 6;
refShip.Weight = Tonnes2CWT(150);
refShip.Capacity = 670;
refShip.CannonsQuantity = 12; //2,2,4,4 2,2,3,3
refShip.CannonsQuantityMin = 10;
refShip.rcannon = 4;
refShip.lcannon = 4;
refShip.fcannon = 2;
refShip.bcannon = 2;
refShip.MaxCrew = 50;
refShip.OptCrew = 40;
refShip.MinCrew = 8;
refShip.SpeedRate = 15.0;
refShip.TurnRate = 60.0;
refShip.Price = 10600;
refShip.HP = 600;
refShip.SP = 100;
refship.Type.Merchant = false;
refship.Type.War = true;
refShip.lowpolycrew = 8;
refship.Rocking.y = 0.5; = 0.035;
refship.WaterLine = 0.2;
refship.SpeedDependWeight = 0.2;
refship.SubSeaDependWeight = 0.6;
refship.TurnDependWeight = 0.2;
refship.WindAgainstSpeed = 1.50;
refship.InertiaAccelerationX = 10.0; refship.InertiaBrakingX = 10.0;
refship.InertiaAccelerationY = 10; refship.InertiaBrakingY = 10;
refship.InertiaAccelerationZ = 10.0; refship.InertiaBrakingZ = 10.0;
refShip.Height.Bombs.Y = 2.1; refShip.Height.Bombs.DY = 1.0;
refShip.Height.Grapes.Y = 3.1; refShip.Height.Grapes.DY = 1.5;
refShip.Height.Knippels.Y = 10.5; refShip.Height.Knippels.DY = 8.5;
refShip.Height.Balls.Y = 2.1; refShip.Height.Balls.DY = 1.0;
refship.Track.Enable = true;
refship.Track1.ZStart = 0.20;
refship.Track1.LifeTime = 9;
refship.Track1.Width = "2.0, 3.0";
refship.Track1.Speed = "8.0, 10.0";
refship.Track2.ZStart = -0.15;
refship.Track2.LifeTime = 7;
refship.Track2.Width = "3.0, 4.5";
refship.Track2.Speed = "0.15, 0.25";
refship.nation.england = true;
refship.nation.france = true;
refship.nation.spain = true;
refship.nation.holland = true;
refship.nation.pirate = true;