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Need Help Hoist the colors (For the 125431th time)

@Sebrian two questions:

1 the bathhouse is a very large room. The outside building in Singapore doesn't match that at all.
Is it ok if I add stairs down to the bathhouse?
2 when searching for a throne I found this statue. What do you say of using it instead of a throne? Maybe it's Poseidon but the large room
needs something large at the far end. Also there's a strange hole in the floor which I can cover with this statue.
I have encountered the same issue and another weird questbook bug, but @Grey Roger has not encountered it on his playthrough, so i didn't do anything with it.
Bear in mind that there are numerous paths through the early years, the sidequests, and even CotBP. My playthrough won't be the same as anyone else's.

But "Ship Stolen" is probably left open because there are several different ways by which Sparrow's ship may be stolen - twice by Barbossa and once by Jaoquin de Masse.

@Sebrian: if you're going to require the player character to be a Pirate Lord at some point in DMC then "Sao Feng's Missing Bodyguards" must be complete at that point. And since the player is playing DMC then CotBP is complete including Barbossa's ship stealing. So, if you can't figure out a way to safely close the questbook earlier, it can certainly be closed then.
"Sao Feng's Missing Bodyguards" is the storyline's version of "Strange Things Going On in the Caribbean". You're now chasing a group of masked men led by Stallion, and a frigate named Crimson Blood. If Jaoquin de Masse is still a passenger then, when you board Crimson Blood and kill its captain, de Masse will appear in the cabin and require you to give him either the Crimson Blood or your own ship. Later, when you return to Port Royale to report back to Father Bernard, de Masse steals whatever ship you gave him. When you return to port, you are just in time to see him sail off.
"Sao Feng's Missing Bodyguards" is the storyline's version of "Strange Things Going On in the Caribbean". You're now chasing a group of masked men led by Stallion, and a frigate named Crimson Blood. If Jaoquin de Masse is still a passenger then, when you board Crimson Blood and kill its captain, de Masse will appear in the cabin and require you to give him either the Crimson Blood or your own ship. Later, when you return to Port Royale to report back to Father Bernard, de Masse steals whatever ship you gave him. When you return to port, you are just in time to see him sail off.
I see, I sold de Masse's ship before I went to Port Royal. xD

I'm now between Justine Le Moigne and the new stuff (the new Davy Jones crew models are impressive!). I already said it, good stuff but honestly, sometimes a bit over the place and cobbled together between the two different opening parts, the Becket stuff, the Barbossa and Aztec stuff, the CotBP stuff and the sidequests, some of which are better adapted and changed while others feel like the disguised carbon copies they are. Justine Le Moigne aka Elizabeth Shaw is still one of the better mod sidequests, very well written, and probably the closest PotC NH ever gets to a spooky horror atmosphere (the Arthur Gordon Pym quest in second place). But in its essence being the sidequest which makes Davy Jones appear outside of HtC, it doesn't fit that well after Jack Sparrow already met Davy Jones because the two Davy Jones stories are just so separate from each other.

But now I'm curious about @Sebrians new material.
@Sebrian two questions:

1 the bathhouse is a very large room. The outside building in Singapore doesn't match that at all.
Is it ok if I add stairs down to the bathhouse?
2 when searching for a throne I found this statue. What do you say of using it instead of a throne? Maybe it's Poseidon but the large room
needs something large at the far end. Also there's a strange hole in the floor which I can cover with this statue.
View attachment 41207

1. I think stairs are fine, it doesn't look too out of place or empty if it's indeed so large ?

2. I like the statue, the only downside it that it might not match the whole Asian theme of the town...
I'm working on the stairs now and let the statue stay. If something better comes up it's very easy to replace the statue.
Here's the Singapore bathhouse.

As usual a lot of work around code at the end of quest_reaction.c
I have not added any music to these two rooms. Just some background water dripping.
And no locators for enemies/npc:s in the bathhouse.

Here's the starting conditions:

Pchar.Singapore_pos = "1";
Pchar.Bathhouse_pos = "3";

LAi_QuestDelay("BH_fog_off", 0.1);
LAi_QuestDelay("BH_steam_off", 0.1);
LAi_QuestDelay("Bathhouse_check_points", 0.1);

DoQuestReloadToLocation("Singapore_port", "reload", "reload1" ,"Singapore_check_points");

Inside_bathhouse_stairs.jpg Inside_bathhouse.jpg


  • Bathouse files.7z
    8.3 MB · Views: 103
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Here's the Singapore bathhouse.

As usual a lot of work around code at the end of quest_reaction.c
I have not added any music to these two rooms. Just some background water dripping.
And no locators for enemies/npc:s in the bathhouse.

Here's the starting conditions:

Pchar.Singapore_pos = "1";
Pchar.Bathhouse_pos = "3";

LAi_QuestDelay("BH_fog_off", 0.1);
LAi_QuestDelay("BH_steam_off", 0.1);
LAi_QuestDelay("Bathhouse_check_points", 0.1);

DoQuestReloadToLocation("Singapore_port", "reload", "reload1" ,"Singapore_check_points");

View attachment 41236 View attachment 41237

Looks real nice! I will try to check it out today or tomorrow, this month has been really busy indeed, didn't do much of anything with the mod.

I will do the locators and music, thank you yet again for your work!
Yes it was fun because the locations were so different and I learned something new too.
Now I'm retutning to my own locations...
But now I'm curious about @Sebrians new material.

@BathtubPirate was it so great that you have decided to seek further inspiration by meditating somewhere else or so bad that you gave up on this game entirely ? I don't want to be responsible for your disappearance in any case! :D
@Sebrian, @Jack Rackham: could you upload the latest files you have for "Hoist the Colours"? I'd like to put out a new update soon, preferably including as much of DMC as possible.
@Sebrian, how do we do this. Can you put together what I have uploaded piece by piece with your own material
or would you like me to make a package of "my" files first?
If it would make things easier for you, you could just each upload what you have and I'll run them through WinMerge. I'll be doing that anyway, especially on "quests_reaction.c" to add in some tweaks I made to CotBP. (Nothing which alters the story, just a few bits of bug-fixing and player-proofing.)
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Hey everyone!

I apologize for my sudden disappearance, unfortunately my old notebook finally died on me last year, taking my code and motivation with it :modding

Now i have a new and way more powerful setup, so ill be back continuing Hoist the Colors soon enough, but i would love to do it on the new engine.

So ill be installing that version of the game and it will take some time for me to get back into modding again, but it's nice that this mod is still being worked on!

And i guess me and @BathtubPirate are in synch again :cheers
Hey @Sebrian ! Looks like we come as a pair in these waters. :D congrats on the setup, I'm planning an upgrade as well since I'm modding Devlin Opera on a hot potatoe over here...