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Need Help Hoist the colors (For the 125431th time)

@Grey Roger, this might sound silly but i never tried to talk with Will for second time in that scene
Players often do things which quest writers didn't expect. This is why bugs are still sometimes reported in other storylines which have been around for a while. DMC is still in its early days - wait till other people start playing it! xD
Meanwhile i have started working on coding in the last two scenes, one small scene with a dialogue between Jack/Elizabeth on the deck is done, and the church fight scene is pretty much done as well, so that leaves the last scene in DMC questline, Kraken/Dutchman fight, and here i could use some help still...

First part of the scene is pretty straight forward, just another fight with the Dutchman, or you could try to run away again, player will decide that ;)

After the fight Kraken attacks player's ship, the easiest way of doing it would be just by making kraken attack your ship, and sink it, that's it, scene done :D

But we ain't about doing things the easy way here :cheers

Player will have two choices, abandon his ship, and let the kraken do it's thing, or get back on ship and fight off the kraken...

And here is where i need help.

1. As i understand each variant of ship's main deck is a different location with it's own set of locators... i need to add a scene specific locator for a boat on which the player will try to escape, i will have to add a locator for each one of the decks available ? Is there a better way of doing it ? Locator is outside of the deck.

2. Still the darn question about the tentacles, in the movie they attack the ship's deck, and crew is shooting/attacking them to fend off the Kraken, i have not yet figured out a way to do this, trying to make the tentacles using building items was janky at best.

They are supposed to surround your ship and have HP / be attackable, and again the same question about locators above applies here.
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Wasn't it the Black Pearl which the Kraken attacked in the end? So why is there even the possibility of the player having different ships (thus affecting the variant of deck)?

Sorry I didn't ever manage to test/play anything yet. :shrug
Wasn't it the Black Pearl which the Kraken attacked in the end? So why is there even the possibility of the player having different ships (thus affecting the variant of deck)?

Sorry I didn't ever manage to test/play anything yet. :shrug

We had a fiery discussion about this with @Grey Roger when i started coding DMC.

For example i have a big chunk of code just for the bootstrap's scene where he meets Jack on board of the Black Pearl, which checks if the player's ship has crew quarters and/or cargo deck, so the story adapts to the player instead of adapting the player to the story :D

Player can have any ship at any given time, plus there is a side quest in which the player might lose the Pearl, so allowing any ship just made sense to me in the end.
Fair enough. I had similar discussions about Devlin Opera, regarding quest scenes where the characters meet in the cabin or on deck to discuss stuff. I then settled for a quest cabin location that corresponds with the actual cabin of the starting ship which is locked at the start selection and also quite good (as far as I know - I'm not too familiar with the ships in the game). In theory,the player can switch to the tiniest lugger on the planet and those quest scenes would still take place in the big cabin, but to me, that's kinda the players "fault".
@Sebrian, if you please could upload your latest quest_reaction.c and Questlocations.c for me to add my changes.

Sao Feng's ship is at the moment placed in Turks (just for fun). Do you want it moved to Singapore or elsewhere?
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Sao Feng starts the game in Turks Island residence, partly so he can hand out the "Sao Feng's Bodyguards" sidequest, and partly because he's your source of promotions within the Pirate Brotherhood. Normally you'd get promotions from the boss of Nevis Pirate Settlement, but not in "Hoist the Colours". So I'd suggest not moving Sao Feng out of Turks residence until needed by DMC. After that, if he's either dead or taking up permanent residence in Singapore, you'll need to put a replacement governor into Turks residence so that the player can continue to claim promotions.

You could also perhaps require the player to be a Pirate Lord before proceeding to Singapore. The story might want Jack Sparrow to be a Pirate Lord at this point anyway, and it's also a good way to check that the player has completed "Sao Feng's Bodyguards", currently the only way to become a Pirate Lord.
@Sebrian, if you please could upload your latest quest_reaction.c and Questlocations.c for me to add my changes.

Sao Feng's ship is at the moment placed in Turks (just for fun). Do you want it moved to Singapore or elsewhere?

@Jack Rackham you can use the ones from latest build update, as mine are pretty messy at the moment, i will just win merge your changes to my files later on, it will be easier that way

I think we can move Sao Feng's ship, as this is not a live update and i will do everything that's needed in Turks and Singapore for it to function as intended. ;)

The next DMC update will be partly a At the world's end update as well with Singapore and first few scenes for the 3th movie... in the movie it is mentioned that Jack has traveled to Singapore even before the events of DMC, so i think ill add a quest for the player to travel there right at the end of or even before COTB quest, and will check for "Sao Feng's Bodyguards" to be complete before player can start DMC.

At least that's the idea for now.

Right now the game does not encourage Jack to be a pirate lord before starting "Justine Le Moigne’s Disappearance", and there are two different outcomes, if the player is not a Pirate lord, Tia Dalma just walks away with Davy Jones' and you pretty much miss out on the whole DMC story...



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Ok, Singapore is finally finished.


There are three locatorfiles. I needed two (day + night) but a third was needed for
items added via locators. (planks + donkeys)

There are two walk paths. (day + night)
Work arounds have been made where the walk path didn't work.
Officers follow you through those fixes now. (they didn't on the shipwreck)

NPC:s can't pass that line though, so there are two large zones and
NPC:s will stay in their zone. The "border" is
at the bottom of the stairs to the right.

Eight doors have been prepared for future interior locations. (officer locators here)
Four in the port part: Shipyard, Tavern, Prison and Store.
Four in the upper part: Blacksmith, Tailor, Residence and Brothel.
No interior locations are added.

Many goto and merchant locators are placed but no characters are added.

Ship locators: pchar + 3 companions + boat + 7 other ships/boats.

Other fixes: three doors are changed because of wrong scale or look.

Other added: night lights, night fire locators, smoke locators and a lot of items.

The sound type changes when you enter the tunnel passage from "silent_port" to "Singapore_town"
and vice versa.

Here are the starting conditions:

//this part only if you want to see all ship locators:
AddPassenger(Pchar, characterFromID("Captaine Chevalle"), 0);
// SetOfficersIndex(Pchar, 1, getCharacterIndex("Captaine Chevalle"));
// LAi_SetOfficerType(characterFromID("Captaine Chevalle"));
// ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("Captaine Chevalle"), "Singapore_port", "officers", "reload1_1");
SetCompanionIndex(PChar, 1, GetCharacterIndex("Captaine Chevalle"));
GiveShip2Character(characterFromID("Captaine Chevalle"),"Brig1","Victory",-1,PIRATE,true,true);

AddPassenger(Pchar, characterFromID("Slaver"), 0);
// SetOfficersIndex(Pchar, 2, getCharacterIndex("Slaver"));
// LAi_SetOfficerType(characterFromID("Slaver"));
// ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("Slaver"), "Singapore_port", "officers", "reload1_2");
SetCompanionIndex(PChar, 2, GetCharacterIndex("Slaver"));

AddPassenger(Pchar, characterFromID("Jaoquin de Masse"), 0);
// SetOfficersIndex(Pchar, 3, getCharacterIndex("Jaoquin de Masse"));
// LAi_SetOfficerType(characterFromID("Jaoquin de Masse"));
// ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("Jaoquin de Masse"), "Singapore_port", "officers", "reload1_3");
SetCompanionIndex(PChar, 3, GetCharacterIndex("Jaoquin de Masse"));
GiveShip2Character(characterFromID("Jaoquin de Masse"),"Cutter2","Victory",-1,PIRATE,true,true);

SetCharacterShipLocation(characterFromID("Sao Feng"), "Singapore_port"); //Empress nr4
SetCharacterShipLocation(pchar, "Singapore_port");
Pchar.Singapore_pos = "1"; (starting from the lower part)
DoQuestReloadToLocation("Singapore_port", "reload", "reload1" ,"Singapore_check_points");


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Perhaps don't require the player to be a Pirate Lord until it is time to go to Singapore? The part of DMC which I've seen so far, up to the escape from Turks Prison, works well enough without being a Pirate Lord.

Alternatively, if the player isn't a Pirate Lord when "Justine le Moigne's Disappearance" ends, perhaps it would be possible to take Tia Dalma to Antigua, where she can then tell the player to return after becoming a Pirate Lord?

Either way, it would mean that a player who completes "Justine le Moigne's Disappearance" before "Sao Feng's Missing Bodyguards" is not permanently deprived of your DMC extension.
Perhaps don't require the player to be a Pirate Lord until it is time to go to Singapore?

I will do some thinking later today to decide the best and most "canon" time for Jack to go to Singapore, he will visit it to do the Missing Bodyguards quest (and most likely some other quests that i will make for it), and become a pirate lord. And then when At the world's end starts, player will switch to playing as Barbosa, and do some specific quests there yet again but as Barbosa, and then meet Sao Feng again but as Barbosa, player won't be able to exit Singapore when playing as Barbosa of course.

After cutting Elizabeth's corset off in Pirates of the Caribbean COTB, the guard comments "never would have thought of that." And Jack turns to him and delivers the line: "You've clearly never been to Singapore."

The part of DMC which I've seen so far, up to the escape from Turks Prison, works well enough without being a Pirate Lord.

Either way, it would mean that a player who completes "Justine le Moigne's Disappearance" before "Sao Feng's Missing Bodyguards" is not permanently deprived of your DMC extension.

Actually the check for being a pirate lord was there originally, it's present in "Justine le Moigne's Disappearance", i just did not change this quest at all, and went with what was given, so we are left with the original line where Dalma leaves with Davy, and the one that i uncommented which requires you to be a pirate lord...

For now it shouldn't be a problem just to remove the check and make so only one dialogue is present, as you have noticed already DMC questline does not require the player to be a pirate lord, it will all make sense till At the world's end, and then it is very much needed for the story to make sense.
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@Jack Rackham you sure overdid it this time! This is some really impressive work, even the code alone for all the workarounds, and the town looks amazing...

As @Pieter Boelen has mentioned before it is not as "in water" as the one in the movie, but i think it's not an issue, and it sure portrays the right atmosphere, especially durring the night.

I think i will change the silent_port sound to something asian but less bombastic as the movie's theme in the future :)

Just wondering, is it intentional that some streetlights are not on at night ? (Some seen in the screenshots)

And maybe you could upload some interiors that go with this location from the original game, i can do locators and everything else for them.

Thank you for your work! It will be exciting for me to make this town come alive.


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Looks great! From what I've seen so far, it looks like Tortuga and the Oranjestad beach combined and somehow better than both. Could it be that soon two of the coolest towns in the game are only seen in one specific quest? (Charleston and Singapore)
Not sure about Charleston, but it would be possible to make Singapore accessible in freeplay, using the same teleport method, realistically it is possible to sail to it from the Caribbean, but would take around 3 months sailing, :D
You should play The Gold-Bug quest. ;) Charleston is my favourite VCO town in the mod, has a funky tune, and even C. Auguste Dupin lives there. And you wouldn't believe how many famous people travel there to eat chinese dinner...
I think i will change the silent_port sound to something asian but less bombastic as the movie's theme in the future :)

@Jack Rackham i think this track works really well for the port area, already tested it in game. Transition between the two tracks is nice.


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Just wondering, is it intentional that some streetlights are not on at night ?
Not from my side. That's the way it is in the original files. They have another way of doing the night lights
so I can't change that.

And maybe you could upload some interiors that go with this location from the original game
There are none, not even a jungle location. So you have to pick from what we've got. (and possibly retexture)

I think i will change the silent_port sound to something asian but less bombastic as the movie's theme in the future
The port music sounds good. I see it's an .ogg, so is it already in or do you want me to do something?

You may notice that some COL files are "missing" for the buddha statue and the residence. That's intentional - it looked best that way.

Have you found the spot where you can get a little headache? :ko