When you have anything to post, let us know here and we'll see what we can do.
Hopefully my internet will (finally!) be back soon, which would help a lot.
You're definitely welcome to ask for testers here!
Can't give any guarantees on myself having time to spare, but I'm sure there will be some people interested.
I wonder what @Armada, @Captain Murphy and/or @Flannery would think...
That looks really cool!
I accidentally ran into a seafaring comic book myself last Friday, but I forgot to buy it or check out the title, so now I don't know what it was or how to get it.
It was something that, at first impression, seemed like "Hornblower: The Comic", but of course it wouldn't actually have been Hornblower.
Do you have any clue what it might have been...? It was in Dutch, but that may have been a translation.
EDIT: Quick search on Google didn't give any results. Unless it was "Roodbaard" (="Redbeard"). But I thought it was something else...
Great! Will do just that, thanks again!