I've made some more progress, so here's what's new:
All gunport lids are now in place with hinges just above them, which means it's time to open them up...
Some lids do look quite chunky where they include the width of the wales, but this appears to be accurate based on photos of HMS Victory.
I've also polished the bow slightly by adding a couple more components, repositioning the boomkins, and replacing the gammoning rope around the bowsprit.
The lower stern has had a major rework, with completely new windows and a refined shape around the quarter galleries. I realised the old windows were sort of "tacked on" to the outside of the hull, so now they're properly embedded inside the structure. Again, I referred to the Victory for this.
I still need to rework the upper stern and replace the white pillars and latticework with better geometry, but I'm otherwise happier with how the stern looks now.
Lastly, I've been improving the interior details with partitions between the rooms. While doing this, I found out the poop bulkhead was too far forward (apparently this is incorrect on the NMM wooden model) so I moved it behind the mizzen mast to match the plans. I then added partitions for some of the cabins and the wardroom, plus the pantry on the upper deck.
I'm not entirely sure what colour the wardroom and pantry should be, so I went with red to match the rest of the interior for now. If anyone knows better (
@Post Captain;
@Captain Armstrong?) regarding this or any other colours I've used, please let me know!
There are still several parts missing, such as interior windows and doors, bow and stern ornamentation, hammock netting and the rigging, but the ship's getting much closer to completion.