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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3.4 Release

When is The Dutch Republic going to become famous?

In the Angelique Moulin quest after talking in the bucaneer camp I got the message in the top left and at the shore Pieter's ship was not there.
Found the cause of both those issues and the fix will be in whatever version I post next. :doff
Another version of the Oranjestad citizen dialog. Now, if you ask about their opinion on a local citizen, specifically the owner of the shipyard, they'll say something a little more appropriate given that there is no shipyard. xD

Not far off. "I will tell you about the shipyard owner when we have a shipyard!" :wp


  • Oranjestad citizen_dialog.zip
    3.4 KB · Views: 237
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ZIP file attached to the opening post now updated with all the latest stuff scattered over the forum:
  . Possibility to change starting date in Select Storyline Interface by Levis
  . Officers on other ships now contribute to their respective captain and get skills from their captain by Levis
  . Pistol sound volume toggle added by Jack Rackham
  . Portuguese promotion reward officer fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Devil's Throat disabled as smuggling shore by Pillat and Levis
  . Shore added to Cartagena by Pillat
  . Armor display on character model disabled for new armor types by Pieter Boelen
  . Unrandomized "guard resident from burglar" reputation increase by Grey Roger
  . Random Relation Change code rewritten and fixed for Commissioned player type by Pieter Boelen
  . Fixed Holland royal name by Pieter Boelen
  . Missing quest added to La Croix storyline by Pieter Boelen
  . Bartolomeu storyline missing patch and model files added by Bartolomeu o Portugues
Some of these may require a new game to take effect, but this is not enforced.
Cleaned up this topic again! Please guys try to put as much as possible in the other subforums and only use this if you really dont know where to put it.
I can now confirm that both "Find Angelique Moulin's Father" and "A Girl Won in a Card Game" work as intended.

Being Nelson, I was hostile to France. After I'd delivered the lady to the governor of St. Pierre, France was neutral (-30). And I found Angelique Moulin's father (on the second attempt - the first time I was in Port au Prince, I couldn't even find Angelique). The quest completed successfully and Nelson now has Francis Drake's sword.
Where can we make suggestions for improvements? Not necessarily a bug, just a minor idea to enhance the game.
Brainstorm subforum.
I love the small touches that have been added like HMS before the name of your ship if you have a LoM.
I love the small touches that have been added like HMS before the name of your ship if you have a LoM.
That has been in there for a while; glad you like it. :doff

I suppose now that we have a "professionalnavy" attribute, technically this should apply only to those types of characters.
Because a privateer isn't part of the navy, they shouldn't really get the HMS/USS prefix either.
That has been in there for a while; glad you like it. :doff

I suppose now that we have a "professionalnavy" attribute, technically this should apply only to those types of characters.
Because a privateer isn't part of the navy, they shouldn't really get the HMS/USS prefix either.

Well if somebody wants to work on joining the navy as an option that would be awesome :beer:
LoM is the closest i can get as far as i know and i enjoy it:keith
I will try this soonest as my frame rate is now down to 20-25 fps and the game is very jerky and hard to play.

Could you put a date on the zip files?

EDIT: This zip just killed my 3.4 tester install.


  • error.log
    600 bytes · Views: 254
  • system.log
    239 bytes · Views: 250
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I will try this soonest as my frame rate is now down to 20-25 fps and the game is very jerky and hard to play.
Probably won't make much difference; I don't think this contains any performance-related changes.

Could you put a date on the zip files?

EDIT: This zip just killed my 3.4 tester install.
Indeed, I messed it up. Corrected now and file dated too.
I am experiencing a consistent engine crash simply by looking through my spyglass while at see. I tab into deck view, ctrl to scan a ship, release and upon return, engine freezes and crashes. Is this a known issue or unique to my game?
Also, don't get involved in a card game after a tavern brawl. It locks you into place sitting on nothing and cannot fast travel or do anything.
That spyglass thing sounds like a personal problem. I can't remember that causing a crash. Usually it is entering or leaving port or a battle.
I am loving the Commissioned start option i allso love where those ideas are going :beer:
I am loving the Commissioned start option i allso love where those ideas are going :beer:
Cool! Can you confirm your nation relations stay properly linked with that of your served nation now?
And what improvements/changes would you most look forward to see?
Cool! Can you confirm your nation relations stay properly linked with that of your served nation now?
And what improvements/changes would you most look forward to see?

I have relations set to static at the moment on the standard storyline and my relations match England's i will set it to change over time when i play tomorrow and see if it works with that too.

A few changes i would look forward to seeing would be a few dialog tweaks with Silehard to recognize i am part of the navy also possibly being able to skip part of the storyline if i am in another nations navy , possibly being able to ask a blacksmith to provide me a sword , getting missions to sink a ship/sail around the island/bring cargo from x to y/guard or escort x ship or y VIP to z destination from my nations naval hq aswell as possibly being able to hire officers and crew from the naval hq.

Its rely just alot of small immersion stuff i guess.