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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3.4 Release

Pieter Boelen

Navigation Officer
Storm Modder
Hearts of Oak Donator
Feature-wise, this is pretty much what the public release will be.
Final testing is very important though to ensure this is as fun and playable as we think it is!

Installation: Proper installer file, use in combination with Part 2 like usual
Extra Fix: See attached
Compatibility: Works on top of all earlier Beta 3 releases
New Game Enforced!

Post-Release Updates:
  . Possibility to change starting date in Select Storyline Interface by Levis
  . Officers on other ships now contribute to their respective captain and get skills from their captain by Levis
  . Pistol sound volume toggle added by Jack Rackham
  . Portuguese promotion reward officer fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Devil's Throat disabled as smuggling shore by Pillat and Levis
  . Shore added to Cartagena by Pillat
  . Armor display on character model disabled for new armor types by Pieter Boelen
  . Unrandomized "guard resident from burglar" reputation increase by Grey Roger
  . Random Relation Change code rewritten and fixed for Commissioned player type by Pieter Boelen
  . Fixed Holland royal name by Pieter Boelen
  . Missing quest added to La Croix storyline by Pieter Boelen
  . Bartolomeu storyline missing patch and model files added by Bartolomeu o Portugues

Change Log:
Build 14 Beta 3.4:
- New Features:
  . Improved Player Character Background customization choices by Jason Maffettone and Pieter Boelen
  > 20 different professional backgrounds, each with their own starting skills, log entries, and unique starting gear
  > Standard storyline starts at Rank 1, all other storylines that allow Free Play start at rank 5
  . Improved smuggling with scheduled patrols and the ability to acquire these schedules by Levis
  . Almost all blacksmiths allow repairing multiple blades by Jack Rackham and Pieter Boelen
  . First Person Aiming Mode expanded by Levis and Pieter Boelen, sounds and textures updated by Pillat
  . Long Rifles with equippable Telescope added by Jack Rackham
  > Long Rifle can be found in the Bridgetown Maltese Knight Abbey Crypt by Pieter Boelen
  > Telescope can be given to you through the church by Levis
  . Blade Kit reduces blade break chance by 50% by Jason Mafettone
  . Neptune's Trident added that allows you to start and end storms on command by TechnicJelle
  > Purchase from Hendrick Vanderdecken at Isla de Muerta for a substantial price
  . Blackbeard wielding the Sword of Triton added to Isla de Muerta by Pieter Boelen, model by Ostrov
- Code Updates:
  . Updates to Abilities System, including 3 new abilities and a Filter Button by Levis
  . Toss Item button added to Inventory interface to get rid of unwanted items by Levis
  . Modified numbers for Ship Surrender by Levis
  . Distinguished better between Navy and Privateer Free Play; select Navy Play using the Commissioned character type by Pieter Boelen
  . Nation merchant ships no longer have soldiers as boarding crew by Pieter Boelen
  . More realistic behaviour for submerged Flying Dutchman by Pillat, Levis and Pieter Boelen
  . Improved sound and visual effects for using bandages and cauterization kits by Jack Rackham
  . Reputation changes rebalanced by Levis
- Bug Fixes:
  . Fetch Quests rewritten and fixed by Levis
  . Part of FEMALE_OFFICER_PERCENTAGE code removed again by Pieter Boelen
  . Cannot save while on ship deck by Pieter Boelen
  . Attempted fix for Stuck At Sea When Assaulted During Mooring by Pieter Boelen
- Storyline Updates:
  . Bartolomeu o Portugues Storyline:
  > Cartagena Quest finished by Bartolomeu o Portugues
  . Side Quests:
  > Mules added to Petit Tabac during the Silver Quest sidequest by Bartolomeu o Portugues
  > Bow and arrow items added for Quest Indians by Bartolomeu o Portugues and Jack Rackham
  . Brave Black Flag new Free Play storyline added by Jason Maffettone
  > Includes a modified tutorial
  > All of the standard game’s side quests.
  > Start the game with a full cadre of 7 officers
  > Some standard story characters and ships have been altered for greater variety, challenge, and reward
  > Full wardrobe of 12 outfits from beginning of the game based on the Blaze model
- Location Updates:
  . Tortuga Town, Oranjestad Port, Havana Center, Santiago and Santo Domingo Towns completely replaced and updated by Jack Rackham and Bartolomeu o Portugues
  . various walk patches fixed and improved by danitim1
- Model and Texture Updates:
  . Merchant Pinnace and Medium Pinnace high-detail custom models added by De Zeeroovers
- For Future Development:
  . Rockets added for quest purposes by Jack Rackham
  . Cursed Maquahuitl item added for quest purposes by Jack Rackham; idea by Bartolomeu o Portugues
  . Test code added for quest boulder chase scene by Jack Rackham; idea by Bartolomeu o Portugues

Stuff for Testing:
- Smuggling
- Fetch Quests:
- Profit from Escort Quests
- Balancing of Hibernian Blade (will remove if necessary!)

From Previous Release:
- Standard storyline after capturing Black Pearl: Should be no more boarding deck errors
- Girl Won in a Card Game: Do you get amnesty now like you should? If not, savegame required!
- Do you ever get stuck upon mooring when an enemy ship approaches you while dropping anchor?


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We're pretty much there! The to-do list is proper tiny by now and the most important things left are play-testing to make sure this is ready to go public!

I sincerely hope that @Hylie Pistof and @Grey Roger will also consider trying this one.
If there are still any things here that you consider to be annoying, now is the time that we can still address them.

So everyone, please get this and have as much fun with it as you can!
Though if you could focus on the things mentioned in the opening post, that would be extra appreciated.
I like very much this idea :) If you can give time to people to play and test Beta 3.4 we will have enough time to test all the new features and find bugs that have to be fixed in the meantime.

I have been waiting for this, and I have to say, thank you so much to all the team of modders of POTC! :aar
By the way, the Dynamic Economy System of Beta 3.2 is not in Beta 3.4, isn't it?
No, it's not. Everything that didn't work right in Beta 3.2 has been excluded.
We should basically be back on the Beta 3.1 track, only better on all accounts.

We have the following two features instead which should work much better:
1. Smuggling goods can change every once in a while, depending on how much smuggling is being done to certain islands.
2. Islands can still run out of certain goods, which will be mentioned in the Tavern News and triggers a Fetch Quest.
In 3.5 the dynamic economy will return in a way better form
Depends on the ZIP of Bartolomeu's work. Ideally ZIP because that is easier to work with.
Either way, you will need the file from the opening post no matter what.
Oh, I've certainly already got that. I have been playing this game with the mod from this site since CMV and all subsequent build versions. I do despair at having to start a new game constantly, but I love the new features. You guys are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up!!!!
We're pretty much there! The to-do list is proper tiny by now and the most important things left are play-testing to make sure this is ready to go public!

I sincerely hope that @Hylie Pistof and @Grey Roger will also consider trying this one.
If there are still any things here that you consider to be annoying, now is the time that we can still address them.

So everyone, please get this and have as much fun with it as you can!
Though if you could focus on the things mentioned in the opening post, that would be extra appreciated.
I'll give it a try.

Things I consider to be annoying:
. The new reputation system.
. Blacksmiths who won't repair single blades. (I don't know if this one has been fixed in a later update, but when I went to Havana, the blacksmith there wouldn't repair single blades. In fact, the only repair option was to repair lots of blades to "Average" quality".)
. Fetch quests which deprive towns of materials needed for ship repair. (Again, the frequency of fetch quests may have been fixed in a later update.)

Things to check:
. Appearance of Female Characters and Officers - as this is one I asked about, I'll look into this.
. Smuggling - was for me always at most a necessary inconvenience, at best never needed because of a quartermaster with "Trustworthy". Someone else's job. :)
. Fetch quests - of limited interest except for unlocking perks, and next time I play I'm disabling locked perks as normal.
. Escort quests - will try to remember to do one.
. Long rifle - not interested, someone who likes 20th century style weapons in a 17th century game can try it. ;)
. Side quests in Horatio Nelson Free Play - guess which storyline I'm going to be using this time instead of "Brave Black Flag". :D
. Balancing of Hibernian blade - is this back in the game? If I can progress the game far enough to get it, I'll see what it does. Rarity appears to be 0.03, which is how I'd set it in a previous game and it seemed fine.
. Boarding deck errors after capturing Black Pearl - can't check this if I'm playing Horatio Nelson!
. Girl Won in a Card Game - presumably Nelson is hostile to France, if not then he soon will be, so if I can get my Luck high enough to win the girl, I'll see what happens.
. Capture Colonies for Cartagena (and, for that matter, Havana, Santo Domingo and Aruba) - will really need to progress the game to get a ship powerful enough to take on their forts.
. Stuck on mooring if enemy ship approaches while dropping anchor - never seen it happen, will report if it happens now.
Thanks for your help! Hopefully with your comments, we'll be able to create a public Beta 3.4 release that everybody can be happy with. :woot

. Blacksmiths who won't repair single blades. (I don't know if this one has been fixed in a later update, but when I went to Havana, the blacksmith there wouldn't repair single blades. In fact, the only repair option was to repair lots of blades to "Average" quality".)
I fixed that myself about two weeks ago or so. Should be good now.
Not all blacksmiths can do batch repairs up to the maximum level because it would be boring if they were all the same.
But every one has single weapon repairs abailable up to maximum level. :yes

. Balancing of Hibernian blade - is this back in the game? If I can progress the game far enough to get it, I'll see what it does. Rarity appears to be 0.03, which is how I'd set it in a previous game and it seemed fine.
Hasn't been removed yet, but I will do it if we can't figure out the balancing.

. Capture Colonies for Cartagena (and, for that matter, Havana, Santo Domingo and Aruba) - will really need to progress the game to get a ship powerful enough to take on their forts.
Cheers! If need be, I can use console myself as well and quickly test these. I already confirmed Havana, Aruba and Santo Domingo to be working.
Cartagena and Santiago have one location each that I have not yet checked myself.
Blacksmiths are working fine for me? Are you sure you are up2date?

And why should a long rifle be 20th century? There were a few rifles even since the 15th century, they were only harder to use (esecially reloading)
I'll check Havana again, but although I didn't get the most recent update, I did get it from the beginning of last week. So if your fix was supposed to be before that, it didn't work.

I'm quite happy with batch mode not fixing to maximum quality - in fact, it was I who suggested that. ;) Just so long as single weapon repair is available at all blacksmiths as well...

It may be that I never saw any Hibernians during my recent game because I only reached level 15 fairly late. That's what daily updates which don't recognise each other's savegames, requiring a new game when one is installed, do. ;)

Aruba should be easy to check if I can progress the game far enough to get "Landing Party", especially since I'll disable locked perks so I don't need to wait for the relevant promotion. Cartagena is a somewhat tougher nut to crack, I did it once a long time ago with Sovereign of the Seas. But I can try the others if I progress the game far enough to be able to take a battleship from someone...
And why should a long rifle be 20th century? There were a few rifles even since the 15th century, they were only harder to use (esecially reloading)
Rapid fire rifles with telescopic sights weren't around in the 15th century. ;)
I'll try that, too^^ Shouldn't be too hard with my Bellona and the Advanced Frigate which was given for promotion (works!). Could need the money since some thievish cursed maltese knight ran away with 95% of my money -.- :D

Well, we could discuss much about the historical accuracy about this rifle.. Maybe it's not 100% accurate, but it is fun, which is the most important ;)
I'll check Havana again, but although I didn't get the most recent update, I did get it from the beginning of last week. So if your fix was supposed to be before that, it didn't work.
Unless my fix disappeared again, it should work. I checked and tested it myself. :shock

I'm quite happy with batch mode not fixing to maximum quality - in fact, it was I who suggested that. ;) Just so long as single weapon repair is available at all blacksmiths as well...
The best blacksmiths in the Caribbean do batch repairs up to maximum quality, but there are only two of those: One for guns and ones for blades.

That's what daily updates which don't recognise each other's savegames, requiring a new game when one is installed, do. ;)
Yeah, that doesn't exactly work wonders on testing. :facepalm
Hopefully that will be over now/soon.

Rapid fire rifles with telescopic sights weren't around in the 15th century. ;)
It doesn't do rapid fire anymore. Only the Pump Shotgun and the QUEST ONLY version of it do.
The type of sight indeed isn't period appropriate and it would be cool if a modeler could some time replace it with a more correct version.

Could need the money since some thievish cursed maltese knight ran away with 95% of my money -.- :D
That's why you REALLY need a good gun down there! He steals and runs away, you shoot him in the back. :guns:

Well, we could discuss much about the historical accuracy about this rifle.. Maybe it's not 100% accurate, but it is fun, which is the most important ;)
Some people might like it, some people might not. At least it is easily ignored the way it is set up now.
Not? Auto Looting should do that for you. And no manual looting either?
Auto-Looting didnt do that, and I couldnt find the corpse anymore to loot it manually :D But in this case, it is quite funny, I went into the crypt to find gold and other shiny stuff and ended up with almost nothing :D What an irony :D