A very minor update and an excuse for it:

This is just improved composition for page header. Disregard anything else. I found out that full wheel works better with different resolutions, easier to compose with adjacent text too. Dark top bar for social media links - for same reasons. + a vignette for logo, as whatever color it is, it doesn't weigh enough alongside other very contrasty graphics.
Only this morning I found time to sit behind this project. My job is like homicide detective's - never know when they'll call you and I have to plough until it's done. But, from Monday I expect big, but single project for 6 weeks, so I'll have evenings again to spare for HoO.
Radetzky, all typefaces are .otf so far and exactly .otf is better web-proofed standard than .ttf. I use "Strong" anti-alias settings for fonts (dk how that works online though), and body text will use
Caption weight of Garamond, specially for readability.
Also, I found that island from some ACIV concept drawing very useful for composition. Someone mentioned having original Far Cry level in SDK, could I get that for our original background render? St-Albans with sails set up too, as I might need to tweak current ship render too.