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Solved Advanced Interface and Flags Code (and much more)

The parchment background looks way better Pieter. It also makes the screen stand out better from the background.
It looks great. And is it in the current update?
Yes, it is. Posted it yesterday. :yes

The parchment background looks way better Pieter. It also makes the screen stand out better from the background.
Wow, even YOU approve. Now I'm REALLY honoured!
Of course I was lucky that somebody already had used that for the Right-Click functionality on the Map Interface.
All I had to do was some copy-pasting. :cheeky
Last edited:
And a slight improvement to the Passengers Interface too:

Now at least that "Change Officer's Role" button no longer looks quite as "cramped" in there as it did before.
Ideally, I'd like to move EVERYTHING up, but that requires changing a LOT of numbers and I don't quite feel like doing that.
So this will have to do.

Also not sure what would happen if you've got a prisoner and are ransoming through the Passenger Interface.
That would all also need to be set up to work properly if everything would be moved around. :confused:
Oh, just me hitting the wrong buttons or something and changing the wrong officer.
Question to Historical Experts

We've got this code in InternalSettings.h:
#define PENNANTS_MIN_YEAR             1000   // INT - year at which ships will use pennants
#define MERCHANT_FLAGS_MIN_YEAR           1600   // INT - year at which merchant ships will use separate flags
This makes ALL ships use the navy flags in Early Explorers. Seems a bit unfortunate to me to not use those merchant flag files when they ARE there.
So I'm inclined to set this value to 1000 so that both pennants and merchant flags are ALWAYS in use.
Just wanted to check if any of our historical experts have any objections to me doing that.
Yep, more variety in Early Explorers. Here's to hoping that is a good thing.... :wp
Has anybody noticed anything weird/wrong with the Select Storyline or Nations Relations interface and the personal/pirate flag selection and display?
If not, then we can consider this one "Solved".
It would be nice if the rows and columns could be hilited better. As it is I use the two finger method of down from here and over from there.
What exactly would you have in mind?

Couple of thoughts of my own on Nations Relations:
- Points being right next to Flag Relation is a bit confusing; should perhaps be swapped with Rank?
- Only thing I could think of to highlight it is to add some semi-transparent black rectangles as lines. Or something.

I'd prefer not touching it too much though. :facepalm
I'm sure someone can come up with something besides black lines. Maybe a checkerboard pattern?
I'm considering this "Solved" too. As far as I can tell, functionally it all works pretty much as it should.

Pirate_KK is trying to make a few more improvements though, so we'll see how that goes.
I'll post here if he gets somewhere with that. :doff
Pirate_KK is working on the Different Flags mod code again. Hopefully he'll manage to figure out a way to reduce the GA! :cheers
If you want to test what he has so far, extract attached to your main game folder.
Recommend installing this on a copy of your regular installation. New game required.

It isn't perfect yet and flags on shore locations seem to be missing altogether, but it might be better at sea.
Would be interesting to have to feedback on whether the GA still occurs or if there are any other weird effects.


  • beta3_flags_updated.zip
    328.9 KB · Views: 167