UPDATED: 21 JULY 2019 (attached)
- complements and credits to Sire, Pieter Boelen and Grey Rogers
..just wanted to share these to me fellow pirates, after all, pirates are cheaters..hehehe..
How can I cheat me rank to different nations? e.g Admiral, Commander, Capitán General, etc.
I figured out a way but it might not be the right way to do it. I changed the effects when buying a Letter of Marque. Using this code in PROGRAM\Characters\CharacterUtilite.c functionfloat SetRank(ref char, int iNation, int newrank):
Below this line:
Then I changed the second zero to my liking so I can be promoted instantly.
(This one's actually a fix by Pieter Boelen when buying a LoM so you can serve several nations at the same time but be careful about their relationship with other nations if you do serve multiple nations and fly the correct flag when attacking or you're gonna be branded as a Pirate)
(The code may vary due to diff wip versions, this one is wip11)

..just wanted to share these to me fellow pirates, after all, pirates are cheaters..hehehe..


How can I cheat me rank to different nations? e.g Admiral, Commander, Capitán General, etc.
I figured out a way but it might not be the right way to do it. I changed the effects when buying a Letter of Marque. Using this code in PROGRAM\Characters\CharacterUtilite.c functionfloat SetRank(ref char, int iNation, int newrank):
//sets rank of char in service of iNation to newrank, and sets points to that rank
float SetRank(ref char, int iNation, int newrank)
// PB: Rewritten to include ALL functionality here -->
// Also, no longer resets relation to 0 if you already had a better relation
string sNation = iNation;
float points = GetActualRMRelation(iNation);
if(sti(char.reputation) >= REP_COMEBACKMIN && newrank > 0)
char.nations.(sNation).Rank = newrank;
points = RequiredNextRankDirect(newrank);
// KK -->
if (ENABLE_FLAGS == 1) {
SetRMRelation(char, iNation, points);
SetActualRMRelation(iNation, points);
if(GetRMRelation(char, iNation)<points) SetRMRelation(char, iNation, points);
// <-- KK
// PB: Rewritten to include ALL functionality here <--
return points;
points = RequiredNextRankDirect(newrank);
if(points < 0) points = 0;
(This one's actually a fix by Pieter Boelen when buying a LoM so you can serve several nations at the same time but be careful about their relationship with other nations if you do serve multiple nations and fly the correct flag when attacking or you're gonna be branded as a Pirate)
(The code may vary due to diff wip versions, this one is wip11)
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