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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Notice "A Short Life" by Naufragant is out!

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Naufragant have come out with a new pirate album, "A Short Life"!
In case you didn't know Franco @Tempesta, who had composed music for Hearts of Oak and the official PA! main theme, is part of the band.
Now go out to the seas me mateys, and congrats to Naufragant! :pflag

PotC & New Horizons Review by Imperial Third World Reich

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A few months ago Anzei_Kazumi dropped by our discord server while making a review video of Pirates of the Caribbean and New Horizons. And now I am delighted to say that the video has been released. (Stock game's main story spoilers.)

The video took me way back when I first played the game. It is a long one but it's humorous, and has interesting facts through out, so it flowed really well for me.
Thank you for making this video and helping keeping the game alive. :cheers
Story Unlosing Ourselves (a thought game...)
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-1: Odysseus & Sinbad
0. Captain Blood (Doctor Peter)
1. Pirates of the Caribbean (George Bruns & Walt Disney)
2. The Curse of the Black Pearl (Johnny Depp, 2003)
3. Build Mod (Sea Dogs/Corsairs, 2003,5)
4. The Legend of Jack Sparrow (by *not* Akella)
4. The Price of Freedom (A.C. Crispin; of Han Solo fame)
5. Dead Man's Chest ('guy' Verbinski)
6. At World's End (x2, TV & IA)
1.5: On Stranger Tides (Tim Powers)
7.5 - Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
7.75 - Salazar's Revenge/Dead Men Tell No Tales (EU-vs-USA, Joachim, Espen & Jelle B.)
7. Sea of Thieves (tie-in, ongoing...)
8. "Pirates of the Caribbean: New Horizons" (PiratesAhoy!. 2003.5-2021)

Oh... sorry. I included *interactive* movies too.
POTC:O should be in there somewhere 2.

I'm lost.
Some help, please...?

Corsairs Legacy. Development blog #20: Sailing Mode / Historical pirate simulator

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New video, and a new ship shown amongst the details about Corsairs Legacy's sailing mode! :pflag

Corsairs Legacy. Development blog #19: Plans for 2022 / Historical pirate simulator

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New video! A short one, but an interesting one, giving more details regarding the plans the Corsairs Legacy.

Corsairs Legacy. Development blog #18: Recorded Stream From Steam / Historical pirate simulator

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Some of you may remember that a few months ago there was a stream on the Corsairs Legacy Steam page, showcasing various parts of the game. Said stream was in Russian, and many of you (me included) may have wondered what exactly was said, so a translated version is now available on the CL YouTube channel.
One thing to note is that the game is in development, and some time has passed since, so some stuff may have been changed/improved.

Corsairs Legacy. Development blog #17: Historical Accuracy / Historical pirate simulator

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Almost a week ago a video regarding historical accuracy was uploaded on the Corsairs Legacy YT channel. Have a look at it if you fancy. :pflag

Corsairs Legacy. Development blog #16: Answers To Questions From Steam / Historical pirate simulator

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A new video is out now on the Corsairs Legacy channel, which means more of your questions answered!
So it would be highly advisable you watched me mateys. :pflag


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To my great shame and regret, Captain Murphy has been "hanged until dead".
And ON MY WATCH too.

I fear he may have taken my "hang in there" too literally.

As per the 29th of March 2022... I officially have blood on my hands.
A community member actually died.
And AFTER I officially took over ownership of PiratesAhoy! too.

Not ever again will I be able to "wash my hands in innocence".
Now my responsibility requires me to make this life debt up to the Captain.

Perhaps nobody can be saved.
But it is in my job description to try it anyway.
This is what it means to be *the CAPTAIN*.

No regrets.

Corsairs Legacy. Development blog #15: When Will the Game Be Released? / Historical pirate simulator

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A new dev-log has been uploaded on the Corsairs Legacy channel.
In case you are wondering the video was made months ago, so it doesn't cover the events that are going on right now.
There are new details about the game's release.

I wish you all the best in these troubled times folks.
Notice Buccaneers! Out Now!
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Skyward Digital's (of which @Armada is a part of) Buccaneers! is finally available on Steam and GOG!
If anyone was a fan of Hearts of Oak project, then some of the music should also feel familiar; courtesey of Christian Tornholm-Lehn AKA @Flannery.
There's also a sale going on, 20% off!

Happy sailing everyone! :cheers:pflag


Corsairs Legacy - Development blog #14: Tavern / Historical pirate simulator

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Ah the tavern, a place where adventures both begin and end. Bridgetown obviously has one, so let us learn more about it and the people working there.

Corsairs Legacy - Development blog #13: Main Character / Historical pirate simulator

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Jack Rackham, Corsairs Legacy's main character, now has a unique model.
There's also a possibility of a better combat system coming, either at launch or later down the line.
Apply now! Corsairs Legacy: Prologue. Official In-Engine Naval Teaser
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Well here it is. A teaser of the naval gameplay, and there will be a game demo in 2022.

If you think that the ship is too fast, worry not.
There will be an option to set it as you would like.

Make sure to wishlist Corsairs Legacy: Prologue so you don't miss when it releases.

Corsairs Legacy - Development blog #12: Combat System / Historical pirate simulator

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See how combat currently looks in Corsairs Legacy, and learn a bit more about the arena.
Plus there is a (not so) little surprise at the end, that will be also shown in the next post.

Corsairs Legacy - Development blog #11: Character Models / Historical pirate simulator

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New video is out!
Character models. Can't have a game without them, can you?
Well maybe you can. But not such a game.

Notice ModDB article on Build 14 final!

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An article on the final version of Build 14 has been released!

to the cannons.jpg

Mod Release Build 14 Final Now Available

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This is it.
I am finished.
I deserve the vacation that my dear friend(s) have been recommending I take for two years straight.

In other words, this is where I leave things.
It is up to whoever reads this to take things where I left off.

Plastering this all over the internet (ModDB, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, NexusMods and what have you more; like GOG.com/Steam, etc. and the list goes ever on).
I hope you fine peopsels enjoy this cumulative result of 14 years' of effort by easily 100+ different people from all over the globe, working together voluntarily in their spare time for zero charge.

Corsairs Legacy - Development blog #8: Open World / Historical pirate simulator

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Gentlemen, a short view back to the past...
I missed this video. Don't know why but I did. Shame really as it was very interesting.
Better late than never I guess.

Corsairs Legacy - Development blog #10: 33 Questions and Answers / Historical pirate simulator

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Ahoy there! New video released on the Corsairs Legacy channel. Which means even more of your questions answered! :pflag
