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Medium Priority Worldmap Encounter Enhancement (V 1.32) Updated

When we are at World Map Encounters anyways... one thing that always bothered me, was, that if the encounter dialog shows up and you can decide "Engage" or "Leave", the time on the sea map KEEPS RUNNING, while it should - of course - stop, so that you can read the encounter dialog without being in the hell of a hurry (especially with time speed increased).
Yeah, sorry 'bout that. That was because of me playing around with the timescale coding. :facepalm
Pomptidomtidom :).

The game now checks the state of the moon and when this changes it will also be displayed to you. Go to calenders.c to disable this. I think we need to move those settings to the internalsettings.h but I will do that in a next update. For now I keep them here for testing purposes.
The calculation of the full moons etc should be about 99.9% accurate. So these will actually be the real states of the moon on that day in the past.
The state of the moon is also stored in the Character under the attribute moonstate, so other modder can use that if they want. The state is stored as a string which corresponds to the defined strings in calender.c
You can also use getMoonState(). This will return a float between 0 and 1 where 0.5 is a full moon.
If you use the text values it will also say if there is a new moon or full moon.
There is a value in the calender.c which says how many days the full moon and new moon period lasts. When using the function IsFullMoon(int accuracy) you can give a accuracy for how many days this period should last for your calculations. If you give in 0 it will use the default number.

Oh and during a full moon there will be a lot more pirates created during the night on the worldmap ;). But I did most of this as preperation for a better cursed coin system :). Cause the moonstate numeric value is actually also the moon intensity if you invert the second part (if larger>0.5 then 1-state).

Also did a few minor chances to the rest of the code to make it even more foolproof.


    14.8 KB · Views: 163
Uploaded a wrong file. The right one should be up now. So if you downloaded it already pieter please redownload.

BTW MIND! the fix for the salary screen is also implemented here already, so you don't have to download that one. If I need to change anything for that bug it will be changed for this also.
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A simple mod that adds visible moon phases to sailing at sea. Used Levis' code to grab the current moon phase and then swapped out textures to represent those phases (waxing, waning, crescent, new, full, etc.). Haven't tested it with the new 3.2 WIP installer, but it works well with 3.1. Only one file changed and 6 textures added. I also corrected some moon movement issues so that the moon moves more consistently across the sky while at sea (moves each hour). If you don't see the moon at night on the horizon, go onboard the ship and look up!

Thanks for doing the heavy lifting calculating the phases Levis!



  • MoonatSea.zip
    63.8 KB · Views: 149
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Darn it! I want to try it but I don't want compatibility issues. I'm like a kid that can't reach a mouth watering candy at home. :facepalm
Now THAT is what I call Team Work! Very cool indeed.
Definitely adds an extra touch of realism to the game. :cheers
For some reason though, your modified textures don't seem to be based on the new Build 14 moon:
Build 14 Beta 2.3:
- Texture Updates:  . Improved Moon texture by Jeff and Armada
Yours does look better than the original one, but it has not been adapted for widescreen use like the Beta 3.1 version was.
See attached for reference.


  • moonglow.tga.zip
    16.9 KB · Views: 151
Great job! I hoped for something like this already :).
I was hoping to be able to detect aspect ratio and serve up different textures to accommodate both widescreen and not. Or is everyone widescreen now and I should just go that way?

Also is version 3.2 WIP stable? I'd like to make sure I'm in synch with everyone.

Thanks in advance for some feedback.
I was hoping to be able to detect aspect ratio and serve up different textures to accommodate both widescreen and not. Or is everyone widescreen now and I should just go that way?
As far as I'm aware, determining aspect ratio is probably not possible as this is set in engine.ini, which is not in the "normal" code files.
However, what I can and probably should do is to make an additional selection in the Installer EXE for widescreen textures.
This applies also to the new Spyglass textures, which for simplicity's sake I had just included in the Beta 3.2 WIP to overwrite the regular files. :oops:

Also is version 3.2 WIP stable? I'd like to make sure I'm in synch with everyone.
It is the same as Beta 3.1 with a couple of fixes added. It should be the most stable version we have at the moment. :yes
Okay so I did some research and I can add this to the open sea mod too. But my question is do people want this? It will mean you will have a lot more encouters close to the islands. When this is a friendly island it wont be a problem but if its a hostile island it can be quiet annoying I recon (haven't tested it yet).
Also it will mean that when you are on open sea and going away from all islands (to the main land for example) its quite possible you wont encounter any ships for quite some time. Probally you will encounter some pirates and especially during a full moon ;).

Btw I have to take a look but I think we should be able to calculate the ammount of light the moon is giving and then combined with the weather data adjust the lighting to that ;). but I first need to see how I adjust that....
I can indeed see why we wouldn't want that in DirectSail. The encounters were added to make that mode not so boring,
so the potential for no ships for a long, long time does not sound too great.
Also, in DirectSail it is much less apparent where all ships are in relation to the islands,
so even if you do implement this, I'm not sure people would even notice, let alone appreciate.
In other words: Perhaps not worth your time and effort.

Although.... I don't play myself, so the input of people actually using DirectSail would be much more valuable.
I wonder what @Hylie Pistof would say.
How do you do that alert thingy? I never have figured that one out.

About this mod, POTC is already really cluttered with junk floating in the water and ships popping up every hour. You want to add more ships close to islands? Sometimes it feels like I'm a blockade runner trying to get in and out of port, especially early in the game. What would this do to smuggling? By definition a successful smuggler does not get caught and having more ships around an island might make that more difficult than it already is.

Between islands being able to just kick back and let her sail is about the best part of the game to me. I used to just let the ships sail, turn off the overlay and enjoy the view.

Go ahead and make this mod and I will test it with a new game. Luke159 is happy with my testing for him so I can do this, but it will probably take a few days to get any feedback. :dance