• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Window issues


Hey all, I just installed this today and had no issues until I installed the Extra fixs and now my window is off screen and I don't seem to be able to move it. Is there a way to make it re centre itself?

Hey all, I managed to fix the issues at least in full screen mode. I set my compatibilty to Windows 7 mode and ran it as admin and that fixed the issue. Just in case someone else needs to fix it I'll leave this up
Welcome aboard lad!
I wonder if that's caused by the newer versions of "engine.ini" or "Config.exe"?

@Count_vampz: perhaps you could try an experiment? Install the game again, to a different folder so that you don't mess up your working game. Do not change compatibility or run as admin; do what you used to do before you had the problem. But when you copy the Extra Fixes archive place, just copy the "PROGRAM" and "RESOURCE" folders. (You can copy the "Documentation" folder and the file "Build Info.txt" as well if you like; they're both just documentation and do not affect the running of the game.) Do not copy "engine.ini" or "Config.exe", both of which are in the top level of the "post_25May_updates_301120" folder. Then run "ENGINE.exe" in this new folder and see what happens.

If that works properly, I'll remove "engine.ini" and "Config.exe" from the next update.
now my window is off screen and I don't seem to be able to move it. Is there a way to make it re centre itself?
In my experience, this happens seemingly at random when the game 'loses focus' while it boots up.
Setting ENGINE.exe to "Windows Vista (Service Pack 2)" compatibility mode in the file properties consistently solves the problem for me.

I wonder if that's caused by the newer versions of "engine.ini" or "Config.exe"?
Pretty sure that shouldn't be related...
The problem apparently showed up this time after installing the update archive. This implies that something in the update caused it. "Config.exe" probably isn't responsible; the installer seems to run "Config.exe" shortly after completing installation, but of course that will be the older version.

As well as some comments explaining some of the settings better, the newer version of "engine.ini" includes this:
postprocess = 1
I wonder if that could be responsible?
I suffered from the same issue as the op, and was able to solve it in the same manner. I was going to attempt to create a second install of PotC and add in update folders one at a time as per Grey Roger's suggestion. Unfortunately, I cannot create an additional install of PotC as each time I attempt to run the installer it wishes to uninstall my present game folder. The only way I was previously able to work around the problem was to have a video running full screen on the other monitor. A regular webpage would not have an effect on loading, but a youtube video at full screen would force PotC to launch on the proper monitor.

Really enjoying the New Horizons mod. I have played the various Akella installments since '03 when PotC was freshly released; back in the day when buying the game meant going to the game store in the mall....walking uphill...both ways...in the snow. PotC/New Horizons has always stood out due to the towns having much more character.
Install PoTC from CD. Don't put it into its default folder, put it somewhere such as "C:\Games\Pirates of the Caribbean - stock".

To install "New Horizons", make a copy of the whole "Pirates of the Caribbean - stock" folder - perhaps call it "Pirates of the Caribbean - New Horizons". Run the NH installer and tell it to use this folder. Don't touch "Pirates of the Caribbean - stock", you will need it again later.

To make another installation of "New Horizons", do the same again - make another copy of "Pirates of the Caribbean - stock", rename it to "Pirates of the Caribbean - New Horizons 2" or something else, then tell the NH installer to use this folder. You can have as many installations as you like, if you have enough disk space for them.