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Fixed Transfer Crew Interface Error Log

Hylie Pistof

QA Tester
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
Here is an error I never saw before. No crashes or anything.


  • error.log
    411 bytes · Views: 173
Here is an error I never saw before. No crashes or anything.
This one I've often seen when there are too many characters in a location:
RUNTIME ERROR - file: characters\characters.c; line: 133
Cant create class: NPCharacter
Do you know the conditions where that happened?
I put a line of code in place to hopefully prevent the original error.log entry:
   for (tempnum1 = 1; tempnum1 < 4; tempnum1++)
     tempnum2 = GetCompanionIndex(MainChar,tempnum1);
     if(tempnum2>=0 && IsTrader(&characters[tempnum2]) == true) continue;//MAXIMUS: such companion will not be added // KK
     if(nCompanionIndex == -1) continue; // PB: Hopefully prevent an error on the next line
     if(CheckAttribute(newFriend,"index") && tempnum2==sti(newFriend.index)) continue;//MAXIMUS: companion will not be added
Until I hear otherwise, I'm calling this one "Fixed". :doff
B14 4.0- 27 Mar version does not permit transfer of crew from a captured ship to companion ships. B14 3.4 and previous versions did allow this. We still have the arrows on each side of the player ship picture in the interface but no change occurs.
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B14 3.5 current version
What version is that according to the date in the main menu?
The real latest version is Beta 4.0 dated 27 March 2016 from here:
Mod Release - Build 14 Beta 4 Internal WIP For Testing | PiratesAhoy!
This is basically the version that I'll post as public release this weekend.

does not permit transfer of crew from a captured ship to companion ships. B14 3.4 and previous versions did allow this. We still have the arrows on each side of the player ship picture in the interface but no change occurs.
Are you a Privateer/Naval Officer? At some point in the past, I changed some stuff for them, but I think it affected only cargo and I restored that anyway.

Maybe you're being affected by the "minimum crew" being enforced? That is nothing new though.

In general: I don't know where this bug comes from. No related code was changed as far as I'm aware. o_O
Sorry Pieter,
B14 4.0 27 March is my current game - went back to a 3.4 game to see if it still worked then, which it did. Brain malfunction with the 3.5 in the opening post.:modding
Anyway, I believe this has been an issue since early this year.
I am playing the standard storyline and previously, if you captured a ship, you could distribute the goods, cannons and crew to your own or companion ships if there was a risk of the ship sinking or you already had four ships in your fleet etc.
Now you can only do this with the goods and cannons, not crew. This was a two way thing - you could also add crew to the captured vessel from any or all of you fleet ships.
I would think it was a pretty useful thing and should be in the public release if possible.
I did check the files transfer_crew.c in Program/Interface, the only difference was one line added in the current version, but not in the 3.4 version:
line 235: if(nCompanionIndex == -1) continue;

Hope this helps.
That functionality wasn't intentionally removed, that much I do know.

@Hylie Pistof: Do you remember seeing this problem? Or maybe @ANSEL or @Jason?
I'm quite surprised that this gets reported only now, since I imagine it should be a rather obvious issue, no? o_O

I did check the files transfer_crew.c in Program/Interface, the only difference was one line added in the current version, but not in the 3.4 version:
line 235: if(nCompanionIndex == -1) continue;
I wonder what that line is for then. Could you remove it again and see if that solves the problem?
Either ir's very recent or there's something odd with @salonikasurf's game. I remember not seeing that problem when I was pirating a Heavy East Indiaman, and although I haven't yet got round to installing the 27th March update, I'm pretty well up to date before that. Also, during testing of "Ardent", I routinely have to take a CastelF and don't have Leadership 5, so I can't keep my old ship. I have to transfer everything to the captured ship and then swap to it (or possibly the other way round, I'm not sure off-hand if I swapped and then transferred).

Minimum crew is only an issue if you intend to take the captured ship as prize in addition to your current ship. If you're evacuating one or the other, you can take the ship's crew right down to 0.
Either ir's very recent or there's something odd with @salonikasurf's game. I remember not seeing that problem when I was pirating a Heavy East Indiaman, and although I haven't yet got round to installing the 27th March update, I'm pretty well up to date before that.
The related code has definitely not been changed in months. I would have remembered changing that in the last couple of weeks and I didn't.

If I understand @salonikasurf correctly, then he noticed a difference in the code between Beta 3.4 and Beta 4.
That means something changed at some point within the last.... year or so? But it wasn't recent.

Actually, I think that particular line MAY have been my addition to prevent an error.log entry that would occur before.
Can't quite remember though.

So this is still a bit of a mystery then.... :shock
Thanks @Grey Roger and @ANSEL for confirming you didn't have this problem. For now, I am forced to mark this as "Cannot Confirm" then.
Maybe @salonikasurf will have more luck once the public release has been posted?
At least then everyone should be guaranteed to have the exact same game version.

Still strange though. :confused:
I did a crew transfer recently between a captured ship and mine with no problems. I did see it greyed out one time but I had a full crew.
Thanks all for your feed back, it may well be my game. Probably the best thing to do is to wait for the new release and do a complete new install. I have had issues in the past after many months of updates with some weirdness creeping in to my game version. It is good to hear it still works in other people s games though. :cheers
Pieter, Tested with the latest clean install - I still cannot transfer crew in the normal manner. If you swap ships around you can transfer crew but this is not correct.
Pieter, Tested with the latest clean install - I still cannot transfer crew in the normal manner. If you swap ships around you can transfer crew but this is not correct.
Can you describe the exact sequence of events of what happens leading up to the capture, what choices you make and what buttons you are pressing?

Also, are there any game settings that you have changed from the default?
I think this is probably a genuine problem (didn't work for me in a quick one off test) but will check how well it worked in 3.4. The confirmation posts that it works OK may perhaps be talking of transfer to the player ship rather than to a companion (which until reported here I hadn't even realized was possible - curses - how many good sailors have I lost when no room on my ship but room elsewhere in my fleet not to mention having to leave a prize because there was n't enough crew to meet both ship minimums after boarding). Anyway whilst I am looking at the ship transfer interface problem I will gather more data on this one too.
Normally @salonikasurf is quite accurate in his reports, so I would be quite willing to believe there is something not quite right.

But how exactly to replicate it? Apparently it is an uncommon issue or other people would have reported it plenty of times by now.
The only other reports I saw though said that everything is fine. Which makes this a bit of a mystery to me.... o_O

@pedrwyth: Since you seem willing to double-check this one, I've put it back to the Bug Tracker. :doff