So in 1684 Juan de Alarcon mounted a major military campaign against Charles Town and the Bahamas. Why would the Spaniards launch a campaign like this if pirates were such a minor nuisance to Spanish shipping?
careful, MK.
you are maybe overshooting the target here.
Only small Vessels?
Which pirates were more Famous the small timers or the Big timers?
Which ones were more of a nuisance the small timers or the big timers?
Who Pissed off the Governments at the highest level, the small timers or the big timers?
You are starting to kind of broaden the Subject, go into undefined areas without stating a new Goal.
Your old goal of showing that not 98.7758 percent of the Pirates used Rowing Boats, but also hat some serious Deck under their feet... goes undisputed.
But now you are opening your eyes to a whole lot of questions, and are talking about things you have not put your Mind and Time onto...
Not with the same depth and organisation, detail and research n stuff...
And it seems, with all due Respect - that you are trying to get into position at the rear of "HMS REFUND". You know, to pour death and destruction from the rear to the front of its decks... nokking over sailors, soldiers and Cannons.
At least a very tiny little bit.
However... HMS REFUND has already Hit "enter"-"go to map" and vanished from the discussion.
Worse - hate me for it...
he DOES have a point. Look, Christmas time is coming up, and Refund was looking for quotes, sources, "proof" and all that, if possible in the form of a Bunch of links.
not for the Purpose of the discussion, for the PROs or the Contras
could you name me two books on Famous Pirates and their Life story that you have red, that you have gathered info out of for the Purpose of this article, and can pass on to the Pirate Noob like me?
To end - You are asking yourself a Series of Questions. Some are vague, others are potshots at your duelist that has left the duel.
Nonetheless many are interesting questions, and i would like to encourage you to shed light on them, and share what you find.
Respectfully and sin cera mente...