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Released the one and fifty three



though i can imagine that will only be done once you've got the rest of the stern finished. how much of a perfectionist are you anyway?
ah, i see. i would have expected the upper parts of the ship to be one layer, since it would reduce topweight. any thoughts from someone more knowledgable in this than me? i'm more at home with rigging than hull construction.
Did you have any good pictures of the green shemes? Or did i overlooked one in your post?

Nightwatcher, The eleventh picture in that set is the Revenge with the green paint scheme.

Looking great mate!



  • Revenge 1577 001.jpg
    Revenge 1577 001.jpg
    2.5 MB · Views: 174
Did you have any good pictures of the green shemes? Or did i overlooked one in your post?

Nightwatcher, The eleventh picture in that set is the Revenge with the green paint scheme.

Looking great mate!


Oh, i thought that would be some sort of carrack, because of the sticky end in front and these half round gunports and other...
There i have to interpret the pictures better!

I hope she looks even so in the engine, really eager to wet her hull.

Does you or someone other have additional thoughts about the inner planking toward the stern, as discussed earlier with Mr. Terror?
Thats the part:
After a few days of silence from me, i have an update to you.

I have hopefully finished the channels and shrouds of the forecastle and added a few gunhatches. The chainplates of the shrouds, as shown on plans and picture of MK, have been replaced by chainlinks.
As shown here the chainplates became popular in the mid 19th century, so i decided to use the chainlinks instead. And i think they add to the look of her.

Status over all, Verts: 7271 Tris: 13012 Poly: 6727

Morgan Terror: your part, please. :wp
Everyone else who wants to commit, please feel free to do so.
this gunport seems crooked:


and i'm wondering if there's going to be some sort of door or ladder over here for access:

this gunport seems crooked:

and i'm wondering if there's going to be some sort of door or ladder over here for access:

Hello Morgan Terror, what a fast reply, really nice.

I wanted to save some tris, so the gunhatch i made is plain and dont follow the curve exactly. I'll try to correct the bad angles a bit.

p2: Yep there comes a door, so you can go from the maindeck trough the forecastle room to the bowsprit. so the plan!
Looks Fantastic Nightwatcher!!! :onya

The chainplates turned out really nice. I'm sure that was a lot of work.

On the gunport I can tell you from both building wooden models of Dutch warships as well as first hand observations of ships like the Batavia, in Lelystad, that I have noticed sometimes that there are odd shaped ports and hatches that just don't look quite right to the eye based on the rake and shape of the hull in that particular area, but when they close, they are water tight.

I corrected the lines, have a look: (tried to replicate the viewing angle)

The chainlinks alone wasnt much work, only a box with an hole. The deadeyes needed a lot more work to look good and have only a few tris. and btw nice to know.
to be honest, i don't really see a difference at first glance. i do think though that it would probably look better once i can view it from all angles in-game.

meanwhile, this is one pretty galleon. i think it's better than the ones we currently have.
Beautiful work Nightwatcher! She is really starting to come to life! I am really looking forward to hunting down this beauty and boarding her in game!
I made a closeup of the gunport, so you can see that the lines match better now, MT.

The Forecastle got another update. The grating, catheads, floor and ceiling are in place. I'am aware that it looks to be over the top that the gratings are objects but they have a very low tri. count of only 176 each. Thats as much as 2 chrouds.

and then i'am in need of opinions. How should the doorframes be painted??? In the last picture you can see 3 examples, but it is easy to add other colors. Finally does the head of the cathead looks ok? To cartonish maybe?

Your kind words were much appreciating to me, so thank you to You all!!!
i would think that the catheads would have a brass cap, not a decoration painted on the end of the thing. they also seem a little 'glued on' to me, and not actually part of the hull. but you probably did it right based on the drawings.

i really don't know about the doors. it really depends on how it looks compared to the rest of the forecastle. i wouldn't go with the dark one though, since it looks odd with the white line above it.
Ships from this time as well as a century later often had sculpture carved into the cats. I've seen some really neat ones with grotesque heads. The ones on Batavia and Prince Willem (before it burned down http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TdkQFpt9XY&feature=related ) had multiple colors for face eyes mouth etc...

I concur with Morgan on the doorframe. Darker is better. Whitewash was common, but not on ships as it had to be reapplied often. I talk a little about historical paint in post number 16 here: http://forum.piratesahoy.net/index.php/topic/15004-new-look-for-yoho-s-convoy-ship/ Ships of this time often preferred darker paints of very durable composition like tar or even animal blood. Not widely talked about or documented well, but I have some obscure references to slaughter house blood being requisitioned by navy yards. Blood red coloring of gun wales and even decks started during the 16th century on naval vessels. This had the obvious effect of reducing panic when the deck was covered in the blood of sailors/gunners/soldiers that already matched perfectly with the paint below.

I would go with the black threshold.

so you actually don't concur then. in any case, i was actually looking at it from a more artistic perspective rather than a practical one. according to your 16th post in that topic though, the rest of the ship shouldn't be that colorful either. if the rest of the ship ignores the use of dark colors for the sake of preservation in the tropics, then maybe the doorframe should follow the theme of ignoring that historical fact like the rest of the ship does?