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The natives are restless


im not sure if ive heard right, but it was said that in the new build there were gonna be new islands. i was wondering if it would be possible to include islands populated by natives, some friendly, some head hunters. maybe the friendlies could help you with supplies or somethin, or there could be treasure on the islands that can only be gotten to by fighting through tribes of savages (is that Politically Correct?). maybe there could also be a few uninhabited small islands that you could make as sort of a hideout. hire men to gaurd it, it could look like a pirate fort in POTC or like the animist cave... maybe you could even buy a ship that could patrol the area around your island. i dunno, these are just ideas that i think would be cool to have... but i might be alone there.[/u]
Catalina be werk'n on retextur'n de Animmnist cave fer a pirate hideout after ye finished de animist quest,but it is sidetracked cause of all other projects she's werk'n on :?
thats cool... but im talkin going a little further than just a retexture, not that im unapretiative.
or (even though historically it was only recorded happening once), have a tiny island specifically for burying treasure, that would be kinda cool.
Aye,ats why de Animist cave would be perfect,remove de animist stuff an replace it wid piraty textures an ye could store yer loot der ;)
but if its like your hideout could you make it so that you could hire people to gaurd it, or have the ship patrol it? thats what im asking, i have no doubt they can make a place to store booty out of an existing place. i was hoping a modder could tell me more about my whole thread.
that would be cool. i think the natives idea would be kinda cool too. thanx for the info skull.... it was like we had our own little conversation goin on, nobody else spoke up.
yeah ive seen them... but i was thinking a little more "normal" looking natives.... although the headhunters could look sorta like them i guess. but cosmetics are for the modders to decide, im just thinkin here.
if i could i would, believe me! i dont know the first thing about modding (unless the first thing about modding is the fact i cant do it... then i know that much). but if i could i would be happy to take the easier jobs from the modding team to make their workload lighter.... i dunno, maybe somebody else has the ability to do that.
There ARE new islands being developed for this game by the PMT - which will be in their expansion package... But I don't know much about it other than what has already been mentioned elsewhere... Search out "Expansion Package" and you will see more info.

I'm not going to claim any kind of "patent" on the Animists cave, so if anyone wants to tackle it, go ahead, have fun!

I wanted to clutter it up a bit with barrels and other kinds of goods, hang a display of weapons on the wall, make a merchant's store in one area, a tavern in another (where all the tables are), put some cannon out by the door (for defense!)... Get rid of the cots, get rid of the bars on the little rooms...

I don't know what locators are in the cave, so it's difficult to say if there's much you can do in there, but you can certainly try!

It'll take some alteration in the modeled structure to make that work, and it'll be hard work... But go for it! Like I said, I don't have any kind of patent on it. The minimal work I did on it before was just some textures, nothing spectacular, really...