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Fixed Standard Storyline: Incompatibility between Main Quest and Smuggling for O'Reilly

Captain Dixi

Sailor Apprentice
Hearts of Oak Donator
I just ran into some strange problem.

I play the standard storyline, being at the part where I have to get the information from the slave Leborio at the mines.

The problem starts when going from Bridgetown to the canyon. I get first stuck and cannot move. After F12 I can move again. But after killing all the bandits, and trying to talk to the mines-commander, I get no dialog. Well he asks me what I want and I can only say nothing, just passing by. Same talking to people in the mine, just the "nothing" dialog.

I did play the cargo and smuggling quests for Thomas before and killed the other 3 bandits in the canyon. This also has messed up help the boatswain, because I cannot get that dialog from Orable. Since I did not need Fred Bob, I just skipped this. I wonder if this is some how related.

In system.log I find this:

Release d3d8
Undefined error
Release d3d
Undefined error
System exit and cleanup:
Mem state: User memory: 118673 MSSystem: 14000 Blocks: 875
Leak: 'Bad memory address' line 0, size 136
Leak: 'Bad memory address' line 0, size 135
Leak: 'Bad memory address' line 0, size 136
Leak: 'Bad memory address' line 0, size 134

That Leak:... goes on forever.

The complete system.log is attached to this post as zip-file.

Also attached a savegame in the canyon and before sailing to Barbados as zip-file.

Any help will be greatly appreciated as always.

Captain Dixi


  • system.zip
    513 bytes · Views: 109
  • savegames.zip
    1.7 MB · Views: 112
That part normally works. I have played it many times on many different betas with no problems. Therefore I am inclined to think your install is corrupted. When is the last time you did a defrag?
Well, that was the same thought I had, because I also played this several times before. The last defrag was yesterday (unless my computer made one in the background today).

Also my installation is fresh (just a week old) and I defragmented twice after this already. Also the option file is not the problem.

What got me thinking is the cargo and sumggling quests for Thomas. I never played those before. This time I did and (I checked this with a savegame from earlier) it caused a problem in the Fred Bob quest. Since I did not want to replay everything from before, I just continued, but did the test. The savegame I still had was during the cargo quest, so I sailed to do the Fred Bob quest as a test and I had the correct dialogs from Orable Caron and could have done Fred Bob. From the current savegame at that monent I could not, because Orable did not have the dialog available. Which I did not mess up, because I never talked to him before that moment.

Since these quests interfere with eachother, like you cannot do the smuggling quest for Thomas after you did the smuggling quest at Martinique, because that smuggler at Martinique disapears after you finish that quest... You know all this.

I am guessing the problem at the canyon might be similar, as those 3 special bandits are already dead and my game wants them to be alive. I do get stuck everytime I enter the canyon and must hit the F12 key to be able to move. The first entry into the Barbados canyon put you in that "movie mode" where you auto-move. After the dialog with the bandits you get back to normal-mode, fight them and continue. I have to force it back into normal-mode by F12. Then the other characters just do not have their dialogues, probably because I did not do those bandits.

Unless somebody find some solution, I will probably start a new game and just as before ignor the Thomas quests.

I do have the strong feeling that there is something wrong in this.

Does anybody have a running game (3.4) somewhat earlier in the storyline to check my findings? I do not have any savegames early enough to check myself.

The easiest to check would be, if you have not done cargo and smuggling for Thomas and have not done Fred Bob either. If anybody does, please to the Thomas quests and then go to do Fred Bob. If it works in that order for you, then the problem is at my end, if it does not work, then it is a bug right there.

If at that point in your game, you have not been to the canyon / mines part of the main storyline, continue to there after doing cargo and smuggling for Thomas and check if the canyon / mines part still works.

I hope somebody can duplicate my results or confirm the problem to be at my side.

I will do the same and check what happens, but that will take some time. For now I will watch TV:(
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It has been some time since I did the quests for the merchant at Port Royal but they worked well then. I never knew that they messed up the smuggler at Martinique. I have also never had any trouble with Orable.

I am playing a different storyline now, so would have to start the Sea Hawk storyline from the start. It will take a while to get that far along in it.
Yea, it will take time, same problem here, but I will replay the whole thing. Just will take some time.

About those two different quest messing with eachother, you can read in the wiki. If you want to do the smuggling for Thomas, you have to do it before busting the smuggling ring at Martinique. If you do the smuggling part, where you tell the harbourmaster about who is smuggling, you will lose the smuggler in the tavern, that you shall deliver the smuggling goods to and Thomas will not even give you the quest.
I always leave those Martinique side quests for after the main game is done and then forget about them. :facepalm
I just left the cargo and smuggling quests till the end and then forgot them, too. This time I wanted to play a game, where I do every quest. Looks like I have to try that again in a different order.
I haven't played "Tales of a Sea Hawk" for ages. But I do routinely play all the side quests at Martinique - Fred Bob is very useful early on, and so is the 5000 from Turpin Cabanel for busting the smuggling ring. That means I never get to play "Smuggling for Thomas O'Reilly". And that in turn may be why, when I did play "Tales of a Sea Hawk", I had no problem with the mine scene. Of course, if something which has changed since Beta 3.3 has messed up the mine scene then I wouldn't know about it. ;)
See post 3, in which @Captain Dixi speculates that the deaths of some bandits in "Smuggling for Thomas O'Reilly" could prevent bandits from appearing in the canyon.
From the Main Quest Walkthrough:-

Finding Danielle Section :read

Sail to Bridgetown , Barbados. Go to Town Gate to Canyon

If Melee skill Less than 8 – Outside Town Gate – Auto-walk & talk to 3 men -( if you have already played the Smuggling for Thomas O’Reilly side-quest you will have killed these men so they may not appear here – go and talk to the mine commander )– Knocked out – Transported to Mine - Leborio Drago talks to you - Soldier talks to you – leaves – Mine Commandant arrives and talks to you ( choice to get out of Mine – buy freedom or lead slave revolt )

If Melee skill 8 or more - Outside Town Gate – Auto-walk & talk to 3 men Fight & kill them ( if you have already played the Smuggling for Thomas O’Reilly side-quest you will have killed these men so they may not appear here – go and talk to the mine commander )– go through canyon to mine ( have to fight bandits )

Mine on right – go to house on left – talk to Mine Commander – Quest Book Update – go into Mine – talk to Leborio Drago – pay for his release or help him escape (lead slave revolt )

OR Sail to Lighthouse Bay & go to mine from there – talk to Mine commandant – go into mine – talk to Leborio Drago – continues as above

Go back to ship

Not impossible with the reuse of certain quest characters. It has happened before, so then we fixed it by making different quests use different characters instead.
Thanks @Talisman! That confirms the problem, so I have now marked it as such and renamed the thread.

Do you have any idea in/near which quest case(s) these characters are put in place?
That would tell us which character IDs to copy and replace.
Do you have any idea in/near which quest case(s) these characters are put in place?
That would tell us which character IDs to copy and replace.

In the Original Story - quests_reaction.c --- they appear first in --- case "to_oxbay_mine_complete":dance

One of these guys ( Oswald Chappel ) also appears in the Jack Sparrow main Storyline ( if you don't steal the Interceptor at Port Royale but follow the path of Sailing with Norrington to Turks and getting the Interceptor there ( Talk to Governor option).:read

So if he is killed in Smuggling for Thomas O'Reilly sidequest before then will this option to get the Interceptor break. ( do we want to keep this path/option since I think it was originally just a work-round while the "Stealing The Interceptor in Port Royale was coded. -- it is amusing to play and you do get lots of money from it.:treasure:

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Thanks very much! That should give us plenty of a lead for when somebody (me?) finds the time to look at this. :doff

do we want to keep this path/option since I think it was originally just a work-round while the "Stealing The Interceptor in Port Royale was coded. -- it is amusing to play and you do get lots of money from it.:treasure:
We definitely DO want to keep it. The Jack Sparrow storyline was deliberately set up to have multiple paths and that is one of them.

If I recall, the "Stealing the Interceptor" part was actually written first, though it was indeed substantially rewritten afterwards again as well.
No reason to not include it then; thanks! :cheers

The Thomas O'Reilly side quest really only works early in the game and it gets troublesome anyway so I don't do that one either.
How is it troublesome? Might need to be fixed then.
It has been so long since I tried it that I really don't remember, but I seem to remember ending up fighting the British navy as well as the smugglers.