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Simplified Code for Build 14 Beta 3.3

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New version now available
We're really almost there! Some slight things still to be done, but we're running out of pressing things to address. FINALLY!
Anyway, please play and test this and post whatever feedback you may have.

Included are:

- Latest Smuggling Updates by @Levis
- Neptune's Trident added by @TechnicJelleavailable from Hendrick Vanderdecken
- Blacksmiths modified to allow Single Blade and Batch Mode
- Fix for Anchoring
- Final fix for Santiago Town Capture
- Spanish look for fort assaults restored
- Island names in Devlin Opera adjusted for time period
- Slight texture errors fixed with barques

Stuff worth checking from the previous version:
- Female Officer Percentage code has been reintroduced: Check if you notice any new weirdness with character models and the amount of female officers
- Locked Perks has been reintroduced: Check if there are any actual issues with this - Note that if you don't like the feature, it does have a toggle
- Does the Blade Care Kit ever show up too much? Or not enough? Check also the Blacksmiths! Rarity value modified.
- Standard storyline after capturing Black Pearl: Should be no more boarding deck errors
- Girl Won in a Card Game: Do you get amnesty now like you should? If not, savegame required!

Stuff worth checking on this new version:
- Does Capture Colonies work properly for Cartagena? New location now included in this!
- How do the redone blacksmiths work? Functionality fixed and improved now, so I am hoping this can be considered Fixed now
- Do you ever get stuck upon mooring when an enemy ship approaches you while dropping anchor?
- Smuggling, including the book containing the patrol schedules for islands that can now be found on coastguard corpses
- Worldmap and ship encounters with submerged Flying Dutchman
- Check surrender of ship groups where the commander surrendered

Still to Do:
- Some slight imperfections with the Improved Smuggling to be done by @Levis
- Fetch Quests to be reinstated by @Levis
- Citizen Directions Dialog to be adapted for Oranjestad, Havana and Santo Domingo by @Pillat

If anyone has any further comments on what still needs to be worked on before we can release this publicly, please say so as soon as possible!
If the above things have been done, I will make a final installer and as soon as we have confirmed that to be OK, it'll be time for a proper release. :woot
Wont have time for the fetch quest anymore today.
The problem is that how it was set up in the past was when the news was triggered a quest was started which could then expire. Cause we want to have more fetch quests avaible and not wait till one expires I need to change the system so multiple of the same quests can be triggered without the data screwing each other over. I know multiple ways of doing this but I'm looking which one is the best for now.
Tomorrow I will get it done hopefully.
I see no problem with there only being one Fetch Quest active at a time. As long as when it expires, a new one will be generated after a while again.
Perhaps that could make things simpler?
that was the case already. But say a quest on a island is generated then it should stay at least for a while so you can get there. That was the problem.
The actual quest should only start once you talk to the smith or so. it's not that hard to make I just need to think of a good way so I dont have to change it again once I start chaging the economy.
Maybe instead of storing the Fetch Quests in a pchar attribute, how about storing it with the NPChar who owns the store/shipyard/tailor instead?
That way you can store however many you want independently at the same time.

If you store the original start date there, then when you talk to the person, there can be a check on whether it is still active or not.
I was thinking about that too, its one of the options I'm concidering. Like I said I wont finish it tonight but it will be done tomorrow.

Another problem I'm trying to tackle is to include islands in the check instead of only towns.
In a lot of cases you could actually go to another town on the island and get the stuff there. So this should be disabled. And then again actually an island shouldn't have more then 1 fetch quest active on it anyway so I was actually thinking about linking it to the island instead of the shop keeper.
Not a problem. The way it is looking now, I think I'll make a final internal release as soon as your Fetch Quests are done.
Then to be certain it is good for release, we'll release it next weekend and not this weekend.

Haven't found the time to do as much play-testing this vacation as I wanted. But perhaps I can do some next week after work.
I would quite like to actually play it myself a bit before posting it. That would be a first! :shock
Think you can read my mind cause thats also what I wanted to propose.
I want to do some more playtesting also just to see if everything is really good now.
Very cool! The blacksmiths never had Fetch Quests for them, right? But the Store Owners did.
Will they get them back too? Or not, since they already have Cargo Quests?

What kind of Quest Book limitations did you run into? I wonder if there is any way to work around that.
People might be a bit confused with them showing up in the Ship's Log instead.
On the other hand, that might also encourage them to actually look at that interface a bit more....
@Pieter Boelen Is there a chance of an updated installer before you go to work?
Afraid not; I made that post literally five minutes before walking out the door and it takes hours to create and upload an installer.
Haven't even installed your Fetch Quests yet, because I had no time this morning. Will do it as soon as I get back from work this evening, I promise. :yes
Small Fix added to Opening Post

As requested by @Levis, I posted all my latest code changes in the opening post now.
Small ZIP archive this time since making a full installer takes too long and the changes made are fairly small.
Also, my Internet connection here seems to be a bit unreliable. :modding

Included are:

- Fetch Quests returned by @Levis
- Further improvements made to smuggling by @Levis
- Bizarre coding error fixed related to store intialization by @Levis: We don't know what effect this fix will have!
- Musket Bullets no longer appear in the earlier game periods

Stuff worth checking from the previous version:

- Female Officer Percentage code has been reintroduced: Check if you notice any new weirdness with character models and the amount of female officers
- Locked Perks has been reintroduced: Check if there are any actual issues with this - Note that if you don't like the feature, it does have a toggle
- Does the Blade Care Kit ever show up too much? Or not enough? Check also the Blacksmiths! Rarity value modified.
- Does the Hibernian Blade still show up too much? Rarity modified.

- Standard storyline after capturing Black Pearl: Should be no more boarding deck errors
- Girl Won in a Card Game: Do you get amnesty now like you should? If not, savegame required!

Stuff worth checking on this new version:
- Does Capture Colonies work properly for Cartagena? New location now included in this!
- Do you ever get stuck upon mooring when an enemy ship approaches you while dropping anchor?
- Smuggling, including the book containing the patrol schedules for islands that can now be found on coastguard corpses
- Worldmap and ship encounters with submerged Flying Dutchman
- Check surrender of ship groups where the commander surrendered

Still to Do:
- Citizen Directions Dialog to be adapted for Havana and Santo Domingo by @Grey Roger
- New towns to be checked if citizens are generated at existing locators by @Pillat
- Storyline Start Errors as listed here to be fixed: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/various-storyline-start-errors.24423/
- Escort Quests to be made more profitable as per http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/adapt-escort-quests-to-be-more-profitable.24391/
- Game to be balanced further as required. Refer to http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/balancing.23862/ and http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/random-thoughts-on-the-latest-build.24410/
- If at all possible, I would REALLY like to have this in the next update as well: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/additional-select-storyline-customization-options.24405/

If anyone has any further comments on what still needs to be worked on before we can release this publicly, please say so as soon as possible!
If the above things have been done, I will make a final installer and as soon as we have confirmed that to be OK, it'll be time for a proper release. :woot
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Something strange is happening, since the last to or three updates. The game it self is generating a useless profile and a quicksave
like this below. I never use quicksaves and haven't touch any of those buttons . When loading the game it shows up as the first option,
cant be deleted from the profile menu, doing it mess the page up,saying a have no savegame in my own profile, then I go back hit the
load menu and my savegames are there again. whats going on?


  • -=PlayerÀ=- QuickSave.zip
    700.4 KB · Views: 163
  • compile.log
    1.9 KB · Views: 161
I sugest removing your options file
Have done it several times. I just installed the small fix, playing a little and haven't notice any quicksave yet.
No quicksave. But now the new Trident wont show up in the ability menu, it was there before I installed the smallfix
and it work quite well to. This Trident is a funny idea, I like it.
Edit: Now I see, its only visible when your are in the middle of a storm :facepalm
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Looking forward to feedback about the fetchquest.
Are they to hard?
Or is the payout not enough?
Do they only generate quests where you need to fetch to much?
Are they generated to often or not often enough?

But now the new Trident wont show up in the ability menu, it was there before I installed the smallfix
and it work quite well to. This Trident is a funny idea, I like it.
Edit: Now I see, its only visible when your are in the middle of a storm :facepalm
I'm sure @TechnicJelle would be very happy to hear you like his work! :woot

Indeed the Trident only shows up in storms, since it forces them to end straight away.

Theoretically we could also code in the reverse, so have it start storms if there isn't one.
Didn't quite see the gameplay point of that, but if you think it would serve a purpose, we can do it.
You're welcome to post any thoughts you might have here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/reduced-storm-chance.24093
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