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Simplified Code for Build 14 Beta 3.3

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Also I like to know if people think the new gambling perk is usefull or that it should actually open up even higher gambles (goes to 5000 now but could add a 10000 options also for example). And like to know if the ranks for the perks are balanced. For example I can imagine trooper to be to high.
Troopers allows you to land troops at towns that do not have forts.
This can be INSANELY lucrative in the early game, so I don't want this ability available too early.

Though we may also want to consider:
1. Redoing the calculations for gold gained from plundering towns. This may need to be scaled down for towns without forts.
2. Decrease the HP gained per level all across the board so that there aren't such huge differences between high-level and low-level characters.
I could test/balance for point 2 a bit, since I always had some problems in melee-fights and balanced it for my own^^
Troopers allows you to land troops at towns that do not have forts.
This can be INSANELY lucrative in the early game, so I don't want this ability available too early.

Though we may also want to consider:
1. Redoing the calculations for gold gained from plundering towns. This may need to be scaled down for towns without forts.
2. Decrease the HP gained per level all across the board so that there aren't such huge differences between high-level and low-level characters.
It shouldn't be available all that early anyway. Perks are expensive so you'll need to have earned a few levels to be able to afford it. And if you (and your officers) don't have decent Melee skill, you might be able to walk into the town but you won't be walking back out again!

It does make sense to reduce the gold held by a town without a fort. That's a small, poor or very recently established town, so it shouldn't have much gold. Besides, if it's that easy to raid then other pirates have probably been there before you. The other places without forts are hideouts for pirates and smugglers, who should be tough guys, so perhaps beef up their garrisons. Then you really don't want to raid the place without plenty of troops and decent fighting skill of your own, which should prevent anyone from going in too soon.
for now trooper is only avaible after level 20 and you need 4 points to get it, so thats not that easy to get.
Still looking for feedback on the newly added perks and if the changes made to the coloring of the numbers on the perk page make it better.
Oh my, I could try testing again but I don't know where to start. I'm too far behind now. I don't know what to test and how to react on them since I wasn't here during the past discussions and updates. Anyway, how are you all here now? Man! I've really missed this. :dance:whipa
Looking forward to the feedback :) great to have you on board again!
Good Programming Practices are really important.:yes
In the future, I hope you'll be able to optimize as much as possible the BuildMod's code (seeing the game now is so complex)

About the smuggling's code, I don't know if there are any other places with this code.
I will also try to add some things again to this page: http://www.piratesahoy.net/wiki/new-horizon-modding/
about the stuff I added and how to used it. I tought I made an article already about how group dialogs etc worked but guess not.
Those functions can be interesting for quest writers, for example I dont know if you know yet but you can now assign multiple dialog files to one character and the game will merge them together (if they have the same note). So you can for example have a group dialog file for all citizens and give them personal special dialog files to add character specific things.
Those functions can be interesting for quest writers, for example I dont know if you know yet but you can now assign multiple dialog files to one character and the game will merge them together (if they have the same note). So you can for example have a group dialog file for all citizens and give them personal special dialog files to add character specific things.
That's interesting:)
Just a quick explantion:
you can add dialog files like this in the character init:
ch.Dialog.Filename = "Claudio Burrieza_dialog.c";
ch.Dialog.Filename.tavern = "taverns.c"; //Added by Levis

you can call the sub filename whatever you want.
In the dialog file you can use l1 and l2 etc as links.
the game will sort them and add them together.
if you want to overwrite an option you can use a1 for example to overwrite option 1.
besides that the dialog file should be the same
only dont include the line
this is now already managed somewhere else so could actually be removed from all dialog files.

Dialog files from storylines will still overwrite the normal dialog files, as do characters. So if a group dialog file is set for a character normally it wont show up in the storyline if the character is changed there.
But the beauty is that say you want to add some quest related things to the character everywhere you can use this and if the charcter isn't set differently in that storyline the options will be added even tough they have another dialog file in the storyline (granted the same notes are used of cours).
I will also try to add some things again to this page: http://www.piratesahoy.net/wiki/new-horizon-modding/
about the stuff I added and how to used it. I tought I made an article already about how group dialogs etc worked but guess not.
Those functions can be interesting for quest writers, for example I dont know if you know yet but you can now assign multiple dialog files to one character and the game will merge them together (if they have the same note). So you can for example have a group dialog file for all citizens and give them personal special dialog files to add character specific things.
That might be very useful for personal governors. They could use some attention.... :wp
Welcome back DavyJack!

Back to the topic, I really appreciate the way smiths now work. It really saves a great deal of micromanagement. I noticed that the smith in Sao Jorge does only repair pistols up to "fine" wuality, not "excellent". I don't know if this is intentional, though.
Welcome back DavyJack!

I noticed that the smith in Sao Jorge does only repair pistols up to "fine" wuality, not "excellent". I don't know if this is intentional, though.
Here is a fix for the blacksmith in Sao Jorge.:)


  • Blacksmith3_dialog.c
    25.4 KB · Views: 135
Peter says: Cheers! I thought Jack Rackham did a fix for that already though.
The credit for this fix goes to Jack Rackham.:)
I just was the first to rapport the problem.
We shall see. After getting stuck with that beta 3.2 abomination for 8 months I will take a lot of convincing this is any good.

Does this fix fix the gunsmith on Grenada from refusing to work on my pistol at all?
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