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Simplified Code for Build 14 Beta 3.3

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If you want help fixing a problem, you need to post more than "please i need help" and the error code.

What game and mod are you using?
Does your error have anything to do with the thread topic that you posted it in?
Or did you just pick the first convenient forum and thread?
Do you know the code? It takes a coder to tell if it is bad code or a corrupt file.
it appeared just after i installed the beta 3.3

Did you install the mod properly as per instructions in the first post of this thread?

Is your stock game installed and working properly?
Then you should have said that in your first post, it would have saved us all quite a bit of time and typing.

The first place to start is to reinstall everything starting with stock POTC, it is possible something went screwy during the install. If that doesn't work, try re-downloading the mod and do the install again.
wait @Pieter Boelen should I use the internal installer or the WIP installer?
I not take the b14_beta3_full.7z and b14_beta3_installer_internal.exe
But should I first install 3.2, no right?
I can instantly use the internal right?
You need only the two files linked to in the opening post. So that is:
b14_beta3_full.7z and b14_beta3_installer_internal.exe
hmmm.....let me try it again ... I'm afraid I might have to resort to the intel fix if this isn't going to work.
a while back my videocard crashed and they fixed it, never had any problems but now while looking into it I noticed it shows I have an intel grahics card while I used to have an ATI card so might be they put in another card (without saying) .... but lets see what happens when I reinstall my video drivers.
Ahhh.. forgot to rewrite the answer of the player.. Now it makes more sense ;)
Finally have the chance to look into this, but the original text seems OK to me:
PRISONER: "My family is hardly what you'd call rich. And I sincerely doubt my government will care about my capture."
PLAYER (TREATEN): "Well, what else do you want me to do with you? Making you walk the plank is always an option, I suppose...."
PLAYER (NORMAL): "That's what they all say. But your tricks are not going to work on me. I'll ransom you in the first port I can!"

So while the prisoner claims nobody will care, as player you can indicate that you don't believe him and will to try and ransom him in a port as soon as you can. o_O

Perhaps it would help to swap both dialog options and rewrite the normal response a bit to something like this:
PLAYER (NORMAL): "Don't make me laugh! Your allies will pay a pretty penny. And if I cannot get to them, the pirates will take you for sure. Don't worry, I'll ransom you in the first port I can!"
This file should fix the following things:
- The minimum rank for perks is now taken into account in the perk selection screen
- The perk Shared Experience is only avaible from level 10 (tought that was better for balancing)
- The minimum rank will be shown in the Description from the perk when not yet archieved (altough this could be programmed better later)
- There is a little suprise regarding gambling, see if you can find it (you need to be at least lvl 8).
- When playing blackjack you can't double up anymore after you overshoot 21, in the past this was possible (oops XD)

Could be you need to do a reinit to get the suprise but I believe not.
Btw I was thinking about making a "filter" on the perks page, so when you go to it first it shows all perks but you have a few buttons on top saying things like "Land Combat" "Sea Combat" "Sailing" "Misc" or so, and if you press them you will only get the perks from that category. Would that be helpfull?

Extract the files to your POTC root folder (you got program and resources).

Hope you like this @Pieter Boelen , trying to get in shape again ;).

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@Pillat: Already made the change in my game files yesterday. Just wanted to make sure it is as clear to other people as it is to me.

@Levis: Cool! Will check that code this evening.
If you want to do interface modifications, I can think of something more important than perks filtering; we could really use an option to change the starting date in Select Storyline.

Though I think fixing and finishing what there already is would be more important still.
For one thing, I would like to see the return of the Fetch Quests.
Could that be done even with the current simple economy?
Forgot to add 2 files, so here is a new version.

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Forgot to add 2 files, so here is a new version.

Also, this code:
bool CheckPerkRank(ref character, string perkName)
   trace("check "+perkName);
       int Playerrank = makeint(character.rank);
       int Perkrank = makeint(ChrPerksList.list.(perkName).rank);
       trace("Player "+Playerrank+" Perk "+Perkrank);
       if(Playerrank >= Perkrank)
         return true;
     return false;
   return true;

int GetPerkRank(string perkName)
     int Perkrank = makeint(ChrPerksList.list.(perkName).rank);
     return Perkrank;
   return 0;
Should be this:
//Levis Check rank
bool CheckPerkRank(ref character, string perkName)
   if( CheckAttribute(ChrPerksList,"list."+perkName + ".rank"))
     if( CheckAttribute(character,"rank"))
       int Playerrank = makeint(character.rank);
       int Perkrank = makeint(ChrPerksList.list.(perkName).rank);
       if(Playerrank >= Perkrank)
         return true;
     return false;
   return true;

int GetPerkRank(string perkName)
   if( CheckAttribute(ChrPerksList,"list."+perkName + ".rank"))
     int Perkrank = makeint(ChrPerksList.list.(perkName).rank);
     return Perkrank;
   return 0;
Oops let in some debug stuff indeed.
new version :).

Looking forward to the feedback


  • PERK STUFF 1_2.zip
    116.3 KB · Views: 90
New version now available
We're getting there! A fair few long-standing issues have been tackled and the others are on the to-do list to be addressed soon.

New Stuff:
- New Features:
  . All blacksmiths allow repairing multiple blades by Jack Rackham
  . Certain abilities have rank limitations by Levis and Pirate_KK
  . New ability added for high state gambling by Levis
  . Bow and arrow items added for Quest Indians by Bartolomeu o Portugues and Jack Rackham
  . Captured Captain dialog clarified by Skyworm
- Bug Fixes:
  . Morale drop on Divide the Plunder mode fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Deck textures after capturing Black Pearl fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Appearance of Mr. Gibbs at Tortuga fixed by Levis
  . Blackjack no more doubling up after overshooting 21 by Levis
- Storyline Updates:
  . Side Quests:
  > Girl Won in a Card Game: Joseph Claude le Moigne dialog adapted to fix Amnesty not Given by Levis
  > Capture the Corvette: Adapted for relevant time periods in Devlin and La Croix storylines by Skyworm
  > Bartolomeu o Portugues: Main character replaced in Brave Black Flag and Standard storyline by Bartolomeu o Portugues
  . Standard storyline
  > Missing tailor after French invasion of Speightstown fixed by Pieter Boelen
- Location Updates:
  . Isle location updated by danitim1
  . Mules added to Petit Tabac during the Silver Quest sidequest by Bartolomeu o Portugues
Stuff worth checking with the new version:
- Does Capture Colonies work properly for Tortuga, Oranjestad, Havana and Santo Domingo?
- Mules and Indians with Bow&Arrow or Tomahawk during Silver Train sidequest
- How long can you manage to not share the loot on Divide the Plunder mode?
- Standard storyline after capturing Black Pearl: Should be no more boarding deck errors
- Girl Won in a Card Game: Do you get amnesty now like you should? If not, savegame required!
- Does the Blade Care Kit ever show up?
- How do the redone blacksmiths work? Should save a lot of micro-management
- Brave Black Flag "Capture the Corvette" ship model should have no more missing textures
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