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Included in Build Revamped Smuggling [3.3 compatible]

A couple of comments mate, first, I really like the moon phase stuff, great ideas there!

- If you talk to the smuggler you can ask him to explain a little bit about smuggling

Smugglers wouldn't exactly be in the mood for a conversation, especially with someone they don't know. Maybe if you are talking to one in a bar and get him pretty lubricated, otherwise, do to the nature of the business he aint gonna exactly be talkative

- There is a book "smuggling guide" (need a good name for it) which you can find and buy at places

More books is always better! I really like the idea of a smuggling book, of course, any smuggler worth his salt would be reluctant to share and would require quite a bit of persuasion to part with such knowledge.

"Smuggling for Fun and Profit: How to Parlay Poverty into Prosperity!" xD

- When you got stuff to smuggle and you talk to the smuggler you can also say to him to wait with making the deal because you first want to check out the location. There you can wait for a while to get the best time to smuggle (by observing the guards).

Mr smuggler might be highly offended that you don't trust his discretion, and might just cut the price he is willing to pay, or says "Sure, check it out if you want", then never shows up at the appointed time, or there just happens to be an unscheduled patrol show up instead! :wp
I think this was generated after reading the Smuggling Book:
RUNTIME ERROR - file: locations\locations_loader.c; line: 807
missed attribute: location
RUNTIME ERROR - file: locations\locations_loader.c; line: 807
no rAP data
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\Book.c; line: 17
missed attribute: questname
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\Book.c; line: 17
no rAP data
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\Book.c; line: 17
missed attribute: questname
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\Book.c; line: 17
no rAP data
BOOK ERROR: no text set for book, attempting to use id to open book
ERROR - Quest name error NOT found in ANY function
BOOK ERROR: no text set for book, attempting to use id to open book
ERROR - Quest name error NOT found in ANY function
This might help:
  case "smugglingbook": genitm.groupID = BOOK_ITEM_TYPE;  genitm.text = "smugglingbook";                          break; // Smuggling tutorial book
   case "book_exorcist": genitm.groupID = BOOK_ITEM_TYPE;  genitm.QuestName = "Telescope_Found_Book";   genitm.text = "book_exorcist";   break; // Levis: For telescope unlocking
   case "skillbook1":  genitm.groupID = BOOK_ITEM_TYPE;  genitm.UnlockedPerk = "AdvancedDefence";     genitm.text = "skillbook1";     break; // Levis Skillbook 1
   case "skillbook2":  genitm.groupID = DOCUMENT_ITEM_TYPE; genitm.UnlockedPerk = "GunProfessional";                     break; // Levis Skillbook 2
   case "skillbook3":  genitm.groupID = BOOK_ITEM_TYPE;  genitm.UnlockedPerk = "AdvancedBattleState";   genitm.text = "skillbook1";     break; // Levis Skillbook 3
   case "skillbook4":  genitm.groupID = DOCUMENT_ITEM_TYPE; genitm.UnlockedPerk = "CannonProfessional";                   break; // Levis Skillbook 4
Looks like there were too many breaks for some reason.
I think this was generated after reading the Smuggling Book:
RUNTIME ERROR - file: locations\locations_loader.c; line: 807
missed attribute: location
RUNTIME ERROR - file: locations\locations_loader.c; line: 807
no rAP data
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\Book.c; line: 17
missed attribute: questname
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\Book.c; line: 17
no rAP data
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\Book.c; line: 17
missed attribute: questname
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\Book.c; line: 17
no rAP data
BOOK ERROR: no text set for book, attempting to use id to open book
ERROR - Quest name error NOT found in ANY function
BOOK ERROR: no text set for book, attempting to use id to open book
ERROR - Quest name error NOT found in ANY function
Found and fixed! PROGRAM\INTERFACE\Book.c find:
Replace with:
Just remove the ; at the end and it'll be OK.
AH thanks.
The smuggling book also has a winmerge problem so it wont show the text. BUt fix is on its way.
This might help:
  case "smugglingbook": genitm.groupID = BOOK_ITEM_TYPE;  genitm.text = "smugglingbook";                          break; // Smuggling tutorial book
   case "book_exorcist": genitm.groupID = BOOK_ITEM_TYPE;  genitm.QuestName = "Telescope_Found_Book";   genitm.text = "book_exorcist";   break; // Levis: For telescope unlocking
   case "skillbook1":  genitm.groupID = BOOK_ITEM_TYPE;  genitm.UnlockedPerk = "AdvancedDefence";     genitm.text = "skillbook1";     break; // Levis Skillbook 1
   case "skillbook2":  genitm.groupID = DOCUMENT_ITEM_TYPE; genitm.UnlockedPerk = "GunProfessional";                     break; // Levis Skillbook 2
   case "skillbook3":  genitm.groupID = BOOK_ITEM_TYPE;  genitm.UnlockedPerk = "AdvancedBattleState";   genitm.text = "skillbook1";     break; // Levis Skillbook 3
   case "skillbook4":  genitm.groupID = DOCUMENT_ITEM_TYPE; genitm.UnlockedPerk = "CannonProfessional";                   break; // Levis Skillbook 4
Looks like there were too many breaks for some reason.

This is the one I mean in the post above @Pieter Boelen
I tried the new smuggling, and I found something interesting: In Jamaica, where I did smuggling, the smuggling quest didn't appear on the questbook, and another smuggling I did on Havana worked correctly and it appear on the questbook o_O
did you get any error.log?

it did work as it was suppost to right?
mind that the questbook entry is removed once you complete the smuggling quest btw.
Here you have the error.log, not sure if there is anything... but I don't think so.

And yes, smuggling worked perfectly. It is only that i didn't get any entry of smuggling on Jamaica. And yeah, i know the entry is removed.


  • error.log
    999 bytes · Views: 228
Update to my post above: When you do smuggling on Sao Jorge, it doesn't appear on questbook too, but the smuggling works perfectly. Even I got the patroling schedule of them and I could unlock the first smuggling ability. Here you have the error.log if anyone is interested.


  • error.log
    3 KB · Views: 199
I just tested with your savegame and I did got a quest book entry in havana. But I did found a little bug where the header wasn't closed so probally just your second smuggling run would cause an error (in 1 play trough) this will be fixed in the new set of fixes. Then we can see if the problem remains.
Last edited:
Please test this for me.
This should make sure the previous smuggle questline also stay in your questbook. It allows me to have multiple quest entries in the questbook for the same quest.
Set this up for the smuggling now, if it works I will use it for the fetchquest too.

Ok, On Friday I will test it. Impossible to do it tomorrow. I Don't have time.
@Levis : Can you prevent the game from taking devil's throat on Jamaica as shore for smuggling? It is hard to impossible to get there without damaging the ship :/
I can, but im not 100% sure what concequenses it will have when i remove it from the function, so will add this later, after 3.4 is officially released
PROGRAM\smuggling.c find:
    case "Redmond":
       SmugLocation[0] = "Redmond_shore_01";
       SmugLocation[1] = "Redmond_shore_02";
       TargetLocation = SmugLocation[Rand(1)];
       if(DEBUG_SMUGGLING>0) Trace("Location " + TargetLocation + " Selected");
Replace with:
    case "Redmond":
       TargetLocation = "Redmond_Shore_02";
       if(DEBUG_SMUGGLING>0) Trace("Location " + TargetLocation + " Selected");
What I do if I do not want to go to Devils Throat is save just before talking to the smuggler. If I do not get the location I want I load the save until he agrees to go where I want him to go. It is called negotiating.