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Spoiler Recruiting the end boss - Sea Hawk questline


Powder Monkey
Not even sure if it counts as a spoiler, the game IS 17 years old.

Buuuuuttt, I just reached the end boss for the very first time and it's a nice touch for the mod to add Barbossa as the captain of the Black Pearl, but now I'm wondering... can I get him to surrender? I don't want to waste several hours of my life trying this if it's not possible.

I managed to get the Black Pearl to flee once with overuse of grapeshot but with the sail hp being godmode high it easily got away and I don't think I have the patience to chainshot it down for me to catch it. Is it even possible for Barbossa to surrender, is there some code which stops the Pearl from surrendering at all, or am I really going to have to try over and over?
Barbossa can not surrender. The code is in his definition in "PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\characters\init\Story.c", where you will find the definition of Barbossa, and in particular, this line:
ch.nosurrender = 3; // KK
You could change that, but it would only take effect on your next game, and you probably don't want to have to replay the whole story again!

Download this version of "console.c". There are two choices, both commented out:
       ch = CharacterFromID("Barbossa");
//   ch.nosurrender = 1;
//   DeleteAttribute(ch, "nosurrender");
To allow Barbossa to surrender only after you board his ship, delete the "//" in front of 'ch.nosurrender = 1'. To allow the ship itself to surrender, delete the "//" in front of 'DeleteAttribute(ch, "nosurrender")'. Press F12 at some point before the final battle. Of course, none of this guarantees that he will surrender, but it should remove the guarantee that he won't...


  • console.c
    35.4 KB · Views: 121


Though it's not letting me recruit him, is there an extra check for that?
Yes, quest characters can generally not be hired. The dialog file for captured captains now has a new check. Add this to that "console.c" file, just after the line 'ch = CharacterFromID("Barbossa");':
ch.canhire = true;
That should allow you to recruit him.


Thanks hun! I'm unlikely to ever use him but it's like a legendary pokemon. I'll just stick him in a box next to someone wearing Blackbeard's skin!