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Problem with Smugler in the raoul rheims quest.


Im in the tavern on the Sao Jorge, then i did ask the tavern-keeper about Raoul Rheims he told me to look for the smugler who just exit the tavern, and now when i go out from the tavern the smugler is just standing nothing happend. Natahniel he dont want to go automaticly either....
By any chance have you also done the assassin side quest that also starts in the tavern at Sao Jorge? Others have run into this.
yes it is, but it happend something strength, when i come in the tavern the Ambroz Bricenos didin't talk to me, but when i got killed and i returnet to a rooom in the tavern then i go to the tavern and then Ambroz Bricenos ask me to do the quest, when i leaving tavern nothing happend, the smugler is just standing....
Can you go back to a save before you go into the tavern and say no to Bricenos? That might get you past this.
I am also having this problem. I tried saying no to the Assasins side quest and then going back in and asking abour Rheims, as well as going all the way through the Assasins side quest and then going back and asking about Rheims, but in both cases the smuggler doesn't say anything and I don't get transported to the smuggler hideout.

I've attached the compile and system logs if that's any help for anyone.


  • compile.log
    2.5 KB · Views: 212
  • system.log
    629 bytes · Views: 223

You seem to have done your homework. :beer

Unless some coder comes up with a shortcut, all I can say is that you are screwed. :rumgone

You might have to start over from the beginning. :modding A pirates life can be hard. :ixi
Is starting over going to do anything? I don't really want to play through it all again just to get stuck at the same point.

Would reinstalling it change anything? And if I did reinstall it, if I load the saved game is it not going to do the same thing? I don't know if you're the right person to ask, but I'm not really sure where else I can ask about this.
After you talked to the tavernkeeper - but before you went outside to talk to the smuggler - did the quest book update with a new entry. - It should

If it did not update that might be what is stopping the smuggler from talking - try using a save before you talk to the tavernkeeper to see if you can get the quest book to update.

I do get a quest update, it says that the bartender was frightened when I mentioned Raoul Rheims name. There is no update when I talk to the smuggler. I've tried walking to the smuggler's encampment on my own and talking to the pirate leader, but that doesn't do anything.

Any ideas? Is there any way that I can just bypass the smuggler talking?
I think this is the code that is not working:-

from PROGRAM\Dialogs\Duarte Correja_dialog.c

case "blaze_search_rheims_2":

dialog.snd = "Voice\DUCO\DUCO011";
dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[58];
link.l1 = pcharrepphrase(DLG_TEXT[59], DLG_TEXT[60]);
link.l1.go = "exit";
pchar.quest.main_line = "blaze_talk_with_duarte";
pchar.quest.exit_from_duarte.win_condition.l1 = "location";
pchar.quest.exit_from_duarte.win_condition.l1.location = "Conceicao_town";
pchar.quest.exit_from_duarte.win_condition = "exit_from_duarte_complete";
// NK -->
characters[GetCharacterIndex("quest_smuggler_01")].dialog.filename = "quest_smuggler_01_dialog.c";
characters[GetCharacterIndex("quest_smuggler_01")].dialog.currentnode = "First time";

LAi_SetLoginTime(characterFromID("quest_smuggler_01"), 0.0, 24.0);
LAi_SetHP(characterFromID("quest_smuggler_01"), 80.0, 80.0);
// NK <--
ChangeCharacterAddress(&characters[GetCharacterIndex("quest_smuggler_01")], "Conceicao_town", "goto4");
AddQuestRecord("Blaze_search_Rheims", 6);
Locations[FindLocation("Conceicao_town")].reload.l3.disable = 1;


You could try putting these 2 lines in the console then after speaking to the tavernkeeper Press F12 to action them - go outside and see if the smuggler talks to you .

Alternatively you could put the following from Program\dialogs\Desmond Ray Beltrop_dialog.c

into the console

case "First time":
Dialog.defAni = "dialog_stay1";
Dialog.defCam = "1";
Dialog.defSnd = "dialogs\0\017";
Dialog.defLinkAni = "dialog_1";
Dialog.defLinkCam = "1";
Dialog.defLinkSnd = "dialogs\woman\024";
Dialog.ani = "dialog_stay2";
Dialog.cam = "1";

NextDiag.TempNode = "first time";

dialog.snd = "Voice\CAMA\CAMA001";
dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[0];
link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[1];
link.l1.go = "exit";

//ðàçãîâîð ñ áëåéçîì
if (pchar.quest.main_line == "blaze_talk_with_beltrop")
dialog.snd = "Voice\CAMA\CAMA002";
dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[2] + characters[GetCharacterIndex(DLG_TEXT[3])].lastname + DLG_TEXT[4];
link.l1 = pcharrepphrase(DLG_TEXT[5], DLG_TEXT[6]);
link.l1.go = "node_2";
and then go to the Smuggler Leader yourself Press F12 before talking to him and see if he starts talking to you.

The quest book updates after you talk to the tavernkeeper - then the next update is after you talk to the Smuggler Leader.

Hope this helps
Thanks a lot for the help.

I tried both of those fixes, but neither worked. In the first, those lines were already in the file, but I tried replacing them with the ones in your reply anyways, no luck.

For the second one, i replaced the first entry in the file with the code you provided, but he didn't start talking to me and nothing happened when I talked to him.

Is Notepad the appropriate program to use to make these changes? Do I need a different program?

Also, might it be a mistake in the quest_smuggler_01_dialogue file? It seems to me that the tavernkeeper part is working fine, as the quest book updates and the smuggler is outside waiting for me, but doesn't say anything. I've attached my quest_smuggler file to this, but it would be a lot to ask you to go through and see if you can find a problem. Instead, could you copy your quest_smuggler file to a reply so I can try replacing mine and see if that fixes anything?

Again, thank you for the help. You guys have done an amazing job with this game and I've really enjoyed the build. I hadn't played this game in about 4 years but decided to dust it off and stumbled across the build, and it's amazing how much more there is.


  • quest_smuggler_01_dialog.c
    2.9 KB · Views: 248
There are some tool around that make things easier. You can find them here.


For your purposes Notepad c++ and Winmerge are what you want. Winmerge very quickly allows you to see differences between different versions of the same file.

Here is my file from a game where I have already played past this.

Have you played the "Claire Larrouse - French Pirate in the Tavern" side quest before you went looking for Rheims and had the problem with the quest_smuggler.

The quest_smuggler_01 is used as one of the characters in that side-quest - as well as being the character you meet outside the tavern - and if I remember playing the side-quest before meeting the character when searching for Rheims can cause problems.

I cannot remember if the problems were caused if the character got killed in the Claire Larrouse quest. :modding
I have played that quest, maybe that's the problem.

Using miklkit's file didn't work, unfortunately.

I think my plan at this point is to start over again and do all the storyline quests before doing anything else. I'll let you know if I have the same problem again.

Thanks for the help.