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Included in Build Perks Mod V2.6 Unlockable Perks! (READABLE BOOKS!)

Did I ever told you I can't stand it when things dont work. So here's the fix. Now I really need to go to bed.
This has also the other fix included. It doesn't have a troggle yet.
Yeah you see I knew I'm not a sloppy programmer. The option to have a cost of 1 everywhere is already included.
Go to the internal_settings.h and change the value of PERK_MULTIPLIER to 0. This will set all costs to 1
Ahoy, mateys!

(Capitalization doesn't stand for shouting, but for highlighting here.)

Just one quick question in general related to PERKS:

I know, that passengers who are not companions (i.e. are not the 3 officers that wander around with you) DO contribute their SKILLS to the overall stats of Ship 1.

What about PERKS though? If I got it right, a ship can only profit from the perks that the captain and/or the 3 attached officers have.
Is that correct? If so: That's great. :onya

Maybe you should point that out in the "Tips & Tricks" section in the menu as well, because there are only tips about SKILLS and passengers.
There is nothing explicitly said about PERKS, but I guess it would be super-helpful and avoid confusion, since "skills" can be read in a narrow perspective as "skill points in the game system" or in a broader perspective as "skills, perks, abilities - everything they are capable of".

Happy plunderin', y'all!

I'm not sure about the perks but would hope that they are individual and do not help you.
I know, that passengers who are not companions (i.e. are not the 3 officers that wander around with you) DO contribute their SKILLS to the overall stats of Ship 1.

What about PERKS though? If I got it right, a ship can only profit from the perks that the captain and/or the 3 attached officers have.
Is that correct? If so: That's great. :onya
Perks and skills are handled in the same way. Whether they are contributed or not depends on the officer type.
For example a cannoneer does contribute FastReload and other cannon-related perks.
Unfortunately this is not clearly indicated anywhere within the game interfaces, but it does work that way.
So, having a Quartermaster with "Fast Reload" or a Boatswain with "Increased Ship Speed" will do nothing? :shock

I have always wondered about the "Master of Arms" officer class, because you can't switch back to it, if you chose another class.
What does it actually do? Which skills and perks are contributed by a "Master of Arms" officer?
"Master at Arms"/"Comrade-in-Arms" is just what you get with an officer that doesn't have a type and therefore also does not contribute anything.
In other words: If you have any of those (should be quest characters only), assign them an actual type or they'll be useless.
Also, in F2>Passengers if you select yourself, you will see the EFFECTIVE skills displayed, so that is of yourself PLUS all officers.
It does take some messing around, but eventually it is possible to get some sort of optimal assignment out of it.
I have to look into this a little bit more but maybe I could do the same for the perks screen in a way. So it shows which perks are already "activated" because of your officers. But actually I doubt it works the way pieter says. I think its intented to work like that but I'm not sure it does :p.
Not entirely sure myself. I've never tested it to make sure.
Should be easily done by having a Boatswait with Instant Boarding and seeing if you can use it from him.
Not entirely sure myself. I've never tested it to make sure.
Should be easily done by having a Boatswait with Instant Boarding and seeing if you can use it from him.
Here's my boatswain: seadogs2_0001.jpg seadogs2_0002.jpg and then me: seadogs2_0003.jpg (The Buccaneer Storyline)
My Rank: Almirante (BTW, my rank still doesn't show up on the F2 screen), went to the governor and asked a ship hunting mission
and the Boatswain's ability CAN be used: seadogs2_0004.jpg seadogs2_0005.jpg :pirate41::guns: (Save game attached)


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Thanks for trying that! :cheers

BTW: Your rank shows fine in my game. This is with all latest updates installed. :doff
Just so you know, I am at the moment putting all new stuff together in one file for internal testing.
Darn it! I just tried it again and still no rank showing. :facepalm Oh well, I'll just wait for the file, re-install, apply and see. :)


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Time for another update :).
Install this to your POTC main folder.

The following 3 perks are locked at the start of the game:
They can be unlocked by getting a certain rank.
You can see in the interface they are locked and the description tells you how to unlock them.
You need to get to a certain rank for the country. These are:
BasicLandOwner (rank 2)
Trustworthy (rank 4)
Troopers (rank 7)
Only Troopers can also be archieved by getting a pirate rank 2
If you want them to be unlocked you can also execute the following lines of code in the console
I will add a Parameter in the next update where you can enable or diable this feature.
Please test and give feedback :).
This does require a new game to notice the effects btw.

For modders
To lock a perk go to perks_init and add the following line (change the name ofcourse):
ChrPerksList.list.Trustworthy.locked = true;
When you want to unlock the perk just add:
In the script there (again change the name).

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