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Included in Build Perks Mod V2.6 Unlockable Perks! (READABLE BOOKS!)

Hylie Pistof

QA Tester
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
The new installer seems to be working ok. I started a new game and had no mutiny problems, no boarding problems, no surrendered Captain problems.

Outside of some missing icons it seems to be ok so far.

Would it be possible to cut down the amount of sea based abilities by 50% or more? By that I mean all of the things like ship defense and cannon reload time and volley range add up to too much of an advantage and sea battles get boring. They are much harder and more exciting early in the game.

Land combat is fine now. I made it to level 45 or so and was still getting killed every now and then.


Skip to THIS POST for the current version.
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I disagree with the lessening the amount of sea based abilities..but on the other hand, it can be good just for the Realistic or the Iron Man mode. :shrug
You sail a super strong invulnerable fantasy ship and still feel the need for extra perks? At higher levels the skills plus abilities combined turn the ships into high powered race boats equipped with machine guns. Gunsmoke is the biggest thing slowing down firing as one has to wait for the smoke to clear enough to see the target before firing again. Plus you take very little damage from the opponents.

I just got into a fight at level 7 with a sloop that whipped my 6th rate frigate, even with a decent gunner. I hardly hit it at all, and it was knocking out cannons and dismasted me. At level 14 it would be the other way around. In fact I kinda like all of these constant updates because I get to start over and play the interesting parts again.
That's why there are modes set up. And I still don't agree for it to be applied with the Arcade Mode.

And yeah, me too. Every update before updating I delete my saves so I can start all over with the new stuffs properly working. Kinda stressful sometimes but I like it.
With the thing from rags to riches stages is fun and challenging.
I'd have to actually agree on both comments there. Personally i do find it a bit easy with all the abilities however i do agree that it shouldn't be forced on arcade mode due to some people wanting different levels of realism/difficulty. Therefore realistic/iron man mode would work best with this if it was implemeted of course.

As for the new updates, getting there :) I always enjoy when new things come in so i can try it out again. Starting a new game is quite fun at times :p The challenge continues
I replaced the installer EXE, which should take care of the missing ability textures on installs. There was a typo in the EXE itself.

As for removing certain perks, we can add those into the REALISTIC_ABILITIES toggle.
Look that up in PROGRAM\INTERFACE\Perks\perks_init.c . Should be easy enough to figure out.
Let me know which ones should be disabled in similar fashion.

For the Curse of Cortez, would it be possible to change the torn sails to a white version of the black pearl torn (cannonball holes) sails?
We don't have that one in white; somebody would have to make it.
Probably not so hard; just copy the alpha map onto some white sails.

The GetCharacterCursedSails function in PROGRAM\NK.c figures out what sails to put on your ship when you're cursed.
I replaced the installer EXE, which should take care of the missing ability textures on installs. There was a typo in the EXE itself.

As for removing certain perks, we can add those into the REALISTIC_ABILITIES toggle.
Look that up in PROGRAM\INTERFACE\Perks\perks_init.c . Should be easy enough to figure out.
Let me know which ones should be disabled in similar fashion.

Huh. All of them except basic ship defense so you can put out fires. As you level up everything gets better, so there is no need for 20% or 30% extra for this and that.

It just all adds up to too much.
Getting rid of all the abilities? Really? Wow....
That might be a bit harder, because enemies get them too on higher levels. :facepalm

Alternate idea: Give the player 0 ability points on level up. So you can't get the abilities.
The land abilities are wanted and needed. It is the sea based stuff that is overpowered.
Extract attached to PROGRAM\INTERFACE\Perks . New game required. See if that makes any sense.
Applies in Iron Man Mode and/or the REALISTIC_ABILITIES toggle enabled.


  • perks_init.zip
    1.4 KB · Views: 255
All these:

shipturnrateup = gone
shipspeedup = still there
turn180 = gone
sandbank maneuver = gone
storm pro = still there
sailing pro = what is this? Is it sense fairway?
advancedbattlestate = still there if it is advanced defense
shipdefencepro = gone
fastreload = still there
immediatereload = pre-reloding is still there
hulldamageup = still there
crewdamageup = still there
sailsdamageup = still there
criticalshoot = still there
longrangeshoot = still there
cannonprofessional = still there
longrangegrappling = gone
instantboarding = gone
You sure? I just checked and they're all gone.
Note that you must close the game entirely and then start a new game.
For some strange reason, I was unable to make the Abilities reinitialize properly. :facepalm

SailingProfessional is Sea Wolf.
Sense Fairway is SandbankManeuver.
Here is what I see in game. And I did exit and then restart a new game deleting all of the old games.

beta3 2013-11-11 12-02-34-82.jpg beta3 2013-11-11 12-02-42-33.jpg beta3 2013-11-11 12-02-53-84.jpg beta3 2013-11-11 12-03-00-89.jpg beta3 2013-11-11 12-03-08-98.jpg beta3 2013-11-11 12-03-16-14.jpg beta3 2013-11-11 12-03-22-61.jpg
Oh, they're dropping down at the bottom. Did you load another game after starting that new game?
Because when starting a new game cleanly, they aren't there. Unfortunately I have been unable to figure out how to transfer this to savegames.

All I did was:
1. Start the game
2. Start a new game on Assassin
3. Check the Abilities menu

Then they aren't there. I don't think they'll show up when continuing to play that game either.
But loading a savegame will then have them drop down to the bottom.
I just checked and the game I started to look at the cutter was still there. Maybe that was the problem. I will start over after cleaning out all games.
Pieter try adding a check in PROGRAM\INTERFACE\perks.c at row 332

for(i=0; i<qn; i++)
        topVal = sti( GetAttributeValue(GetAttributeN(&objPos,i)) );
            tmpstr = GetPerkName(grNum);
            nPerkState = GetPerkState(tmpstr);
            case 0:        argbColor = argb(255,128,128,128); tmpstr = "64\\"+tmpstr; break;
            case 1:        argbColor = argb(255,128,128,128); tmpstr = "64Disable\\"+tmpstr; break;
            case 2:        argbColor = argb(255,128,128,128); tmpstr = "64Disable\\"+tmpstr; break;
            SetNodeUsing("PERK_STATE_"+imgQ, nPerkState==0);
            SetNewPicture("PERK_ICON_"+imgQ,"interfaces\perks\\" + tmpstr + ".tga");
            SendMessage(&GameInterface,"lsll",MSG_INTERFACE_MSG_TO_NODE,"PERK_ICON_"+imgQ, 4,argbColor);

I think you can add a check here to see if the perk should be shown.

Edit: Split thread from main topic
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