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New Horizon and Stock Game

If you're in WoodesRogers:

brothels don't need to be enabled. They're "on" even if they're "off".
It's the last house on the left in the Pirate Settlement.

Another thing, be sure to enable cheatmode in InternalSettings.h.
This gives a "storyteller" in the very first cabin who can transfer you to different
phases in the story.

And last place this ZZ.c file in PROGRAM/Storyline. It helps when loading savegames in WoodesRogers.


  • ZZ.c
    2.1 KB · Views: 204
If you're in WoodesRogers:

brothels don't need to be enabled. They're "on" even if they're "off".
It's the last house on the left in the Pirate Settlement.

Another thing, be sure to enable cheatmode in InternalSettings.h.
This gives a "storyteller" in the very first cabin who can transfer you to different
phases in the story.

And last place this ZZ.c file in PROGRAM/Storyline. It helps when loading savegames in WoodesRogers.
No I haven't started Woodes Rogers yet (I'm about to). I'm talking about the side quest for Peter Bloods Ship which i do in F2P. I shall interrogate a navigator there. Is it a brothel in the QC pirate settlement? Because the side quest starts in Charlestown, and perhaps I didn't pay enough attention but I think I was told about a brothel there, in Charlestown…

Thanks for the tips about Woodes Rogers, I'm highly curious about that storyline. Merely the image of the castaway (?) at the new game screen does look intriguing. Shall I place the ZZ.c file simply in PROGRAM/Storyline? Not PROGRAM/Storyline/WoodesRogers?
Shall I place the ZZ.c file simply in PROGRAM/Storyline?
Yes like this:

It's a quick/temporary fix by @pedrwyth. It will cause an error message in errorlog but no other damage.
I ran into a very early bug in WoodesRogers so you'll need this location file instead.


  • QuestLocations.c
    691.4 KB · Views: 205
The brothel issue has been resolved. By the way I talked nonsense about Nevis above, the quest takes place on Guadeloupe.

I ran into a very early bug in WoodesRogers so you'll need this location file instead.
I have played the opening chapter of Woodes Rogers yesterday and didn't encounter any bugs. But I'll switch out the file to be sure.
It's an old thing but the fix has never been included in any zip. The reason loading savegames (in WR) don't work properly seems to be that WoodesRogers is
the last of the storylines. With ZZ.c as the last it works. I'll include it in the next update.
I see now that I made a mistake in my latest upload, which is not released yet, so your version @BathtubPirate should be ok.

@Grey Roger would you please use this version of WR QuestLocations.c in the next zip instead.


  • QuestLocations.c
    691.4 KB · Views: 205
I see now that I made a mistake in my latest upload, which is not released yet, so your version @BathtubPirate should be ok.
Alright, in this case I'm gonna switch out the QuestLocations file again. :rofl

The only strange thing I encountered during the Woodes Rogers Marooned Island chapter was some sort of console appearing on the upper left edge of the screen while I was collecting logs for my raft. Something about switching dialogs and ships. But that was no problem.
It's an old thing but the fix has never been included in any zip. The reason loading savegames (in WR) don't work properly seems to be that WoodesRogers is
the last of the storylines. With ZZ.c as the last it works. I'll include it in the next update.
That sounds weird. I thought that used to work.
But oh well, if the weird fix helps, then that's what matters.
I thought that used to work.
It did work when the quest was released, but at some point something happened.
Something about switching dialogs and ships.
Maybe you touched F4 by mistake? If it happens again F4 turns it off too.
And last place this ZZ.c file in PROGRAM/Storyline. It helps when loading savegames in WoodesRogers.
I wonder when that became a problem? Long ago I played "Woodes Rogers" to completion, and it certainly wasn't in one sitting so I must have been able to save and load games. But certainly I can't load a "Woodes Rogers" savegame now unless "ZZ.c" is in place.

The error comes from "PROGRAM\utils.c", specifically this part:
     for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
       aref arsl = GetAttributeN(tsl, i);
       string sfile = "Storyline\" + arsl.dir;
       sfile = strcut(sfile, 0, strlen(sfile) - 2) + ".c";

       if (LoadSegment(sfile)) {
           RegisterStoryline(i); // <-- This line causes the error
A 'trace' command shows that it's trying to register "Bartolomeu" twice, which would be because "ZZ.c" is a duplicate of "Bartolomeu.c". Can we make it a copy of "WoodesRogers.c" instead? This is paranoid programming - there is almost certainly no side effect, but if there is, better to have it rebound onto "Woodes Rogers" where @Jack Rackham will probably find it while developing the story, rather than have it hit "Bartolomeu" when some unsuspecting player is playing it.

If that 'for' line is changed to 'for (int i = 0; i < num-1; i++)', the code doesn't try to register the dummy storyline so there's no error message. But a savegame from "Woodes Rogers" does still load.
If that 'for' line is changed to 'for (int i = 0; i < num-1; i++)', the code doesn't try to register the dummy storyline so there's no error message. But a savegame from "Woodes Rogers" does still load.
Sounds like a nice work-around!
Really weird that the game would mess up like this now, but there seems little point in investigating why.
A lot has been discussed here in only a few days, but about the original topic I have to withdraw my initial precariousness a bit. I'm still glad I kept my original game and of course I was interested in the Mod in the first place - that's why I came here - but after playing for a few evenings I feel much more comfortable with New Horizons than expected. I guess back then when I dipped into Build 13 a lot of stuff was unfinished or at least not as refined as New Horizons is now. I remember many of the features and first of all the visuals being out of place for my taste and my relationship with the game.
I just felt like saying... Thanks for that!
It does mean a lot to me coming from someone like you. :woot

Indeed Build 13 was quite rough around the edges, but we spent a lot of effort smoothing stuff out for Build 14 so that things wouldn't seem so jarring anymore.
I personally reckon the real main difference with the original game is that the amount of extra stuff is almost overwhelmingly more.
But even there, we tried to prevent going completely overboard. For example, we did add a lot of extra weapons, but they don't all show up at the same time in the same time period.

You're right that some stuff is still obviously MODDED, especially the BuildingSet, but the way I always defend it: I prefer having a weird BuildingSet over having no BuildingSet.
It does offer a lot of gameplay and quest potential, so the walkthrough walls, the lack of lighting, etc. are excusable for me.
Especially since the BuildingSet hut owner in Speightown port literally does some excellent lampshade hanging on all the mod's many deficiencies.
And when players complain about it to him, then next time you get to Speightstown, all that extra weird stuff is gone from the port. :razz

For all the other locations, each of those "weird things" is added with a single line of code.
So if there are particular ones you don't like, gettting rid of them is very easy.
In fact, for all those jungles you don't like: Just "talk" to them and you can demolish them (and get some nice planks in return).
You just need to find the right spot to talk to them (somewhere in the middle of the "group of bushes"; look for a nearly invisible salamander on the floor).

Yes, I admit; the Build Mod does have some strange quirks to be sure! And that's why I love it!!! :rofl
I'll have a look at that savegame, though it will need to wait until I can run a copy of the stock game...
@Grey Roger I know I'm late, but did you take a look at that Quest Trader problem?

While playing New Horizon I still do some experimentation/tweaking on my base game and I have a lot of progress working (by my standards) which I'd hate to lose by re-installing, but that broken Quest Trader is a bit of a thorn I wish could be fixed.
I never had time to run the stock game, so probably no. Such time as I have for modding work these days is focussed on "New Horizons".

Do you see the same problem with the quest trader failing to appear when playing "New Horizons"? (I've found a piece of code which I tweaked in "New Horizons" and which refers to "quest trader", but I'm not sure if it was related to this problem.)

There are some useful tips on modding here:
Tutorial - Modding Tips & Tricks

In particular, the one about WinMerge. It's entirely possible to have more than one "New Horizons" installation on your PC at once. I have three! One is an old version as a backup in case something doesn't work properly and I want to put it back the way it was. One is a clean install including the latest updates; this should be identical to what everyone else will have if they follow the installation procedure correctly. And one is where I do all my modding as well as test anything which anyone else contributes. Before releasing a new update, I'll rebuild the clean one, then do a WinMerge check between that and the one on which I do the work, to check that I haven't missed any files which should have been copied to the update collection.

You can do something similar. Have one version which is where you've done all your experimenting. Have another version which is the latest install plus the latest updates. Then run WinMerge between the two to copy your stuff into the new version. You then have a new install of all the latest stuff plus all your own work.