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Included in Build New Fetch Quest for 3.3 Needs Testing

What about islands which have more than one town? I want to get a shipyard fetch quest at Bridgetown. I'm going to make lots of room in the ship's hold, hike to Speightstown where sandalwood is also an export, load up on the stuff, then return to Bridgetown and make a fortune. xD
I think I did something like that. I accidentally got ANOTHER one of them at Port Au Prince, quick sailed to Tortuga and got the goods, then quick sailed back and got the profit.

The line for the fetch quests should be moved to the bottom of the menu so they will only be activated when wanted instead of all the time.
What about islands which have more than one town? I want to get a shipyard fetch quest at Bridgetown. I'm going to make lots of room in the ship's hold, hike to Speightstown where sandalwood is also an export, load up on the stuff, then return to Bridgetown and make a fortune. xD

have you tried it? it shouldn't work, but maybe I made a mistake here. Will check it later....
It works great! I accidentally got ANOTHER FQ at Grenada, ran over to the Smugglers camp and bought the goods, ran back to Sao Jorge and completed the job in one day.

Then did it again running between towns at Eluethera. BTW, I found a great cave there while aimlessly wandering around lost.
As it turned out, there was a shipyard fetch quest when I was in Bridgetown, so I tried going to Speightstown. There's no sandalwood there either - either that's @Levis work or there had already been a fetch quest at Speightstown which has since fallen off the bottom of the ship's log.

Since I don't do grocery runs, either fetch quests or store delivery quests, they're building up. At least half the towns in the Caribbean don't have sandalwood now. Eventually they'll all run out. The only sandalwood in the whole archipelago will be on some merchant ship, which I'm going to find and steal. And then I will be Sandalwood King of the Caribbean. xD

I'm not sure what shipyards do with sandalwood anyway. It's not a structural timber; the fragrant oil extracted from it is used for things like perfumes and soap. Perhaps if a ship's cabin is lined with the stuff inside, it will smell pretty; it will also be very expensive and I expect to get very rich very quickly if I capture such a ship and sell it at the next shipyard. Especially since they don't have any sandalwood of their own. :D
I'm not sure what shipyards do with sandalwood anyway. It's not a structural timber; the fragrant oil extracted from it is used for things like perfumes and soap. Perhaps if a ship's cabin is lined with the stuff inside, it will smell pretty; it will also be very expensive and I expect to get very rich very quickly if I capture such a ship and sell it at the next shipyard. Especially since they don't have any sandalwood of their own. :D
If I recall, @Levis originally had ordinary planks used in its stead, but since that is an important player commodity, it became quite annoying when that wasn't anywhere around.
So he changed it to sandalwood, which is at least *some* type of wood. :shrug
I know - it was probably I who reported the global shortage of planks and sailcloth due to the fetch quests piling up all over the place. ;)

The real problem isn't what material is required; the problem is that fetch quests don't disappear unless you accept them and then report back to the shop, either with the goods or overdue. Hence my joke about becoming Sandalwood King of the Caribbean, and I may end up as King of Many Resources when the other fetch quests wipe out their respective materials across the map...
I thought those Fetch Quests were supposed to be expiring after three months, restoring things back to normal. :confused:

If they indeed keep piling up indefinitely, that could definitely cause some issues down the line. :modding
They should expire yes and they did before so I guess something else was also changed which prevents this. It's on my list of things to check ....
Towards the end of my most recent play session I was talking to the blacksmith in Kingston and not paying close enough attention to what he was saying when I pressed the spacebar. So I got stuck with this:
Anyone spot the slight problem? xD

In fact, when I nipped over to Cayman and brought back the oil, the quest completed successfully. I have no intention of waiting until 15th July to see whether the quest expires a year later than the blacksmith said it would...
That won't be necessary.
From the Chronicles of Horatio Nelson:
"En route to Cayman we encountered an American merchantman escorted by three frigates, one of them another of those mysterious types which belch smoke and sail without regard to the wind. The presence of that ship indicated that the contents of the merchantman could prove interesting, so we engaged, quickly capturing the first of the regular frigates. Unfortunately the prize captain was too enthusiastic and sank the merchant while I was engaging the second sail frigate. In the low wind, even with two masts down the abnormal frigate was outrunning even my HMS Aggressor, and may very well have escaped had her course not taken her close to the first prize frigate with the excitable gunners. After taking more damage the strange frigate surrendered.

Among the flotsam of the merchant ship was a crate containing some strange items. One of my officers, though on the payroll as a carpenter, is a tinkerer of all sorts. Taking one look at the contents of this crate the officer uttered two words, the first of them of four letters beginning with "f" and the second a longer word beginning with "c". After reassuring me that this first word was not what I thought I heard and that no disrespect was intended, the officer was allowed to keep the crate and work with its contents. The officer was probably the only person on the ship to be happy when we ran into a thunderstorm on the return journey to Jamaica. And the blacksmith of Kingston was equally happy when we presented him with the oil he had requested."

Game note: the battle report, the thunderstorm and the successful completion of the fetch quest are true. The bits about the carpenter and the crate are interpolation on my part. xD

Fetch quests are broken. I may have mentioned this before. ;) After I'd successfully completed his fetch quest, the blacksmith promptly declared another one, albeit with a more sensible date, probably because this one had been generated recently rather than perhaps a year ago. So much for clearing his dialog...
Fetch quests are broken. I may have mentioned this before. ;) [...] So much for clearing his dialog...
What exactly is broken again? I think you objected to the ordering in some dialog files? I reckon that should be very easily fixed.
Can you give me some specific examples where you would like to see some reordering done?
For re-ordering, all of them! Of particular importance are the shipyard and blacksmith as those are most likely to be visited routinely, therefore most likely where I'll press spacebar without looking closely enough and end up with a fetch quest I didn't want.

But in the above case, what's broken is that I completed the quest and the blacksmith immediately generated another one.
For re-ordering, all of them! Of particular importance are the shipyard and blacksmith as those are most likely to be visited routinely, therefore most likely where I'll press spacebar without looking closely enough and end up with a fetch quest I didn't want.
Looking at the code, this sounds quite weird; the Fetch Quests are all set to use "l8" so they shouldn't be showing up at the top of the dialog options.
What is the best way of testing this? Seems like I'll just need to see what actually happens in the game.
It's not as badly broken as I thought. After completing the blacksmith's second fetch, he hasn't generated a third. On the other hand, fetch quests dominate the tavern news, with 6 out of 14 news lines about people, mostly shipyards, needing help.

That second blacksmith fetch quest was profitable in the extreme. Deliver over 2000 gold for over 4,000,000 cash. Ideally you'd want to steal a couple of merchant ships which are already carrying that, but I wasn't that lucky and only managed to grab a few ships which between them could carry it. That meant I had to buy the gold for over 2,000,000 cash, which isn't a problem for me, but I hope less wealthy characters don't get stuck with that sort of initial payment...
For the frequency of the Fetch Quests, you could play with these numbers at the top of PROGRAM\QUESTS\quests_common.c:
#define CHANCE_FETCH_QUEST     150 //(int)  this is the chance of 1 in X.
#define MAX_NUMBER_FETCH_QUEST   2   //(int)  Amount of fetch quests per island (max)
#define FETCH_QUEST_POST_CHANCE   80  //(int)  0-100 chance of fetch quest getting posted in tavern news.
@Levis: Just so you know, the shared dialog link ordering system doesn't work the way I at least would expect.
If I put an .l9 in the shared dialog, it'll show BEFORE the regular .l1 but if I rename it to .l10 it shows up LAST instead.

I tried a simple fix that didn't work. In the end, I just changed them all to the 10+ range since it is better shared options don't show up first.
Then it seems setting the main exit option to .l99 does make it show up AFTER the .l10+ ones from the shared file.

So that should hopefully make things behave reasonably for gameplay purposes.
But it may not be as you intended, so perhaps you want to tweak the related code a bit further. :shrug
Fetch quests are awesome, at least in intention, but i must say i couldn't get the hang of it yet. Here are my trials though;
1 - There was a shipyard in need of something and i bought it from the plantation of the same city. Can't remember which it was, though.
2 - There was a gunsmith who was in need of gunpowder. I am playing ammo and gunpowder off, so...
3 - Mostly i go and check the store when i see that there's a fetch quest. One time the cargo wanted was available at the store but the "buy" option was still blocked. It was kinda' annoying.