I'm now using the version of Beta 3.3 which was posted over the weekend plus the zip file with updates posted early this week. Possibly not the latest zip file, though. So it's possible the following has been fixed. Meanwhile, I'm playing the "Brave Black Flag" storyline as it's a relatively new one, and it's essentially a free play which makes it suitable for testing various new stuff. As it turns out, a fetch quest has been generated quite quickly, and was even within reach - I found out about it in a tavern on Guadeloupe, it's the tailor at Curacao who wants help.
The quest won't be completed for a while, at least in real time. Partly because it showed up towards the end of the last playing session. Partly because the little tub with which you start "Brave Black Flag" hasn't a big enough hold to carry the 400+ cotton required, which means I'm going to have to steal something with a bigger cargo hold. And partly because I made the mistake of leaving locked perks enabled to try that out as well, meaning I can't get all the fencing perks as soon as I'd like, meaning boarding is very difficult.
But I can tell you that it's fouled up the quest book.
There's a new blank line at the bottom of the book which can't be clicked. And all the rest are now out of sync. If I click on one quest title, I get the completion report for another quest. And if I click on that "Artois Voysey" title:
This looks like a failed attempt to put the fetch quest into the quest book which does not include any details of who wants help, where, with what sort of cargo to be fetched.