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Fixed Massive FPS loss with the latest patch


Powder Monkey
I was still playing the August 25th edition untill today. Installed the September 23rd today and I now have massive FPS lag on the seas. On land and on the worldmap it's fine, but in DirectSail, I drop suddenly to around 20 fps and it stays there.

Very weird since I was playing the older version this morning to test something out and it was running fine then. Something in the code for the trade winds that broke?
Are you getting excessive amounts of entries in your .log files by any chance?

@ANSEL reported the same thing, so it seems clear that there is a real problem there. :(
I can certainly confirm the problem is NOT the new trade wind system. Seriously impossible. It isn't even called but once an hour, and is easy math for the computer, and has been thoroughly tested.

It seems my changes are constantly suspected of causing everything, when they are quite innocent.:p
Go take a look. See if you can find anything.


  • compile.log
    11.8 KB · Views: 140
  • error.log
    428 KB · Views: 142
  • system.log
    4.2 KB · Views: 153
@Joer @Pieter Boelen From looking at the error log:

The FPS is dropping by these things firing repeatedly:

RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AICannon.c; line: 138


RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AICannon.c; line: 37


RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AIShip.c; line: 2365

Especially the last one, that one fires over and over for most of the error log.

@Joer Please make a bug report with those files attached, you can quote the problem lines from my message above.

Certainly not the winds. :)
It seems my changes are constantly suspected of causing everything, when they are quite innocent.:p
Not by me, they're not.
Your changes are quite minor in comparison with the other ones made.
So I'm more likely to suspect those other changes.
Which is almost a shame, because that probably means they're not so easily fixed.

Go take a look. See if you can find anything.
Thanks! Can't check their contents right now, but error.log looks decidedly big. Almost half an MB!
That's very likely to be related.
With the latest patch as of September 23rd, I'm experiencing massive FPS lag while in DirectSail. This while on land and on the world map, everything is fine. The issue was not present on the August 25th version, which I played on before.

And to Quote
The FPS is dropping by these things firing repeatedly:

RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AICannon.c; line: 138


RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AICannon.c; line: 37


RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AIShip.c; line: 2365

Especially the last one, that one fires over and over for most of the error log.

ANything would be appreciated. I don't particulary enjoy playing a game with around 15-20 fps :p


  • compile.log
    11.8 KB · Views: 148
  • error.log
    428 KB · Views: 158
  • system.log
    4.2 KB · Views: 147
The FPS drop isn't even the worst issue here.
The reason game performance has gone bad is because the game is too busy logging errors.

So the real issue is whatever those errors mean.
Could cause actual issues with gameplay too, for all we know. :(

As far as I'm hearing, this most recent ZIP breaks quite a bit.
I'll definitely keep waiting with making another EXE until after those issues have been confirmed fixed again. :facepalm
You might want to slap a big warning on the ZIP download page so people know it might be a bit buggy atm.
I never added it to the Beta 4.1 WIP thread and it is clearly experimental.
So if it were left to me, I'd remove it there altogether and recommend the 28 July version as the most playable version for the time being.

But I'll leave it up to @Levis. It's his work. :doff
I never added it to the Beta 4.1 WIP thread and it is clearly experimental.
So if it were left to me, I'd remove it there altogether and recommend the 28 July version as the most playable version for the time being.

But I'll leave it up to @Levis. It's his work. :doff

I think we in a way should go back to 28 July version. At least leave all the experimental
stuff to Build 15. We need some peace to finish the build 14,1 job, and when its done
we can go experimental as wild as we want. Now we are just circling around, coming no
where. Lets finish the job, and go to Build 15 with new ideas, energy and strength.
Just me thinking laud.
There was a LOT done since July 28th that is wonderful though. So many fixes and stuff for longstanding problems.

Also, many bugs are not really new, just lay undiscovered previously. Like the check for blocking wrong nationality blades, nothing was changed there so the likelihood was that it was broken before the July 28th exe sometime, just generally unnoticed because most crews were high level (but could still roll wrong-nationality swords).

I think many of the new bugs we are experiencing the natural result of having had @Levis unify the Captain/ship generation system. That impacted a great many things, so we are seeing some bugs pop up in ships and captains, because those connect with a lot of different systems.

@Levis was asked to do that project (it was highly desired in the relevant thread), and he did a wonderful job, and has been supporting it very well afterwards, quickly fixing many bugs. Going back now would throw away a great deal of work and progress he has made.

Recommending the July 28th as playable for those who don't want to be beta-testers makes fine sense. But for those who want to be beta-testers, I vote we continue ahead. The worst bugs are already behind us, squashed by
@Levis 's hard work, and bugs were always going to happen if we were ever to unify the captain system.
The only thing you could do is make it more clear that the July 28 version is the 'stable' or 'live' version and the other builds are basically for beta testing for now.
@Joer That would be fine, I just do not want us throwing away all of @Levis 's work and doing some reversion to a previous version. The bugs we have had are the natural and expected result of unifying captain generation, and the worst are behind us now.

Actually, I would say the current version is very stable as well, and looking back to some of the problems since fixed from the July 28th, I would prefer the current even for playing (in the alternate universe where I am not about to disappear again into my endless mountain of work :p). If it were a matter of the version of a little over a week ago vs July 28th, then maybe July 28th, but @Levis has fixed so much since then,the version with all his fixes is really in pretty good shape. :)
The main thing I would want, for starters, is to have the new stuff in the current ZIP separated from the fixes.
Then I can add the fixes to the main EXE to make that as playable as it possibly can be.

Experimental stuff is great, of course.
But we've had experimental stuff that we thought was OK bring down the game before and that is something we should really want to avoid.
The best way is to keep them separate until they're absolutely confirmed OK.

Likewise, it is very important to not change too many different things at the same time, as tempting as that might be.
Then at least when new stuff breaks, it is easy to know what it is that was responsible.
Not to blame anyone, of course; but it does help massively with tracking down and fixing it quickly.

If not, you end up having to do massive investigations to figure out what broke things this time.
I've had to do that more times than I care to remember and it is really something you don't want to do if it can be avoided. :no
@Pieter Boelen That all makes perfect sense. I just am opposing any complete abandonment of what we've done so far--this version may not be ready for everyone, but I love the progress we have been making with @Levis 's fixes.

I actually volunteered to back all of my stuff out for the fixes only version a couple of days ago, because although my stuff doesn't cause bugs, it does change balance issues significantly. Levis then told me the captain stuff would have to be backed out to, which I couldn't handle, but I did write out a guide on how to back out all of my experimental stuff (it is actually really easy because my changes are pretty isolated) I'll edit the guide below since I won't be around to help with further info so anyone can do that part quickly when the time comes.

So there are only 5 or 6 files I think at issue, all identifiable form my zip here: Mod Release - Now included in latest patch: Trade Winds, AI armor, weapons variety, captain rebalancing, etc | Page 4 | PiratesAhoy!

The weather generation file can simply be removed from the zip. The lai_equip file should be restored to the old version from the previous zip, reverting the armor for AI and weapon variety changes. Same thing with createofficer and createcaptain, when those are reverted from Levis's changes, mine will be gone too.

The officer_types file should use the version in the current fixes + experimental zip, as that is an important overall rebalancing that Levis refined (there is nothing that could be argued better in the old version). The only really questionable thing, the firstmate/doctor switch, has already been reverted.

The item files can use the last version posted to new content, provided the baker rifle is going in. If not, just use the completely old version. It will be missing some fixes (like to reload times of pistol braces) that I made, and a lot of consistency work, but such will be the nature of 'fixes only'.
I was not saying we should throw Lewis stuff away, Just we should leave further experiments
to Build 15 , so we could have some peace to finish with Build 14.
Or a separate topic for experiments, where they could be, until a proper test was done.
I want to see the Build 14 job finished soon, that's what I dream about.