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High Priority Levelling: Some Captains Not Correctly Initialized until Too Late

Just to be clear on this, where IS and ISN'T this wrong?

The Capture screen shows 100% f0or everything? And then later, once you actually captured the ship, everything is back to normal?
Or is it still wrong in other spots as well?

Any chance of some screenshots illustrating the problem?
What I saw in the spyglass was a damaged ship before boarding. After the capture the ship icon in the lower left hand corner showed sails and hull at 100% and a depleted crew. This time I didn't bother to repair it before selling it and got a low price for it at auction.
I Just Captured the "Fast Death" took out two masts and she was down to around 15% on hull and under 150 crew when captured. On the capture screen hull and sails were 100% - crew was low still. I swapped ships, return to St Pierre and went to the Shipyard - no repairs required to the fast death but my ship still had the damage to be repaired as normal. So I think it still is a problem.

I don't have a save game at this point though. I have problems back again with my video driver (Win 10) and cannot run the game.
Thanks for confirming.
Indeed nothing was done to fix this yet.
everything is copied with
CopyAttributes(&NewOfficer, &RefChar);
so the leveling shouldn't be a problem...
This problem has not been fixed yet on 6th February version. I have a screenshot where I boarded a pirate ship that was with its sails heavily damaged and even a mast was broken. Here you have.

Stats at full 100%.jpg
Thanks for confirming. Nobody looked into it so far, but I was hoping to investigate this weekend.
Good to know it is still an issue, or I'd be wasting my time on it! :cheers
Uhm... guys....? How do I replicate this problem?
I figured I should finally look into this, but I am seeing nothing wrong on the test I did:

- Started a new game as an English Commodore
- Found a pirate ship and pounded her into surrendering
- Check the damage prior to capture
- Capture the ship
- Check the damage afterwards

But that all matched up fine. What am I doing wrong here? o_O
Tried again, this time capturing the ship for myself by swapping ships. And again, couldn't replicate the problem.

Is this supposed to ALWAYS happen or only sometimes?
If only sometimes, does it ever happen on surrendered ships? If so, please make a save EVERY time before boarding a surrendered ship.
When it happens, try again and see if it happens again. Basically I need a savegame from which this can be consistently replicated.

Otherwise I'll have to spend far too much time, trying to repeatedly trigger an apparently inconsistent bug.
I'd like to see this fixed, but I can't do that unless I can see it go wrong in my own game first. :facepalm
Is anyone still trying to figure this one out? Any confirmation on it it ever happens to surrendered ships at all?
Still hoping for a savegame here....
It's a bit inconsistent. Sometimes I think one ship is going to be with that problem showing up, and then other don't. But what I figured out that some ships have this problem. Those ships are governor's hunting ship quest, ships that are patrolling the coast, and also the "follower pirate ship", which is a pirate ship that appears on some islands and it's usually a small ship (Naval cutter, english bark or sloop). This ship, while you don't sink or board it, it will always spawn next to you whenever you go. That ship, IIRC, has this problem when you capture it (Even when you shoot it several times until it has low health, when you board and capture it, it gets 100% on hull and sails health).

My question is: Do we have to look after those ships that when they are captured have full health, or just look at those that when boarded, they appear on the screen with full health? Becuase those are two different things.

I will continue to find a properly save and then upload here.
So those quest ships get the problem? That could be a valuable clue!
Can you keep an eye this weekend and confirm if that is really the case? Also, see if it still applies if they surrender?
If you can give me a way to consistently reproduce the problem, maybe I can look into it again properly next week.

My question is: Do we have to look after those ships that when they are captured have full health, or just look at those that when boarded, they appear on the screen with full health? Becuase those are two different things.
I wouldn't know. I have never seen the bug so still don't quite understand exactly what happens and how.
@Pieter Boelen, good news! I could get a nice save for you for this bug. It has even two very good examples of different types of ship. You will have the save here, but I will also show you screenshots about those ships.

In the save you will have to go to Directsail in Hispaniola, where there is an open escort ship quest in that island. You have to go to Boca de Hubon in order to complete the quest. Once you appear on 3D sailing mode, two ships will apear next to you to attack: One is a pirate sloop, and the other is a french naval cutter (France is at war with England). These two ships have the problem mentioned here in this thread. Here you have the screenshots of this ships before boarding them and when I finished boarding them. Also, extra detail: The naval cutter has 18 lbs Carronade, which is a caliber superior to what that ship can afford to have.
The naval cutter is from the escort ship quest, and the pirate sloop is the "follower pirate ship" that I said in previous posts, that always respawns to you until you sink or board it.

Ship for testing (1).jpg Ship for testing (Sloop).jpg
Ship for testing (2).jpg Ship for testing (Naval Cutter).jpg


  • -=Player=- Open Sea October 17th, 1688.zip
    765 KB · Views: 183
Thanks, @HellSailor!

To be clear here, this is one "Escort Quest enemy" plus a "Governor Pirate Hunting enemy"?

Can you confirm if the problem can still be replicated if you force them to surrender first?
Reason I ask is because once I get into fixing this, I'll probably need to play through the attack a LOT of times to see if the changes have the desired effect.

It'll be next week before I can try though.

Also, extra detail: The naval cutter has 18 lbs Carronade, which is a caliber superior to what that ship can afford to have.
One of the two cannon types goes up to 2x the "listed caliber". Could that be it?
I can never seem to remember how that works though. Maybe @Hylie Pistof and/or @Armada would know?
To be clear here, this is one "Escort Quest enemy" plus a "Governor Pirate Hunting enemy"?
The naval cutter, yes, it's a Escort Quest Enemy. But the other pirate is NOT a Governor Pirate Hunting Enemy. It's a random pirate that always spawn next to me on certain islands (You can check the quest book on my save to corroborate it).

Can you confirm if the problem can still be replicated if you force them to surrender first?
I could give a try, but trying to fear an enemy ship with my low skills would be a hard time for me :p Anyway, don't worry, I will also check that and put a save here.
It's a random pirate that always spawn next to me on certain islands (You can check the quest book on my save to corroborate it).
Then it must be a Treasure Quest Pirate OR a Shore Crewmembers one (that triggers extra encounters, including one that can trigger an enemy ship too).
But Treasure Quest pirates are supposed to DISAPPEAR after you completed the treasure quest. Also, there can only be one at a time.
Do you use Shore Crewmembers?

Anyway, I'll check the IDs of those ships somehow and then we'll find out for sure which is the case.

I could give a try, but trying to fear an enemy ship with my low skills would be a hard time for me :p Anyway, don't worry, I will also check that and put a save here.
You can use Cheatmode for that. I do that all the time. Doesn't make for much fun gameplay (booooring!), but it does make for much faster testing.