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WIP KrisWood's Lyon Hoy small trader, 8 guns

Hylie, what is supposed to be her type name? At the moment it's blank in my game, because refShip.SName = "Lyon"; and I don't have that in my common.ini .
The ship type is a Hoy. I'm new with this shipsinit.c stuff and have been learning by doing. That means I don't know what refShip.SName means and I was just following what is in there for other ship types.

If you don't want to call it a hoy either lugger or sloop would work. I had trouble getting her to show up in game and just tried different things until she showed. Now she is all over the place!
refShip.SName is the ship type name shown in the interface. This needs to have an entry in RESOURCE\INI\Texts\English\common.ini .
I've added her as "Hoy" in my game now; thanks for clarifying. :doff
I have them both and now prefer the look of the water and the way the ships move in POTC. COAS used to be better until a few months ago. COAS is newer and has sharper graphics, but something just strikes me as wrong about its water.
Agreed. Having been at sea for quite some time myself, I also think that the water in CoAS looks fancy, but not quite right.
The PotC sea doesn't look quite realistic either, of course, but I do think the somewhat stylized look in the PotC game world is very easy on the eyes. At least on MY eyes. :wp
The way I see it, CoAS has a better wave shape for open, choppy seas, but PotC's waves look better for calmer waters.
Also, PotC now has a much better colour, transparency and reflectiveness than it did before, and possibly better than CoAS too, from what I can tell.
So whichever way you put it, PotC has definitely caught up with the quality of the ocean in CoAS. :cheeky
POTC has realistic sailing and COAS does not yet.

About the Hoy. Pirates are using it! Since it is nearly defenseless that makes no sense. In initships.c I changed "refship.TypeWar" to false.

About cannons. Are 8-4 pounders too small?
Setting her to trade only makes sense to me, Hylie, considering she's a small trader. :yes
In real life she would have carried no more than four 2pdrs, so 8 4pdrs are plenty :)
I searched for information about hoys and read that they were sometimes armed for coastal defense, but the only example that had actual guns mentioned was for one in 1794 that carried 1-24 lb. long gun and 3-32 lb. carronades. :shock
As I think I mentioned earlier in this thread (too lazy to look through it now) the Lyon Hoy's service logs only mention swivels. :)
Added 1.03 version of the Lyon with the gaff-yard fixed. It works perfectly in COAS without reverse lightning. The same should be in PotC.
I get the impression that the Lyon Hoy is rather common in the game, maybe too common. This is probably because all three are set up to be available to all nations:
	refShip.england = 0.5; //
refShip.france = 0.5; //
refShip.holland = 0.5; //
refShip.portugal = 0.5; //
refShip.pirate = 0.5; //
refShip.spain = 0.5; //
refShip.america = 0.5; //
My suggestion:
Lyon1 for England
Lyon2 for Spain
Lyon3 for France
Hoys were common (under various names) in England and Holland. The French used Chasses Maree for similar duties, not sure of the Spanish and Portuguese.
Too bad that none of the three reskins looks particularly Dutch then. :facepalm
Thank you Rider88. :cheers If the gaff is the only change it should be a straight drop in to the Lyon's currently in the game.

They are common in game. Usually there are 2 in every shipyard. Now that the pirates aren't using them they aren't as common as luggers, but they are out there.

My very limited research says they were Northern European coastal traders and that the French used them as fishing boats.
The only differences I could find between V1.02 and V1.03 are the jib and gaff. So after renaming some things here they are. I haven't seen them in game yet, but they look ok in GMViewer.
I have been sailing this ship in PotC ( Build 14 Beta 02-1 ) - she is really beautiful :bow :bow

Have found 2 small errors:-

1 - The rope from the black post on the right of the main mast ( looking forward ) stops in mid-air - not attached to the sail.

2 - The 1st triangular sail in front of the main mast has no rope attached to its bottom corner ( is it supposed to be the rope in no. 1 ) :shrug



  • PotC_Lyon_Hoy_1.JPG
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  • PotC_Lyon_Hoy_2.JPG
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  • PotC_Lyon_Hoy_3.JPG
    91 KB · Views: 180
  • PotC_Lyon_Hoy_4.JPG
    96.1 KB · Views: 220
The trouble with the ropes might be due to the fact that this ship was originally made for PotBS. That game barely animates fore and aft sails at all, so I may have put ropes in place that are less flexible in other games. If that's not the source of the issue, it's probably something that happened in the conversion process? :shrug
This is the only screenie I still have of a Hoy and if you look carefully you can see that it does have all ropes. I just looked at the Hoy's in beta 2.1 and it looks like some ropes might indeed be missing.

I looked on the FTP and I uploaded 2 versions, V1.01 and V1.02. Now to find out what happened..............:j3
What I found is that the rope ending in midair was supposed to be attached to the gaff sail. But in POTC only one rope is allowed to be attached to a sail corner and 2 were supposed to be there. I'm guessing that early on that rope attached itself to the main sail so I didn't notice the problem.

It looks ok to me now after some minor tweaks except that the gaff spar still has the reverse lighting bug. I tried them from V1, V2, & V3 and none worked to eliminate it. :shrug

They are on the FTP in my folder, in the "after beta 2" folder.

Should a Dutch and British version be made too? If so, what color should the British version be? I'm fairly sure the Dutch version should be green...........Uhohh..... I can not repaint this ship. I get grey areas instead of paint.
You are entirely correct; there should, in fact, be two lines on a fore and aft sail without a boom, one on port, one on starboard, or one line that attached to a hook that can be move to the port or starboard sides, but the game only allows one fixed midships. This may be remedied by modeling the sail with some sort of invisible boom, causing it to behave more realistically. (See "concerning spanker sails" I think I put a bit in on the non-boom rigged sails)

As for the color (if you get it to work)- Ships, even men o' war, were never painted generic colors depending on their nation. I'd just go with something period authentic that suits the hull. It maybe a little late on the time scale, but I think something like this would look very good. It may also pass as being English, if it absolutely has to.

(that's the schooner Sultana, in case you want to Google more pictures.)