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Inventory transfer screen oddity

Kevin the Seasick

Powder Monkey
I'm experiencing a strange problem that I can't seem to find an answer for in the forums (though I swear I saw such a post when searching for something else before). I am currently using Build 14 Beta 3.1. My inventory had grown quite large due to finally getting into quite a bit of battles. I then started to notice on the inventory transfer screen (i.e. between characters or the weapons locker) that I could only see 26 of my items, but my inventory showed me with many more items, particularly swords and guns, that I couldn't gain access to. I could see a sliver of a box on the right of the screen but couldn't get to it.

Well, in my persistence, I toyed a bit with it and transferred the "last" item to another character and suddenly a box was highlighted next to it with the word "error." Intrigued, I clicked on that box and was able to click my way two boxes over to the rest of my inventory. I reloaded and this time didn't bother transferring the last item, but rather I clicked on the "empty space" next to my "last" item where the error box had presented itself, and I was indeed able to select this "empty" box. I clicked on the next box, and then the next took me to my inventory just as before.

Basically, I can therefore transfer what I need to, so this post isn't as important as when I started it. However, is there something I can do to rid myself of this little glitch? If not, I'll persevere, but I'd most enjoy an error-free transfer screen. Thanks for reading the ramblings of a noob! :)
Uh ohh. One or more of the items you picked up in your wanderings has a problem. I thought we found and fixed those as they used to happen a lot and now they are supposed to not happen at all.

Could you zip up and post your log files?
I hope I zipped these right and they're the files you're looking for - I'm a zip noob too!


  • -=Kevin=- La Grenade.zip
    734 KB · Views: 83
  • compile.zip
    1.2 KB · Views: 70
  • error.zip
    251 bytes · Views: 80
  • system.zip
    512 bytes · Views: 71
Ya, your compile and error logs show some itemsbox.c problems. I am afraid @Levis will have to look into this.
Thanks, Hylie. I will await Levis' reply. I think I can get by in the meantime, which is a good thing since this game is highly addictive! Seriously, you modders blow me away with this stuff. Can't wait to build a little colony on Cozumel! :dance
I hate to used this thread for an unrelated question, but since I'm currently playing off the same save file, it makes sense since you have my logs and such above.
Q: What is the Passenger/Officer limit?
I currently have seven passengers (all officers, of course) and three captains. So, I suppose I have ten officers. I ask because I just found a gunner (finally!), but upon hiring him, one of my officers disappeared. All my officers have different roles. The only gunner I have is captaining a prize ship and thus not on the passenger list. What's odd is that the new gunner "replaced" the quartermaster. Fortunately, my surgeon has high commerce, but changing him to quartermaster has reduced my defense a bit, which is a tad bothersome (though bearable). Now that I think about it, I thought a French gunner I captured ran off on me, but he likely disappeared once I hired a captured pirate captain. Odd again, since a gunner was replaced with a surgeon. Also note, that my ten officers includes an escort captain.
I'm fine if ten is the limit, but I want to be sure since it doesn't feel quite right at the moment. Thanks!

Edit/Update: Well, I played around a bit and realized my game is definitely bugged. I went back to a "healthy" save from last week and was able to get to fourteen officers before stopping. Then, I loaded the above bugged save since I decided ten is fine for me. I just want to play. BUT, as a test, I fired two officers, leaving me with eight. When hiring another officer, instead of increasing to nine officers, it stayed at eight, replacing another officer. As it stands now, this breaks my game since I dare not load the earlier healthy save just to encounter this problem again.
Please help as I do so enjoy this game, but I have to shut it down for now. Gyargh...
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Ah, so it is a bad/corrupted game. Try starting a new game in a different time period and see how it goes.

Have you been playing for hours and hours without stopping? I ask because the Storm engine has a memory leak and playing for extended periods can corrupt it. Also, I defrag my hard drives every 2-3 days.
I'm trying to play Tales of a Sea Hawk, and it does not give me the option for a different time period (I tried very hard to change it the first time around). This was actually my first time playing in several days, and when I do play, I may play for a maximum of eight hours, though usually it's closer to five or six, so I don't think this would be a problem, but I'm not sure. Why do I need to defrag every few days? I've never defragged for any game before.
I think I may just start over and enable cheats to catch up with what I lost (I'm generally a one-looong-playthrough kind of guy). Or maybe I'll just shelf the game for awhile until it's more functional since I spend more time browsing these forums for fixes and answers than actually playing. Pah... maybe it's just my old puter.
Thanks, anyway! Keep up the good work!
Different time periods have different stories. I was suggesting starting a different story to see if the problem is global or just in that one storyline.

Like I said, there are memory leaks in the Storm engine that will never ever be fixed as they are too deep in the code to get to. You could do what I do and save and quit every hour or so, and then restart. That keeps the errors from getting too bad.

Also, because of the errors creeping in defragging is a must. What we have here is a pretty good game based on a VERY bad engine. It has been improved over the years but will never be up to the standard of other games.

I use IoBit Advanced System Care 7 and IoBit Smart Defrag 3. They are free and they work. Your computer will like you.
The problem you seem to have looks to be like a oddity. Something got corrupted somewhere. I will try to fix it for you later this week but I can't promise anything.
Thanks, Levis. I would appreciate anything you can do. Call me stubborn, but I'm really set on playing Hawk's story. If a fix isn't possible, however, I'll put that stubbornness aside. I've shelved the POTC for now as I've started on another game, but I do plan on returning to it (the high seas be like a fetchin' lass; always leavin' ye thirstin' fer more). Hylie, that save-quit-restart method sounds like a good call, and seeing as how this computer's probably never been defragged, I'll check into those programs you mention. My computer is probably angry with me for such wanton neglect!

Thanks again, y'all. I predict POTC will be one I return to again and again. :bird:
Yes, it sounds like the game has corrupted either the saved game file or the program itself. Copy your saved games to somewhere out of harm's way, uninstall the game, re-install, put the saved games back and see what happens. I've personally had both - sometimes loading an earlier saved game cures the problem because the problem was in the later saved game, sometimes the problem occurs even when I load a saved game which had previously worked. Which is why after I've installed the game, I make a copy of the entire game directory and when it starts doing silly things that can't be fixed by loading an earlier save, I copy the entire game directory back from that copy. It does mean the game is taking up twice as much disk space, but it's a lot quicker than a re-install. :)

To answer another question, the maximum limit of passengers and officers is 36. You'll know you've hit that limit without having to count heads because when you board an enemy ship and the captain surrenders, you'll no longer have the options to hire him as an officer or slam him in the brig - all you can do is let him go or kill everyone. I know because I got to that limit last time I played "Tales of a Sea Hawk" and continued for rather a long time with rather a lot of companions. :D I've run into the problem of disappearing officers as well, and so has someone else because I remember reading another thread about it, and in neither case was it due to the limit of 36 being reached.

I have to defend the original game. I played that for years before I ever found out about the Build Mods, without any of the problems that I've encountered since playing Build 14. In fact I played Build 13 for years as well, also without problems. The trouble now is that Build 14 has so much additional nice stuff that, despite its problems, I'd feel deprived giving it up and going back to reliable old Build 13...
I bought the original POTC (when it came out) for my friend's birthday and I remember how much fun it was to watch him play, only disappointed with the wacky not-so-real-life-Caribbean map, which has now been beautifully realized, of course. I generally just roll with vanilla games, but these mods are pretty incredible, so I know what you mean about feeling deprived if going back!

That said, I've also been feeling deprived from not playing at all! So, I do believe I'll try a combination of your advice and Hylie's and get back on the seas. I'll let you know if it goes smoother this time. Thanks!
We always wanted to put in the option to change the time period in the various storylines, but never got around to doing that.
You can do it manually though by editing PROGRAM\Storyline\standard.c and changing the sl.(sn).start.date.year line.
I would happily like to report that all of my above issues seem to be resolved.

I did not start a new game, nor did I change the time period. I'm stubborn like that, though I was prepared to do so if necessary. I performed a reinstall and loaded the buggy save(s), but the problems persisted. So, I loaded an earlier save before the oddities beset me and crossed my fingers. Well, I did more than that. I took Hylie's advice and I now quit and restart every hour, and I defrag every few days. After about 25 or so hours in, far past the point I was having the errors before, I have not seen those pesky inventory error boxes, nor have I experienced an issue with my officers. And trust me - I've been checking every two hours or so. So yay! I get to keep playing, AND I get to do so within the same Tales of a Sea Hawk scenario that I am quite enjoying.

Just figured this post deserved closure. Seems I just need to keep the leaky engine from bursting and cleaning up after the big fella every now and then. Thanks guys!
I would like to point this out again: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/build-14-beta-3-progress.20686/page-58#post-461833

The memory leak problem is not with the Storm Engine itself, it's caused by something added by mods. Just thought the Storm Engine shouldn't get any unjust criticism, even though it has its flaws. Since it is something added by mods it should be possible to fix it, but it is still hard to track down where the problem lies.
How does one track down a memory leak? I have heard they are tuff buggers to fix.