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Need Help Installing B14 beta 3.2


Powder Monkey
Hey guys.
I ran yet into another problem. I cant run my newly updated 3.2 version of the game.
The installer did its job without any problem; only after all was finished a windo popped up, telling me that "b14_beta3_full.7z might not have been installed correctly".
when starting the game, it gives me that runtime error window (screenie attatched)

I downloaded the installer and the full 3.2 version of the game
used the first two links in this list --> http://www.moddb.com/mods/new-horizons/downloads
i put the installer and the content into the same folder,
added the 7z part in the name so the installer recognizes the content.(had to do that for 3.1 too, and it worked back then)
I completely deleted my B14 b 3.1 version and re-installed the vanilla version of POTC before running the installer.
I triple checked that I gave the installer the correct path of the game folder.
I ran the installer as an admin.

sorry for all the bothering lately, i just really want the game to work ._.


  • 3.2runtime_error.png
    353.3 KB · Views: 156
Where have you installed the game? If it's somewhere under "Program Files", expect trouble. If it's not on the C: drive, you can probably also expect trouble - someone else had problems when he tried to install PoTC onto his D: drive. I've created a folder "C:\Games" on my PC and install PoTC, and for that matter all games, into that.

Try installing 7-zip, then unzip the archive file. This is not necessary to install the game but will allow you to check that your download of the archive is good.
Okay, i reinstalled everything under C/games/bethesda softworks
and this is what happened:
in the middle of the installation a window popped up, telling me to instal b14 beta 3 full first.
do i really have to do that?
3Full and 3.2Full have roughly the same size of 7GB, so i supposte the 3.2 file contains every information needed for the game when put ontop of the vanilla POTC, doesn't it?
screenie attatched.


  • buildmod.png
    131 KB · Views: 132
Where is your main archive? It is not present in yer screenie. You should have both files in the same folder like this: Clipboard01.jpg

Try this (Installation):
  1. Remove all your current PotC install.
  2. Install vanilla/stock PotC outside C:\\Program Files
  3. Run Part 2 or the Installation Wizard
  4. Direct it to your main game folder
  5. Wait until the install is done and play.
NOTE: If you have an Intel Card installed on your computer be sure to check the box "Intel Fix" during installation.
After installation. Your main game folder should have at least 9.8GB. Mine is 10.oGB in total.
probably because i'm an idiot
only now i realized that i'm not supposed to extract the files, but that the installer needs the ZIPPED data.
seriously guys, it's so easy to install that mod, some people just can't handle it.

Who says you can't install POTC to your D: drive? I have been doing it for years. In fact I have moved this POTC install from the D: drive to the C: drive, formatted D:, then moved it back and it still works fine. Well except when I accidentally break something...:pirate07:
Fair enough. I could have sworn I saw a report from someone who was having trouble installing the game, was originally trying to install to D:, then installed to C: and it worked. If I get bored enough I'll try to find it. Meantime, if PoTC does in fact work on D:, fine!
I always had my PotC installs on drive D along with my other games and stuffs. Just in case another formatting will take place, my good stuffs will remain safe. :cool: