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Solved Improved Build 14 Beta 3 Installation Process

Even with the ; there instead of : ? Wow. o_O
So how are we supposed to add this note without it messing things up?
Perhaps put that part on another line? Try before or after the actual line.
Ok this engine.ini works for me. It's not pretty but it works.


  • engine.7z
    3.5 KB · Views: 154
So as long as it is on the next line, it is OK? Oh well, so be it. :shrug
Thanks for helping out with this one. :cheers
I just tried it with that line moved all the way to the edge of the page and it works there too.
Well, I'll be interested if it STILL works with the engine.ini now included in the Beta 3 update.
If I understand correctly, it should do. But I'd like to hear from you to be sure. You never do know. o_O
Now I remember why I had the check on engine.EXE and not engine.INI: because CoAS doesn't HAVE engine.exe .
You know people like to install the modpack on the wrong game too. Perhaps I should find another PotC-unique file. :modding
Unique files in main folder compared to CoAS:
DrvMgt.dll - security-related file that may not be in all language versions
ENGINE.exe - also in AoP 1 plus might be renamed
readme.txt - neither AoP 1 or AoP 2 has this by default, I think
SECDRV.SYS - security-related file that may not be in all language versions

So based on the above, how about checking if "readme.txt" is present instead of checking ENGINE.exe or engine.ini ?
Other option: MODULES\telescope.dll . Looks like neither AoP 1 nor AoP 2 has that one. Or SeaFoam.sha or XBoxShaders.sha .
I think PotC was the only game of the series to be released for XBOX too, right? Perhaps that would be the best check then?
Oh, brilliant; now it is looking as if my external HD is dying. The one with all my pretty-crucial-and-positively-huge PotC stuff on it.
Trying some sort of rescue operation on my files, while the thing still sort-of vaguely does something.
I am NOT amused. :ko
A dying hard drive? ONO! :modding

Just use engine.exe and I will not rename it anymore. Who plays AOP1 anymore?
Well, I don't want to be telling you how to use your game files, now do I? o_O
No clue who still plays AoP, but you never do know.
Could someone upload their complete PROGRAM and RESOURCE\INI folders, by any chance?
I need those for comparisons to check what files need to go in the next update; otherwise I have to do it all by memory.
Usually I use my external HD for that, but that one will be backing up for the next many hours and may or may not return to "working properly" afterwards. :facepalm
Good to hear. The corrected engine.ini is also in the latest update now and should be OK. :doff
Latest change to the installation process is to add a check into the installer to prevent people from placing it in the same folder as the game itself.

Are there any other things that need addressing in the process or does it seem fairly smooth now?
It seems that people are still being quite confuzzled on the new installation process and I am not quite sure how to make it any clearer.
I'd really, really welcome some suggestions here, people!
Can you make the installer check what version is used, so the installer can see itself if the complete archive is needed or only the update? I think this is one of the big confusing things.