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Guide How to get a very good start

So its gonna be +1000HP to your current HP? Wow! That is TREASURE! :treasure::thumbs1 I wanna find that item! Arrr! I wonder what it looks like! xD
Can I ask directions? Hehehe. 'Cause I know I'll be dead for lot of times again and its better to at least know where I'm going for a little motivation. Hehehe. Can I? :cheeky
I tried to find that HP treasure but I always end up at the crossing where there's an exit to Bridgetown and by the time I get there, I'm already frustrated and dizzy.o_O
I think you misunderstood. It is the ENEMY that has 1000 HP. You're not getting it yourself. :wp
Huh. I posted here a while back about the Abbey crypt and where to go but it seems to have disappeared. There are two maps needed, the Redmond dungeon and the upper level of the Cozumel Temple maze.

Hint: The exits are in dead ends and you need to write them in yourself, preferably in blood.


  • dungeon maps.7z
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I think you misunderstood. It is the ENEMY that has 1000 HP. You're not getting it yourself. :wp
Oh..xD Well, that's why I put a question mark the first time but Sire Hylie didn't answer or correct me. But I'm gonna find that treasure still. I'm curious.:D
I found it(the spot)! And there's no "like a skeleton with a sword" thing in there. All I got was some artifacts, idols, gems and minerals. The only sword that I found was an Average French Nobility Sword. I dug the damn thing again and again till I dug up alive skeletons that can't be killed. I also got poisoned when I dug up some more. Then its saying they're gonna "exorcise" the crypt - there's these violet colored things. After some more time, came now these "men in red" fighting me and the invincible skeletons. After some more time again, its saying the Grandmaster Himself is to check the treasure well, of, course easily killed by them skeletons.


Anyway, what is that item's name? 'cause I got nothing when I got there. I'm really curious about that "like a skeleton with a sword" item. I want it.
So you went to the "maltese abbey temple", not? I haven't been on barbados too much, since i was getting more rich with some jobs here and there...

By the way, wow.... i'm nervous to go to tht nightmare place... a good adventure for a pirate :aar

PD: Some days i was disconnected studying for final exams and you have talked so much while i wasn't in this post. Amazing guys! It seems the new sailors of this forum bring up more pirate spirit to the older ones :dance

By the way, i will post in another thread some unique ships and which ships are good to have at the start (No cheats of course...). There you can put also which ships do you have now and its names. Those ones you love so much. (I know that there is a post where you say your favourite ship and its name, but with the new thread, maybe you have changed your likes ;) )

By the way... game crashed me a lot, so i had to reinstall the game for third time :(
I realised something fighting against those monks... it seems that don't attack you unless:

  • You are near them or close to them, it doesn't matter if you shoot him from far away, the just don't attack you.
  • They like to patrol a certain area (Not big), so it's better not to get inside their patrol area or it will be more difficult.
I remember that Grand Master. That is where I decided to leave. It looks like you found the skeletons with swords and a few other things as well. I was in normal play mode and used up over 300 grenades and was about out of everything.
Oh...now I get it, totally. Yeah, I used a lot of grenades myself when I got there but still super hard as I was in swashbuckler mode. The only reason I reached that spot is because I used cheat when I was getting really close and because I was out of ammo. Hehehe. :p:treasure::guns: :pflag:bird:
Hey guys! I have recently discovered something interesting with the part 4 of my guide, from Gregor Samsa. For this "alternative part" You will need:

  • A sandbag.
  • A thief's knife.
This is the trick: You hit gregor samsa with the sandbag and gets stunned (or asleep), and then, you change to the theif's knife and you steal him. This, of course, goes down your reputation, but, if you escape from the port, and you come back, Gregor Samsa will have instantly new excellent weapons and items and money for purchase. If you want to keep your "supply" of excellent items, you must left him alive. But if you want to use the "workshop ambush", you have to do this: Stun him with the sandbag, then go to talk to the workshop until there's an ambush, let them kill the citizens, and loot their corpses. But here's the thing important when you don't use the trick: Gregor Samsa doesn't get killed IF he's not armed. Sometimes he will not be armed, so the bandits won't kill him. In order to get his things, use that trick in order to get his items and not to kill him (Because you will receive a several penalty of -100 to your reputation, that is, getting the level of Horror of the Seas!).

So... to resume it, the trick is useful when gregor samsa is armed and you want to let him alive in order to get constantly new excellent items from him. (Because he will attack the bandits if they get close to him) You only have to stun him with the sandbag, go to the workshop, wait until all of them are dead, except him, and then steal his things with the thief's knife. After that... run away!
Methinks it is random loot. I would say it is more about going in there and being able to say you came out alive! :duel:
So is there any final treasure in that abbey or just random loot?
Only random loot.

This is the trick: You hit gregor samsa with the sandbag and gets stunned (or asleep), and then, you change to the theif's knife and you steal him. This, of course, goes down your reputation, but, if you escape from the port, and you come back, Gregor Samsa will have instantly new excellent weapons and items and money for purchase. If you want to keep your "supply" of excellent items, you must left him alive. But if you want to use the "workshop ambush", you have to do this: Stun him with the sandbag, then go to talk to the workshop until there's an ambush, let them kill the citizens, and loot their corpses. But here's the thing important when you don't use the trick: Gregor Samsa doesn't get killed IF he's not armed. Sometimes he will not be armed, so the bandits won't kill him. In order to get his things, use that trick in order to get his items and not to kill him (Because you will receive a several penalty of -100 to your reputation, that is, getting the level of Horror of the Seas!).
Whahaha! You really ARE being proper creative there with your exploits! :razz
Thank you sir, i'm just discovering all possible and useful strategies for players ;)

I must say i loved this game even when i had it stock. I learned a lot about this game, and with these new features of the mod, my horizons are now growing. Keep it going with this! :aar

Btw, this is probably the 4th time i reinstalled the game, because i had some critical bugs and crashes. Nothing special, don't worry.

Oh, i didn't create my guide of recommended ships for starting and all the ships available in Tales of a Sea Hawk. It will be in an excel for ordering all data as clear as possible. If i have some free time, i will do through the week or so.

PD: I have read your post of the Devlin Opera in your website, moddb. I find it interesting. I have played the storyline, but i get stuck and don't know how to have free play, because i can't use the quicksave even when i went out from Villa de la Vega. Is there a walkthrough of the Devlin Opera?

PD2: And which is the story of Blaze Devlin and Danielle Devlin? Because i am curious about the story of those characters which didn't see the light. All i know is that "Pirates of the Caribbean" took the name of a game called before "Sea Dogs 2". Which was the story also of Sea Dogs 2?
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The Devlin Opera is not much of a storyline. It sounds like you have already reached the end of it. Methinks the story ends after the big meeting with all of the characters. When I play it I go free play when I leave the waterfront at the start.

Free play means you can go where you want and do what you want freely with no worries about crashing a story line. Free play means what it says. You are free to do whatever you can do.

Methinks POTC was originally called Sea Dogs 2, but Disney bought into it and renamed it after their movie and had Akella add some movie content to it.
Yes, i have been with some of the characters that can help you, but no one of them had a finished storyline. So.... after the meeting with the pirates on Turks, it is supossed to be from that point free play? (Meaning you can use quicksave without problems right from that moment).
Yes, i have been with some of the characters that can help you, but no one of them had a finished storyline. So.... after the meeting with the pirates on Turks, it is supossed to be from that point free play? (Meaning you can use quicksave without problems right from that moment).

I suppose so. I never use quicksave. Does it cause problems?