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Solved How can Import a AOP2 Sword to POTC:NH

I have taken a look into where items are given to traders but decided to look away as fast as possible.
There's nothing there I have a chance to dig into.

So I'll upload what I have got. Do you want the Katana to be sold only in Tortuga stores or in most ordinary stores
+ Tortuga?
Look, I can't fix "The Katana 1 and 2 in all Pirates Stores". Besides that I have just one katana
called bladeC36 at the moment. So I'll ask again:

Do you want the Katana to be sold only in Tortuga stores or in most ordinary stores
+ Tortuga?
Ok, here is what I've got. It's called bladeC36. I have also set it NOT to be found randomnly as you
wanted to buy it.

Now I disappear into the fog and the dark mysteries of alchemy for a while...


  • katana JRH 17-02-08.7z
    182.6 KB · Views: 96

But the items_utilite.c File is new for me.
Have i only to copy this: if(!CheckCharacterItem(ch, "bladeC36")) GiveItem2Character(ch, "bladeC36"); //JRH to

if(!CheckCharacterItem(ch, "bladeC37")) GiveItem2Character(ch, "bladeC37"); for Katana 2
if(!CheckCharacterItem(ch, "bladeC38")) GiveItem2Character(ch, "bladeC38"); for Katana 3
Have i only to copy this: if(!CheckCharacterItem(ch, "bladeC36")) GiveItem2Character(ch, "bladeC36"); //JRH

Are you sure about 3 katanas. I mean if it's only the colour of the handle. That could be hard to notice ingame.

How about giving it to Sao Feng and his bodyguards?!
Sounds good to me.
Please @pirateking you're almost bombing me with private messages. And you don't have to start a new conversation
every time. I've got 10 converstaions now. So please take it easy - we are willing to help but the common idea here is
if you want something done you have to do it yourself.
Hi Sorry!

Yes i am Sure about 3 Katanas
Today i start the Work on the Texture and the Interface Pic.

Will like make the Codes?
Katana 1 is ready -> Common Only in Store LV: 1
Katana 2 is ready -> Common Only in Store LV: 2
Katana 3 is ready -> Rare Only in Store Lv: 3
@pirateking: Please study our Notice - Welcome and Forum Rules! | PiratesAhoy! thread VERY carefully again!
Take special note of these sections:
However, be sure to post any questions ONLY ONCE and IN PUBLIC!
That is a "win" situation for everybody involved, because:
- Deliberate "double posting" can only possibly annoy people and serves no other purpose
- Anyone and everyone can respond, which means you will probably get a quicker reply than using the Private Messaging (PM) system
- It will be visible for future visitors that may have the same question

You must avoid contacting people in private if not required!
Do not be surprised if you receive no response on a question asked through PM that could have been asked in public.
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This includes but is not limited to:
- Starting personal conversations with questions that can be asked on the forum
I already advised you of this last Tuesday, which makes this the SECOND time I have to do that.
Do not let there be a third time! You may consider this an official verbal warning.

Most people in this community are very willing to help whenever they can.
But sometimes you may need to excerise some patience while waiting until someone responds.
If that happens, then so be it. Everyone here has lives of their own and projects of their own.
And we don't get paid for anything we do here. ;)

@Jack Rackham and @Grey Roger: As per the forum rules, it is your right(!) to not respond to any further PMs.
I have been "too nice" in the past by responding anyway, but unfortunately that generally only makes it worse.
These days, I myself respond only with a reminder of the forum rules, but I positively REFUSE to answer the actual question in private.

@Pieter Boelen, @Jack Rackham: It occurs to me that the katana could be used in the general game too. How about giving it to Sao Feng and his bodyguards?
Isn't a Katana Japanese and Sao Feng from Singapore, e.g. China?
I don't mind though, so GO FOR IT! :cheers
Yes, a katana is Japanese and Sao Feng is from China, but I'd imagine he'd be more likely to carry a Japanese sword than a European one. Anyway, he's made it all the way from the Orient to the Caribbean so a side trip to Japan is not exactly implausible. :D

Giving Sao Feng a katana instead of whatever he carries at the moment (probably something default as I don't see any sword given in his character entry) would make him a bit more distinctive. And given the effort that has been put into the katana, we may as well get some extra value out of it; Sao Feng is the most reasonable candidate I can think of.
Yes, a katana is Japanese and Sao Feng is from China, but I'd imagine he'd be more likely to carry a Japanese sword than a European one. Anyway, he's made it all the way from the Orient to the Caribbean so a side trip to Japan is not exactly implausible. :D

Giving Sao Feng a katana instead of whatever he carries at the moment (probably something default as I don't see any sword given in his character entry) would make him a bit more distinctive. And given the effort that has been put into the katana, we may as well get some extra value out of it; Sao Feng is the most reasonable candidate I can think of.
Agreed on all accounts.
As I said, I don't mind the slight geographical/cultural mismatch, so GO FOR IT! :cheers

@Pieter Boelen Oh sorry.

@all I have a littel Reqaust about the Grafik work!
Can maybe soneone make Texture and Interface Grafik work!
Because i have Problem to make Texture and Interface,
because i am not so perfect in Grafik Work.

I need Interface Pic:
Item9, Item9+1, Item9+2, Item9+3, Item9-1

That would be very helpfull for me,
I've worked a bit before, take a look into me
Dropbox Forlder: Dropbox - Pirate Katana

CU Pirate King
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