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Fixed Hire officer from barkeeper not functioning


I've had this issue for a few days where I tried hiring many different types of officers from the bartender.. he immediately says that he found someone.. then that someone I go speak to and apparently they are already recruited in my crew; but I don't see their avatar on Passenger screen.. and I tried many things such as Change officer role.. but they don't appear neither on my officer list nor my passenger list.

The only time it works is when I start dialog and they give me the 2 options "How much do you want" and "Alas, I already have a ***** in my crew".

But this kind of dialog only happens 5% chance as it did now; most of the time these recruits are automatically recruited in my crew but are "invisible".

[Additional problems solved and taken; but kept this screenshot for the Smuggling reference]

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I've had this issue for a few days where I tried hiring many different types of officers from the bartender.. he immediately says that he found someone.. then that someone I go speak to and apparently they are already recruited in my crew; but I don't see their avatar on Passenger screen.. and I tried many things such as Change officer role.. but they don't appear neither on my officer list nor my passenger list.

The only time it works is when I start dialog and they give me the 2 options "How much do you want" and "Alas, I already have a ***** in my crew".

But this kind of dialog only happens 5% chance as it did now; most of the time these recruits are automatically recruited in my crew but are "invisible".
This stopped working gradually during the game, right?
Perhaps the "reusing existing character slots" system is messing this up again.
Can you post a savegame with you standing in front of such an officer that won't be hired? I'd like to check his dialog current node.

Another little issue is the Questbook; I have 2 quests that I finished/abandoned but they still appear with a ? next to them when they should be scrapped and have a tick mark. One of them is the Larouse girl quest which I didn't follow, it's still existing in my questbook and last record note saying "That french scoundrel......"
That is the quest you started but didn't finish, right? Of course it is still open! You didn't finish it! :whipa

The other quest isn't really a quest but it's the one where I helped save this guy in a pirate fort and he joins my crew and that's about it; not sure why it is a quest nor why it is still stuck on my questbook.
There is actually more story to follow with him. :yes

I see a bigger questbook issue there: "Smuggling on ." should display an island name too.
Is that always missing? If so, another Bug Tracker entry would be required for that one.
Treasure quests are only successful about 1/3rd of the time. When you go 0-5, then you have reason to be concerned.
Treasure quests are only successful about 1/3rd of the time. When you go 0-5, then you have reason to be concerned.
That's all dependent on your luck skill. Relevant file is PROGRAM\MAXIMUS_function.c, search for "treasure".
IAnother little issue is the Questbook; I have 2 quests that I finished/abandoned but they still appear with a ? next to them when they should be scrapped and have a tick mark. One of them is the Larouse girl quest which I didn't follow, it's still existing in my questbook and last record note saying "That french scoundrel......"
Looking at "PROGRAM\QUESTS\quests_side.c", there does seem to be a way to end this quest if you've killed Claire Larousse at sea. You have a questbook entry saying:
"The traitorous dog! That French scoundrel attacked me when she realized that I'm not going to chase the convoy with her any more."
If I read the quest code correctly, it may expect you to go to Los Barbados again - you may need to wander around to find the right place. (@Pieter Boelen: look at case "fight_with_larrouse_complete" and see if you can figure out how to get from there to case "exit_from_oxbay_to_sea_complete" and case "killing_clair_in_sea_complete", which should bring up one final questbook entry and close the quest.)

The other quest isn't really a quest but it's the one where I helped save this guy in a pirate fort and he joins my crew and that's about it; not sure why it is a quest nor why it is still stuck on my questbook.
Make him active, raise a false Portuguese flag and head for the port on Camahogne. Events should proceed from there... (Technically the Portuguese flag isn't part of the quest, but if you don't look friendly to Portugal then the fort will prevent you from continuing the quest, or for that matter doing anything much else. :D)

Edit: Just had my 2nd treasure hunt in Camahoc down in the south.. I used pickaxe for digging in the cave in Levathian Rock shore.. and chest opened but nothing was inside.. 2nd time it happens to me and 2nd time in the same cave in the same island. Anyone else also experienced this before?
Yes, treasure quests are random. Some yield empty chests, some yield full chests. What's your "Luck" rating? The higher that is, the better chance you should have of getting a full chest, though there's never a guarantee...
Not sure about the smuggling thing, but I'll keep an eye out from now on..

For the save file plz I tried uploading here but it says:
The following error occurred
The uploaded file does not have an allowed extension.

-=Player2=- Nuestra Señora de las Nieves. Tavern September 28th, 1501
My luck is 5 but thanks for the thoughts.. since I got a better ship I might as well go Barbados and find the gold convoy.. as well as try that other quest in Cuamahoc.
There we go.. I put both saves.. September 28th is the latest.. im in tavern near that red hair guy.. he is wearing aqua blue and is wandering around tavern.
But surprisingly it took me 3 taverns to note down this glitch.. past few times it worked normal; except I tried something different and went out to hunt some enemy ships then came back tavern and the glitch came back again; so maybe there is something particular that triggers this case.


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Looking at the officer generation code, it shouldn't be possible that he/she shows the wrong dialog text.
But it happens anyway. Very bizarre!

However, it does appear that generated hire-able officers don't disappear from the location as I had intended.
I have made a fix for that already. Still need to look into the other issue. :facepalm
Yea it's not that big of a deal.. last night it was working 70% of the time. But before that for 3 days.. it was pretty bad, about 5-10% max
I give up for today; this one is BATSHIT INSANE CRAZY!

It seems that once SetRandomNameToCharacter is called, that "resurrects" a previously used character instead of using the clean, new one.
But I have not the foggiest why or how as that function doesn't actually have any code to do that!

Also, when I use DeleteCharacter during a scene, I do manage to remove the character.
But when I return, that character is there again once more, this time completely mute.
So I can't keep those crazy characters to stay away.

However, on a brand new game of my own, I cannot replicate any of this weirdness!
Which suggests that rather than being an error in the code, there is something wrong specifically with your savegame.
I don't know why or how, but something bizarre is going on there.
@Everyone, can you pretty please try the "I want to hire a specific officer" option as often as possible?
I'd like to know of other people CAN replicate this problem on their own savegames. Because I apparently can not.
It seems 5 years of my laptop existence has caused some amazing wonders to exist within it.

But it's not really an emergency issue; I just reload save game until it works.. could work within 1 try or 20 tries but eventually it will work!
The LOM issue still not working for me.. I kept pressing dialog 100 times over & over again but he only says the same thing and it's been 1 month but no quests available.. could it be because my reputation is Rascal? Although I donated 50k to church now, I didn't get not one bit of increase in rep somehow.
It is probably because your game isn't quite the same as mine.
With a bit of luck, I'll be able to post a proper new update next week.

In the meantime, I think I'll focus my attention on other problems as I cannot replicate nor fix your weirdness anymore it seems.
You could try a new game and see if something works better there.
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lol yea I'm guessing I'm missing some files from my game, so better I'll wait till next week and hope the update can fill the gaps which I'm missing
Yes I equip everything fine, but when I close inventory screen.. it is as if I didn't equip at all so I have to do it again.
But this happens only 50% of time though.

I just passed by another 2 issues at the tavern, and these are new issues from new update:

When hiring officer.. I recruited master @ arms, then at the same moment I found a surgeon and hired him... before when you hire 2.. they both get placed onto different Officer positions in your Passenger screen.. but now the position which officers are hired are on the bottom right corner only.. so I hired the master @ arms and he was placed there which is fine.. but then when I hired the surgeon, he was placed on the same spot instead of being placed on the top right or bottom left corner positions which they're supposed to.

Another issue which I don't know if it's a part of update or if it shouldn't act this way, is in the Passenger screen also, I can't seem to click on "Change officer role" .. both commands are unclickable on all officers/passengers.. so I will try now to go manually speak to them if I want to change their roles.

Ps. Error file is updated from this morning; there is bottom one saying "Officer dialog".. can't remember which error was that


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