• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

    Visit our website www.piratehorizons.com to quickly find download links for the newest versions of our New Horizons mods Beyond New Horizons and Maelstrom New Horizons!



Hi I am new to this game and have not yet purchased a copy.
I am into RPG, Adventure Games and so on, An i like single player, but does this game not support MultiPlayer(Internet Online Play) or is there any plans for Internet play in expansions or downloads??
Sorry if this has been mentioned.
I doubt they seriously considered making it `multi-player`. It is essentially the same as the earlier version of it released in the 1980s when home computers simply didn't do multiplayer stuff. It is a great game--not much like a modern RPG but lots of adventure.
Ok thanks i will get it then i have watched the videos an looked at the pics an iit seems to look a great game thanks info.