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Solved Fixing the Signage

I think the phrase "awesome" applies quite nicely here! :cheeky
Too bad about the "S'town", but indeed I can't think of a better solution than what you already did.

Can't think of anything against that font either; looks OK. I'll set things up to switch between the two as soon as I've got the files.
Should be easy enough. :doff
See attached for the textures. For the other town names, I simply covered them over; better to have them blank than incorrect, no?


  • NewSignposts.7z
    431.1 KB · Views: 59
HA! Got them to show up and change per period too! Just re-used the SPAIN texture folder, so didn't have to make more copies of files.
I do still wonder if I can somehow do away with that "JUNGLES" folder I had to make, but I don't think we can risk it.
Making those signs disappear altogether might make wooden stuff disappear in other locations.
For example, it made the palisade in the Aruba natives village disappear because that uses the same texture as the signs do. :facepalm

Does anyone know any other mismatched sign-age in any of the stock game locations that were re-textured to other nations?
My main question would be: CAN we edit existing location files and re-export them properly?
To answer that (if you care to do so), perhaps you could re-export the Sewer location?
That one has its camera collision detection messed up since we lowered the whole thing to flood it.

I've just re-exported the sewer location with some success; it has one issue that would cause it to be corrupted if we added any locators, but since they're added separately, that shouldn't matter.
The file is available here: Sewer_fix.7z Let me know if it works as intended...
The camera is behaving itself now! The location is overly bright, but that should be easily fixed as well.
This opens up a whole new area of opportunity, does it not? :woot
Ah, but how are we supposed to fix the brightness? Isn't that related to the COL files?
Oh, I didn't realise it was that simple! That's an awesome feature! :woot
As far as I can tell, the Storm engine is a pretty damn good piece of work! Open code folders, error logs that tell us when and what goes wrong,
automatically generating foam files if missing and a built-in location lighting generator and much more.
And the modders in the past have done some awesome things too. For all the problems we have with some of it, I'm frequently very grateful for the way they set things up.
And the modders in the past have done some awesome things too. For all the problems we have with some of it, I'm frequently very grateful for the way they set things up.
That's clearly one reason why the Build Mod has been going for ten years now. :dance
In contrast, the number of modern engines that are so closed-off to modders is staggering.
I do still wonder if I can somehow do away with that "JUNGLES" folder I had to make, but I don't think we can risk it.
Making those signs disappear altogether might make wooden stuff disappear in other locations.
For example, it made the palisade in the Aruba natives village disappear because that uses the same texture as the signs do. :facepalm

I just tried to get the location model (jungle05, right?) into Maya, and realised two parts were corrupted so had to be separated via TOOL.
Conveniently, one of these parts is the signpost itself, so as well as getting it into Maya, I also tried simply removing that part from a copy of the location model.
The result seems to look fine, but again has the same issue as the sewer I re-exported. Try this file and see if it works without any weird errors: Jungle05.7z
Signpost-less jungle, eh? Niiice! I'll try it tomorrow. That would allow us to get rid of the double texture folder!
Though for now, as per Beta 3 WIP 7, things do match up. So I'd say this is a low priority thing now. :doff

I'll just repeat this question of mine though:
Does anyone know any other mismatched sign-age in any of the stock game locations that were re-textured to other nation
That'd be easily fixed. Just need to know about it. And there are plenty of retextured stock game towns around that could be affected.
Tested and seems to work fine, once I made the COL files. 2.19 MB for the GM file + lighting files. 3.40 MB for the copied texture folder.
This is going to end up larger than the texture method though. Unless you can also make a GM of the sign by itself; then we can do this REALLY nicely.

One strange effect: You still can't walk through the former sign, because of course the walk patch hasn't been changed.
I doubt anyone would really notice that though. :shrug
Sign by itself? See attached. :onya
Just wondering: will the signpost be lit properly if attached with a locator?

About the walk patch: is that the funny PTC file in the Jungle_5 folder? There doesn't appear to be a GM file like the ships use.


  • Signpost1.7z
    5.2 KB · Views: 66
Just wondering: will the signpost be lit properly if attached with a locator?
If we use an .always, then yes.
How DO you put a GM file on a locator again though? Right now the sign IS showing up, but at the location's (0,0,0) point which is NOT where it used to be. :facepalm
Oh well, gives us something to do.

About the walk patch: is that the funny PTC file in the Jungle_5 folder?
Yep, that's it.
How DO you put a GM file on a locator again though? Right now the sign IS showing up, but at the location's (0,0,0) point which is NOT where it used to be. :facepalm
Oh well, gives us something to do.
I'm not so sure exactly how it works. Can you think of any examples that use locators? Or did I make it up? o_O
Perhaps the signpost model needs to be repositioned in Maya instead, provided we don't want to use it for any other locations.
A similar situation is the tent of the smugglers ashore and that IS repositioned in Maya.
So we'd just need a different signpost model for both jungle locations. :shrug
By "both" locations, do you mean Jungle_5 and Jungle_3? Those are the only ones using this signpost.

Anyway, I'm thinking of repositioning the sign in Jungle_5, because where it is now is a bit deceiving, don't you think?
It makes it look as though Bridgetown is down the centre path of the 'T-junction', rather than the opposite end to the Speightstown path.
Putting the sign in the top-centre of the T-junction and flipping the arrows might be a bit more sensible.
While I'm at it, I could probably extend the upper arrow to allow enough room to write 'Speightstown'. :cheeky