Should mean that the character will fight to the death, if I recall.
Then it should be impossible to take Mystery_Man_04 as a companion because he has that line in his definition in "PROGRAM\Characters\init\SideQuest.c".
Besides, looking at "compile.log", the error appears to have occcured at or shortly after case "to_greenford_for_montanez_complete", which is when victory conditions for the battle are set up, and which is triggered when you arrive in Barbados waters. It's as if Mystery_Man_04 has somehow changed from enemy to ally, despite having been defined as enemy in case "prepare_for_barkue". So you enter Barbados waters, various ships try to log in (probably random traffic, "compile.log" mentions British, French and Pirate ships, and the Animist ships aren't among the pirates), then it tries to process groups, and that's where it runs into trouble - group "animists", containing Mystery_Man_04 (commander) and Mystery_Man_05, has been defined.
And so, right after
@Wolfman arrives at Barbados, the game crashes, as he reports.
@Wolfman: what are your relations to Pirates, Britain and Spain?
Incidentally, half way down "compile.log" is further evidence for the other bug, which is port names not being pre-processed.
FLAGS: The '#stown_name# Fort' remembers us as personal