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Solved Companion Mutiny

Hylie Pistof

QA Tester
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
There is something odd going on with the mutineers now. :duel:

All was well until I struck it rich with a treasure quest. I went to the store and cashed in the treasure for cash. $8,250,000 or so. Then I went to the shipyard to repair the ships and my crew mutinied! They came crashing through the door of the shipyard and commenced to fighting. The shipwright just sat at his desk and watched the show. Well, i got out of there as fast as I could and made sure the ships had lots of food and rum, and paid the crews some extra cash to improve their morale.
It didn't work. I was getting companion mutinies daily, so put all the extra cash into the ship's chest. Boom, their morale went up to excellent. :drunk
But I am still getting companion mutinies and my companion ships are grey in the minimap instead of green. :facepalm
Wow.... that sounds REALLY interesting. Savegame, please? I'd quite like to see what happens with those companion mutinies! :shock
So I'm seeing if I can track down what happens with this. Here's what I found so far:

On the "daily crew update", Companion Mutiny occurs either if:
- There is no more food and there is less than 25% of the maximum crew left
- Morale drops below 10

Strange thing: If both occur at the same time, the companion mutiny could would also be executed twice.
I'm moving the function that triggers it down until after all other daily crew update stuff has been completed.

Even stranger: I can find zero reference to mutinies being able to occur while ashore. If you're at sea, that ship should turn hostile to you.
If you're on the worldmap, you'll get a "Worldmap Encounter" screen that should reload you to a fight with your mutinous companion ships.

One thing I do note is that when such a mutiny occurs, the bShipMutiny variable is set to true .
But I can find NO reference at all to that ever being set to FALSE again. Which might be where the problem comes from.
Might be possible to fix this by setting it back to false at the beginning of every day.
A savegame would help very much in testing this. So whenever you get the chance....? :rolleyes:
Ok, I THINK this is the savegame you want. I got 2 treasure quests to the same place. The first came up empty but I struck it rich the second time. This save should have you leaving Las Tortugas with the intention of sailing to Sao Luis. The first mutiny happened while I was in the Sao Luis shipyard.

BTW, that is a tuff treasure quest. It is very hard to find the entrance to the tunnels and when you do fall in you are on your own. :duel:


  • -=Player=- Las Tortugas. Sand Bluff. June 27th, 1553 1.7z
    552.5 KB · Views: 99
So that is the one from before the problem occurred? I'll see if I can replicate it.
Do you also have one from after the problem showed up?

If I understand correctly:
- You went to Sao Luis, found the treasure, got rich, sold your cargo, went to the shipyard and got mutinied upon?
Nope. I went to Las Tortugas for a treasure quest, did that and went into town and got the same quest again. I don't remember if the trip to Sao Luis was a merchant mission or freelance but that is where I went next. Hmm. I got in a battle and captured a ship on the way. Maybe that is where the problem started.

Anyway, the problem continued with companion mutinies until I replaced the mutinous Captains. All is back to normal now.

Here are some more saves. One of them is the one you want.


  • -=Player=- Los Barbados. SÝo Luis port. July 13th, 1553.7z
    562.3 KB · Views: 103
  • -=Player=- Open Sea July 5th, 1553.7z
    549.3 KB · Views: 101
Cool, thanks! I'll start out trying to find the "continuous mutinies" one and see if I can put an end to that one.
Next up: So why did it happen in the first place?
The companion mutinies are still showing up at every world map transition. Now the ships show green and nothing happens except that the mutiny screen appears.

My theory on why it happened is that I got into a battle and captured a ship that had very little food and rum. This is normally not a problem as only the total amounts are normally used for determining morale.
But this time the captured ship ran out of rum and that caused the general mutiny. The other ships had plenty. That and the amount of money I was carrying.
I think I know the reason why it keeps happening; will look into fixing that tomorrow.
Would like to find out what triggered it in the first place though.

From what I gather of the companion morale, it should always trail behind the player ship morale.
So their morale won't get low, unless your own morale gets low first.
Which quite makes me wonder how you can even trigger a companion mutiny at all.

And food and rum is shared between the whole fleet. Shouldn't matter if that one ship runs out of rum.
But if your whole FLEET runs out of rum, that wouldn't help.

Of course once you capture a ship, the morale of the crew might be Treacherous to begin with.
If so, you'd get a mutiny as soon as you go onto the worldmap. That's not right either. o_O


On this subject though, it looks like the "companion morale" code might need some adjusting.
Just trailing behind the player morale isn't quite right, is it? Should things not depend on the companion captain's skills instead?
Perhaps put reputation in the equation too? After all, right no it makes exactly ZERO difference if a non-player character is "Horror of the Seven Seas" or a "Hero".
But what if morale on a ship with a "HotSS" as captain would be lower than on one with a Hero?

Anyway, anyone got any thoughts on how that should work?
WHEN should companion ships mutiny?
Well, so far I managed to replicate the problem. Indeed I do get attacked in the shipyard.
Next up: figuring out why.

Indeed one ship has no rum, but the total repairs last 13 days and you've got 44 days' worth of rum in total.
The "mutiny" screen claims you don't have rum though. Interesting. :confused:

BTW: You have a CRAZY amount of treasure on you! The town had 5.5 million gold and I was only able to sell of a fraction of the treasure.
Now the town is positively dead-broke! :shock
Hehe. For the longest time I was getting no treasure quests at all, then suddenly I'm getting them constantly. Methinks I'm 4 for 7 on treasure quests now. :pirates Getting rid of the treasure is a problem because as soon as I sell some the crew wants to mutiny.

I like that mutiny fight in the shipyard. Get in a fight and then wander off to the tavern to swap lies and hire more crew. :drunk

Oh yeah, the officers who were Captains at that time have been replaced and all my ships are now green unless I put one of those officers back in command. Then it goes gray again. And I still get the mutiny screen on world map transitions, but no fighting happens.
Hehe. For the longest time I was getting no treasure quests at all, then suddenly I'm getting them constantly. Methinks I'm 4 for 7 on treasure quests now. :pirates Getting rid of the treasure is a problem because as soon as I sell some the crew wants to mutiny.
Well, I now know pretty much exactly what is going on. You've got too much money and your crew is still getting paid only their "meagre" salary.
If you amass as much money as you do, you're supposed to be switching to "Divide the Plunder" mode.
At the moment, you can "hide" your money in your ship's chest, but I think I'm going to fix that so that it still counts.
Have you ever played with that feature? I think you might find it interesting. Makes morale a bit more of a challenge. :cheeky

If you just want to get rid of this effect altogether, set UNLIMITEDLOOT to 1 at the bottom of InternalSettings.h .

I like that mutiny fight in the shipyard. Get in a fight and then wander off to the tavern to swap lies and hire more crew. :drunk
Indeed it looks that IS actually intended. If you're ashore, there is a 50/50 chance. Either you get a fight or 1/3 of your crew just deserts.
Pretty cool. :cool:

Oh yeah, the officers who were Captains at that time have been replaced and all my ships are now green unless I put one of those officers back in command. Then it goes gray again. And I still get the mutiny screen on world map transitions, but no fighting happens.
Yep, that "ship mutiny" value is set ON and never OFF again.
Also, your mutinous ships don't actually turn hostile on a location reload. I believe I've got both sorted out now.
Just have to figure out how to make the companion mutinies on the worldmap NOT crash my game. That'd be nice. :rolleyes:

There was also some massive confusion in the mutiny rum code. Because of that, you were basically never able to "buy off" your crew and skip the fight.
Fixed now so that you CAN. The amount of rum needed is one daily ration for each crewmember.

I wonder if that should be on single rations, double rations OR whatever you have set up yourself during play.
Any thoughts?
I run my ships like corporations and corporations are sociopaths. The crew gets what they signed up for although they do get a little bonus now and then, because I have been known to miss a payday or two.

Besides, where do you think all of those treasure chests come from? Other Captains like me! :aar

The crew should get double rum rations. If they are mad enough to fight about it give them something extra to calm them down.

So, what about my mutinous officers? Whenever I give them a ship it turns gray and they fly a different flag. Should I fire them or can they be salvaged?
I still have one thing here I could use some thought on: When should a companion of yours mutiny and turn hostile?
At the moment, this is handled the same way as the player ship, but since companion morale always trails behind the player,
it would never happen on its own, but only after a player ship mutiny. That sort-of defeats the purpose of the mod, doesn't it?

A couple of thoughts:

- What if companion morale during battle gets real low? For example, if you are in a losing fight? Or are sending them to their death or something?

- I'll try to get companion morale scaled based on their captain's skills instead of the player's skills.

- Should probably add some influence of companion captain's reputation too.
Make characters with lower reputations more prone to double-cross you when you place them in command.

- Are there any types of captains that should be exempt from this mod altogether because that could cause quest problems?

So.... thoughts from players? Pretty please....? :rolleyes:

I run my ships like corporations and corporations are sociopaths. The crew gets what they signed up for although they do get a little bonus now and then, because I have been known to miss a payday or two.
If that's what you want to do, I'd recommend turning that UNLIMITEDLOOT thing on.
Otherwise this one will keep messing you up. :wp

The crew should get double rum rations. If they are mad enough to fight about it give them something extra to calm them down.
True, that. Done now. Makes the relevant code simpler too. And simple is better! :cheeky

So, what about my mutinous officers? Whenever I give them a ship it turns gray and they fly a different flag. Should I fire them or can they be salvaged?
We'll be able to salvage them. That shouldn't be too hard.
I've added a bunch of fixes in the next update, which I am uploading now. Then just execute this code through console:
  for (i = 0; i <= GetCompanionQuantity(PChar); i++) {
     ch = GetCharacter(GetCompanionIndex(pchar, sti(i)));
    SetMutineer(ch, false);
I think that'll "clean them up" again.

I think I've got the companion mutiny code working properly now so that when they DO mutiny, they'll turn HOSTILE at sea for real and disappear from your companions list.
Doesn't solve your personal issue, but DOES make it work for REAL.
By the way, this mod is also VERY useful for deliberately staging battles between certain ships.
You just give the ship you want to fight to a companion and you can use the console to trigger a mutiny on that ship.
- What if companion morale during battle gets real low? For example, if you are in a losing fight? Or are sending them to their death or something?

- I'll try to get companion morale scaled based on their captain's skills instead of the player's skills.

- Should probably add some influence of companion captain's reputation too.
Make characters with lower reputations more prone to double-cross you when you place them in command.
This all sounds good to me. I have one ship that always gets hammered in battles and sometimes I have to ORDER him to leave before he gets his silly self sunk. I have seen a fleut deliberately sail between two capital ships. You know that scene where Beckett's ship gets blown to splinters? I have seen it in game......:facepalm

One thing. I can see the bad officers doing me real hurt if they take off with one half or one third of my cargo consignment. I always sail the slowest ship so I could never catch them.
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One thing. I can see the bad officers doing me real hurt if they take off with one half or one third of my cargo consignment. I always sail the slowest ship so I could never catch them.
Ouch. I could see that being a mite troublesome.
Should we disable such mutinies whenever a cargo quest is active? That seems a bit arbitrary and restrictive.
Perhaps a lock so that officers with high enough reputation will never have a mutiny on their ship? Also a bit of a weird way to go about it.
It will most certainly be mainly morale-related anyway. Perhaps if Morale < Low, it can happen?
Let's try it as is. If you're dumb enough to put a thief in charge of one of your ships you deserve to get robbed. Or..If you're going to be dumb, you better be tuff.