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Fixed Claire Larrouse Issues

The problems A.H is having are confusing to me too. For instance, after the first fight with the soldiers at the mine there are no bandits waiting later in the canyon before entering Bridgetown. His game seems to be very confused.
Actually until now there are still bandits.. after canyon, between that point and the city gates are 20 bandits that are pretty tough..
If I go to city, and come back, those bandits are back again in exact same positions and numbers too
Someone will have to look at the code, but as I see it those bandits would interfere with the fight with the soldiers so should not be there.
Yea would be nice to see it fixed.. i'm level 35 and it's still not easy to kill those bandits.. i lost many master @ arms to them cutthroats :bonaparte
I think that is one of those locations that ALWAYS have bandits in them. Same with the shore on Puerto Rico.
Maybe a .vcskip attribute will temporarily remove them, but I'm not sure of that.
Yea I don't see it as a bug, but not sure why Hylie doesn't have them in his game.. I've always seen them even in previous patches
I went into that canyon last night and they were there. 11 in total. Methinks the Claire LaRousse side quest disables them because there are two bandits right at the spot where you have your fight with the soldiers, and they would interfere with that by creating a three way brawl.
Yea 2 right outside the wooden walls, and the rest of the bunch after the split rocky hills and near gate entrance
So can anyone confirm this to be working right now?
Just to be clear: The only thing that was actually done is to (hopefully) put your ship at the right beach BEFORE you get there.
That way at least you should be able to reload to sea properly.
@A.H could you maybe play trough the sidequest again on a new savegame and see which of the problems still occur and list them here?
Wow tons of errors.. I'm still in jungle, now about to go to shore and fight soldiers, but take a look at these logs

Until now, I spotted that there are no 12-15 bandits near the city gates and the canyon like there used to be,.. so that's a relief :)

As well as this tiny issue.. when I landed on puerto rico.. and I accepted the quest from her.. I pressed Enter then instead of go to ship.. it says Defiance, but when I click it on, it goes to the option of Larouse' ship.. then from there I could transport to my own ship.

This frequently happened to me everytime I have more than 1 ship.. when I'm in town, I must transport to my officer's/companion's ship deck, then from there transport to my own.. but specifically in Larouse quest.. instead of the "Ship deck" or "Go to ship" button, it is written "Defiance" in the name of my own ship.. except that I don't get transported to there and pressing on Defiance would lead me to choose Larouse' ship.. if you understand what I mean.



  • error.log
    5.4 KB · Views: 124
@Levis Alright I did the quest, except.. a few error logs, and the questbook still didn't complete although I chose to part ways with this pussycat.. I provided save file of the instant where before you choose the 3 options.. to split 50-50, ask for more, or take all.. let me know if you need anything :)


  • error.log
    368 bytes · Views: 120
  • FreePlay.rar
    1.5 MB · Views: 125

Admittedly I modified "Clair Larrouse_dialog.h" to get that screenshot, but you get the idea. Contrary to what she says, the ships are there.

That's because the code to put them there has been placed several cases earlier. I tried moving it to a case while you're on the beach but before they're scheduled to appear, which put the quest back the way it used to be - the ships don't appear while you're there and you have to go to the jungle, then return to the beach to make them appear.

So I suggest changing "Clair Larrouse_dialog.h" to indicate that although the ships are there, we can't start moving the gold because there's a patrol on the way. Then after the fight with the soldiers, she can go straight to dividing up the loot, drastically reducing the delay between the end of the fight and the dialog about the loot division.

And that leads to the next snag. There are supposed to be options to demand a greater share of the loot or all of the loot, which lead to a fight with Clair Larrouse and then... something. Looking at the code, there's supposed to be a fight with Clair's officer, triggered here:
    case "fight_with_larrouse_complete":
       pchar.quest.exit_from_oxbay_to_sea.win_condition.l1 = "location";
       pchar.quest.exit_from_oxbay_to_sea.win_condition.l1.location = "Oxbay";
       pchar.quest.exit_from_oxbay_to_sea.win_condition = "exit_from_oxbay_to_sea_complete";
I tried going to various locations on Barbados as well onto my ship and couldn't find any way to get to this fight and end the quest. The only way I can finish the quest is to stick to the original 50/50 split, which suits me as I like to play honourable but causes problems for those who like to play as a double-crosser.
I moved your post to this thread so it is together with the other Larrouse issues that were being discussed.

Admittedly I modified "Clair Larrouse_dialog.h" to get that screenshot, but you get the idea. Contrary to what she says, the ships are there.
LOL! I changed the code a bit two weeks ago or so to put your ships at the beach where you need them.
This was to prevent the player from having to use the [Enter] menu or go into the jungle and back again as was apparently the case.
But I didn't change any dialog.h files because I didn't think there would be a line to specifically mention your ships aren't there when technically they should have been. :facepalm

And that leads to the next snag. There are supposed to be options to demand a greater share of the loot or all of the loot, which lead to a fight with Clair Larrouse and then... something. Looking at the code, there's supposed to be a fight with Clair's officer, triggered here:
    case "fight_with_larrouse_complete":
       pchar.quest.exit_from_oxbay_to_sea.win_condition.l1 = "location";
       pchar.quest.exit_from_oxbay_to_sea.win_condition.l1.location = "Oxbay";
       pchar.quest.exit_from_oxbay_to_sea.win_condition = "exit_from_oxbay_to_sea_complete";
I tried going to various locations on Barbados as well onto my ship and couldn't find any way to get to this fight and end the quest. The only way I can finish the quest is to stick to the original 50/50 split, which suits me as I like to play honourable but causes problems for those who like to play as a double-crosser.
That one should trigger once you reload to sea.
Do you know if "fight_with_larrouse_complete" is called at all according to compile.log?
If so, is "exit_from_oxbay_to_sea_complete" being executed when you go to sea?
I didn't check "compile.log". But "exit_from_oxbay_to_sea_complete" did not seem to be executed because I never got to fight the officer.

There's a line in "exit_from_oxbay_to_sea_complete" which unlocks a link to or from the canyon, which made me wonder if the fight is supposed to be somewhere around there, but I went all the way to the lighthouse and didn't find any officer there either.
There can be two issues: Either the code isn't executed or the code has no effect.
Every quest case executed is written to compile.log so that is an easy check.

Can you post the whole section of code starting where the "fight_with_larrouse_complete" is supposed to be triggered and ending with what "exit_from_oxbay_to_sea_complete" looks like?
    case "abording_bad_fight_exit":
       LAi_SetImmortal(characterfromID("Clair Larrouse"), false);
       LAi_group_MoveCharacter(characterfromID("Clair Larrouse"), "LARROUSE");
       LAi_group_MoveCharacter(characterfromID("Larrouse_pirate_01"), "LARROUSE");  // TALISMAN was quest_pirate_01
       LAi_group_MoveCharacter(characterfromID("Larrouse_smuggler_01"), "LARROUSE");  // TALISMAN was quest_smuggler_01

       LAi_group_FightGroups("LARROUSE", LAI_GROUP_PLAYER, true);

       LAi_group_SetCheck("LARROUSE", "fight_with_larrouse_complete");

     case "fight_with_larrouse_complete":
       pchar.quest.exit_from_oxbay_to_sea.win_condition.l1 = "location";
       pchar.quest.exit_from_oxbay_to_sea.win_condition.l1.location = "Oxbay";
       pchar.quest.exit_from_oxbay_to_sea.win_condition = "exit_from_oxbay_to_sea_complete";
       if (pchar.location == "Oxbay_shore_02")
         iPassenger = makeint(characters[GetCharacterIndex("clair larrouse")].quest.goldmine)*10000/2;
         AddMoneyToCharacter(pchar, iPassenger);
         AddQuestRecord("larrouse", 12);
           AddPartyExpChar(pchar, "Leadership", 5000);
           AddPartyExpChar(pchar, "Sneak", 50);
         else { AddPartyExp(pchar, 5000); }
         AddQuestRecord("larrouse", 5);
           AddPartyExpChar(pchar, "Leadership", 2500);
           AddPartyExpChar(pchar, "Sneak", 25);
         else { AddPartyExp(pchar, 2500); }

     case "exit_from_oxbay_to_sea_complete":
       iPassenger = makeint(Pchar.Temp.Officer.idx1);
       if (characters[iPassenger].id == "Blaze_Crewmember_01" || characters[iPassenger].id == "Blaze_Crewmember_02" || characters[iPassenger].id == "Blaze_Crewmember_03")
         RemovePassenger(pchar, &characters[iPassenger]);
       iPassenger = makeint(Pchar.Temp.Officer.idx2);
       if (characters[iPassenger].id == "Blaze_Crewmember_01" || characters[iPassenger].id == "Blaze_Crewmember_02" || characters[iPassenger].id == "Blaze_Crewmember_03")
         RemovePassenger(pchar, &characters[iPassenger]);
       iPassenger = makeint(Pchar.Temp.Officer.idx3);
       if (characters[iPassenger].id == "Blaze_Crewmember_01" || characters[iPassenger].id == "Blaze_Crewmember_02" || characters[iPassenger].id == "Blaze_Crewmember_03")
         RemovePassenger(pchar, &characters[iPassenger]);

       LAi_SetHP(characterFromID("Clair Larrouse"), 80.0, 80.0);

       characters[GetCharacterIndex("Clair Larrouse")].name = "First officer of Clair";
       bQuestDisableMapEnter = true;
       Island_SetReloadEnableGlobal("Oxbay", false);// TIH typo fix Oct31'06

       RemoveCharacterCompanion(Pchar, &Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Clair Larrouse")]);
       SetCharacterRemovable(characterFromID("Clair Larrouse"), true); // NK

       SetCharacterRelation(GetCharacterIndex("Clair Larrouse"),GetMainCharacterIndex(),RELATION_ENEMY);

       Group_CreateGroup("Clair Larrouse");
       Group_AddCharacter("Clair Larrouse", "Clair Larrouse");
       Group_SetGroupCommander("Clair Larrouse", "Clair Larrouse");
       Group_SetPursuitGroup("Clair Larrouse", PLAYER_GROUP);
       Group_SetTaskAttack("Clair Larrouse", PLAYER_GROUP);
       Group_SetAddress("Clair Larrouse", Characters[GetMainCharacterIndex()].location, "", "");
       Group_LockTask("Clair Larrouse");


       pchar.quest.killing_clair_in_sea.win_condition.l1 = "NPC_Death";
       pchar.quest.killing_clair_in_sea.win_condition.l1.character = "Clair Larrouse";
       pchar.quest.killing_clair_in_sea.win_condition = "killing_clair_in_sea_complete";

       Locations[FindLocation("Oxbay_canyon")].reload.l4.disable = false;

     case "killing_clair_in_sea_complete":
       bQuestDisableMapEnter = false;
       Island_SetReloadEnableGlobal("Oxbay", true);// TIH typo fix Oct31'06
       locations[FindLocation("Oxbay_canyon")].reload.l1.disable = 0;
       locations[FindLocation("Oxbay_canyon")].reload.l2.disable = 0;
       if (!LAI_IsDead(characterFromID("Ferro cerezo")) && makeint(characters[GetCharacterIndex("danielle")].rank) < 9)
         locations[FindLocation("Oxbay_canyon")].reload.l3.disable = 0;
       locations[FindLocation("Oxbay_canyon")].reload.l4.disable = 0;
       AddQuestRecord("larrouse", 6);
       if(AUTO_SKILL_SYSTEM) { AddPartyExpChar(pchar, "Sneak", 5000); }
       else { AddPartyExp(pchar, 5000); }
       LAi_group_MoveCharacter(characterFromID("mine_soldier_05"), "ENGLAND_SOLDIERS");
       LAi_group_MoveCharacter(characterFromID("mine_soldier_06"), "ENGLAND_SOLDIERS");