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Need Help Build 3.4 (Issue with own ships attacking mine)


Powder Monkey
My issue is interesting as I have not witnessed this before, and they are not a mutiny. My morale is superior on all my ships, and using divide wealth instead of salary. I did not have any issues until I switched my trader ships for my other 3 3rd rates to go attack Antigua.

I have attached my log files as well as a screen capture of before leaving port and after I get out of port of what happens. Please let me know what you think could be the issue, if it is a game play issue I might not be doing wonderful.

Sorry about the bad quality pictures... The writing on the screen does not show any information about losing the ships either.

Look forward to some responses.


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This is a strange situation. First two of your ships turn hostile and then they.....what, disappear? I have no idea what could make that happen. :shrug
What kind of characters are Captain of those ships? Any quest characters or Escort ship captains?
Perhaps promotion reward ship captains?

Did you just load a savegame that was made at sea?
Or did you perhaps change flags before it happened?

Do you have a save before it happened and can it be consistently replicated?
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If you're on Divide Plunder mode, how much money you have in the kitty versus how many crew you have will affect morale. That's four 3rd rate battlewagons, which will mean an awful lot of crew. I've never had that sort of fleet so I've no idea if 7 million is enough to keep them happy. Also, how long has it been since you last divided the plunder? After about 90 days the crew start looking forward to getting paid; after about 180 days morale drops like a rock and you'll go from Superior to Low in very short time!

What reputation are you, and what reputation are your captains? If you're on the good side (Bloke, Matey, Dashing, Hero) and they're on the evil side (Rascal, Swindler, Bloody Terror, Horror of the High Seas), or vice versa, then morale on their ships will plummet as they disagree with your style and have their own ideas about how to run things.
There are only two reasons that I know of that can make ships disappear from your fleet:

1 - Old Promotion Reward Ship bug made the promotion ship disappear almost immediately; this should be fixed

2 - Companion ships mutiny. In that case, they do NOT disappear but turn hostile in 3D sailing mode instead.
It sounds like that is the one that affects you.

There are again two possible reasons for companion ships mutinying:

I - Morale on the companion ship drops too low

II - Hoisting a flag hostile to their original nation (occurs in Beta 3.5 only and applies to Escort Ships and one single story quest ship)
Since you are on Beta 3.4, this should not apply to you. So that suggests that the morale on your companion ships did drop.

Morale on your ships depends on the captain's skills and abilities, whether the crew gets food and can change in mid-battle depending on how well it is going.
After Signing Articles, morale is also scaled by the "crew share ratio" and depends on the time since the last you divided the plunder.
For companion ships, morale is additionally modified depending on the reputation compared to your own reputation.

Morale can be increased again by paying the crew some extra cash or by switching to double rum rations.
However, if the source reason for low morale is not addressed, then it will drop right back down afterwards.

Does any of that sound like it might have affected your situation?
Hmm.. Thanks for all the replies! All my captains have 10 leadership, maybe 7million is not enough to keep all those crew happy is quite a lot of sailors.

Also I have not split plunder so that might be the issue as well.. I have tried to find that option in the menu and can't, they have not split in a few months.

This seems to be triggered by my actions and definitively not a bug, I did add 1200 crew from my original crew when I went with the massive fleet.

Before I set sail had to spend money to get the crew up to excellent morale, and tried to donate money to the crew but that would not go through.

Guess I should go to the loan shark and pull out my 100 million that has been sitting collecting interest.

** Interesting.. you guys are amazing at creating a game!**

Went back into and changed my ship captains to all Hero's like myself and did not have the issue! I did not even have to Divide my plunder, although I suspect I will very soon.
You divide the plunder by talking to a loanshark.

Keep an eye on the "crew share ratio" and the "days since start of expedition" that are shown on-screen every day at midnight.
That should tell you when it becomes time for dividing.

When morale on a ship plummets badly, there should be a warning in advance as well.
But if you are a Hero and you have a companion captain with a terrible reputation, then a companion mutiny can occur very quickly.
You should get an on-screen message to inform you of that too, though.
Watch the little messages in the top left corner when you're at sea; they tell you, among other things, how long you've been at sea (actually how long since you last divided plunder or since you first switched to pay by dividing plunder). If that's over 90, start thinking about dividing the loot; if it's near 180, divide plunder right away!
You should indeed go to the loan shark. That's where you divide plunder. :aar
Side note.. I can get into any other port but Guadalupe now.. Every time I try it crashes my game.. anyone have this come up ever?
Every time? I have had crashes when trying to enter port before, but they were caused by missing things like GMs. A reload or maybe a defrag fixed it.
Unless you have a particular preference for a nation, try playing as a Dutch naval officer. I've just finished the reward ships for Holland. And thanks to @Pieter Boelen, you can even play a particularly famous one, Michiel De Ruyter. France is also done and someone already tried that, so now I'm waiting for some brave person to try Holland and check that it works...

As for crashing game when entering port, did you capture any colonies? I've got a vague memory of Kralendijk port crashing the game whether I sailed into it or entered town by the back door and walked through the port gate. As I recall, it happened after I'd taken over a few pirate settlements - if I remember correctly, I nailed it down by loading old savegames. If I loaded one from before I'd captured a particular settlement then I could enter Kralendijk port, if I loaded one from after I'd taken the settlement then Kralendijk port reliably crashed the game. And I don't think it was Bonaire pirate settlement which did it. This was ages ago, probably Beta 3.3.
@Grey Roger it started after I conquered Antiqua.. which gave me a total of 5 under my control.

I will try Holland if I can figure out how to change my nation, just started free play and changed to naval officer. I was unable to change from British country, will try again maybe I missed something.

Did not see Michiel De Ruyter.. is it because I did not install unfinished story lines?
You may want to wait a bit, because I'll be posting a new ZIP soon with some fixes and @Grey Roger's latest Holland updates too.

I will try Holland if I can figure out how to change my nation, just started free play and changed to naval officer. I was unable to change from British country, will try again maybe I missed something.
What character model did you have selected? If you have a pre-defined English navy officer model, then indeed you cannot change your nation from that.
So that applies if you select Norrington or Nelson or so.
I was unable to change from British country, will try again maybe I missed something.
Apparently I didn't think through the logic enough.
In the next update, you should be able to change the nation for any navy officer character EXCEPT for specific navy officer models.
Doesn't make sense to play as a Dutch navy officer who has an English uniform, does it? :wp

Did not see Michiel De Ruyter.. is it because I did not install unfinished story lines?
He is included in the ZIP attached here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/build-14-beta-3-5-internal-wip-for-testing.24817/
That was an update made after the latest EXE installer.
Ok I will wait then.. I did download that zip, just did not see his name pop up when trying to change character.
I just downloaded the file from the link started a fresh install, and do not see Bestevaer in the free play character menu. The screen says 5/10 and not 5/13..
No, you need to download the ZIP file at the very bottom of the first post. It is dated 5/13 and it does work.
POTC new 2015-05-13 19-28-38-69.jpg