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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Do we want to keep our original one in any way at all...?
Maybe name THAT one "the Caleuche"? Because the TEHO one is reeeaaally basically the Disney version.
Read about the real legend of the Caleuche:
Caleuche - Wikipedia
Disney's version seems to have borrowed bits from at least three different legends - Davy Jones, Flying Dutchman and Caleuche. Anyway, our original one is supposed to be the Disney ship which is why it's assigned to Davy Jones.

Ah; so you didn't really remove anything; you just gave an extra bit of freedom to the player.
Makes sense to me. :onya
Indeed, the idea was not to remove the quest, just to allow the player to ignore it. The default response is still to go for the duel, though.

Ah, the Librarian(s)...
Read about the real legend of the Caleuche:
Caleuche - Wikipedia
Disney's version seems to have borrowed bits from at least three different legends - Davy Jones, Flying Dutchman and Caleuche. Anyway, our original one is supposed to be the Disney ship which is why it's assigned to Davy Jones.
Indeed I remember that legend from the opening of the "Indiana Jones and the Interior World" novel.
Really struck me how much that sounded like the Disney Flying Dutchman.
Far moreso than the ACTUAL Flying Dutchman myth, which has basically nothing to do with it.
It's like they took the Caleuche; and completely misnamed her...

Anyway, question still stands:
With us now having the new one, is there value to also still keeping the old one on the side?

Indeed, the idea was not to remove the quest, just to allow the player to ignore it. The default response is still to go for the duel, though.
Good idea.

Are you a monkey now? :rofl

Sorry, I know it's a VERY silly series.
But I can't deny... It IS fun.
If it's up your alley, that is...
Which in my case... It is. :wp
Anyway, question still stands:
With us now having the new one, is there value to also still keeping the old one on the side?
Sort of. The new "CursedDutchman" model replaces the old one. But "FlyingDutchman" (the uncursed one) is still the older model with a different colour scheme, at least unless someone uncurses the TEHO version with a similar colour scheme.

Are you a monkey now? :rofl
Oh dear. You used the "m" word. You might want to keep well away from all libraries for a while. The Librarian knows how to navigate L-Space, can find you in any library, and responds to such offensive language by unscrewing the head off the end of the offender.
That is, unless he is busy with me instead. You're not supposed to steal a book from Cartagena Library, so I didn't steal a book. I took the lot. If one Librarian doesn't get me, the other probably will...

Sorry, I know it's a VERY silly series.
But I can't deny... It IS fun.
If it's up your alley, that is...
Which in my case... It is. :wp
Assuming the alley in question is somewhere in the Shades, yes. :cheers
Which makes me wonder: Is @The Nameless Pirate's PDF with sidequests and requirements updated and included?
That was a good idea of @Bartolomeu o Portugues' to make sure players can know about all these exclusive bit of extra content.
Otherwise the chance is just too big players will never run across the gameplay; because the chances to do so by accident may be rather small...
I haven't yet updated it to contain @Jack Rackham's quest, but it shouldn't take much time to do so.
Once I do this and check for any possible errors that I missed I will publicly upload the PDF, along with the DOC file in case someone else wants to edit it in the future.
Sort of. The new "CursedDutchman" model replaces the old one. But "FlyingDutchman" (the uncursed one) is still the older model with a different colour scheme, at least unless someone uncurses the TEHO version with a similar colour scheme.
And that's OK then for everyone then?
Alrightee. :doff

Oh dear. You used the "m" word. You might want to keep well away from all libraries for a while.
"Monkey" is a BAD word now??
Guess that explains why you never did build on that Antigua Monkey Island tie-in thingey... :confused:

Assuming the alley in question is somewhere in the Shades, yes. :cheers
I am SO confused. o_O
You aren't familiar with Terry Pratchett's works, then?
One of the characters is the librarian of the wizards' place of learning, Unseen University. A magical accident turned him into an orangutan. He's quite happy to stay that way. Orangutans are apes, not monkeys, and one really quick way to annoy the librarian is to say "monkey", especially if he thinks you're using it at him. He says "Oook" a lot. The books also feature L-Space, which is all libraries in space and time connected, and a really skilled librarian can move between them. And that's why, if the Unseen University librarian thinks you're associating "Oook" with the "m" word, you probably don't want to be in a library if you like your head attached to your shoulders and pointing forwards.

The Shades is a disreputable part of the main city in the books. That is, it's "disreputable" in much the same way as the Sovereign of the Seas is a "frigate". Pirates would feel right at home there, apart from the lack of water.
You aren't familiar with Terry Pratchett's works, then?
I read one some 15 years ago, but other than enjoying it, I remember very little of the specifics.
I've had the first book in my own personal library for a few years now, but have yet to come round to actually reading it...

And I really managed to fall RIGHT for the reference there; didn't I? :shock
For anyone wanting to translate PoTC:NH, including but not limited to @JTem, @Homo eructus, @Maximus and @BUCHA:

Attached is a zip of all English files in their current forms. This includes all the dialog files, both general and storyline specific, plus all of "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH". The dialog code files (*_dialog.c) are also included. You do not need to understand these to translate the text files (*_dialog.h), but if you can understand the code files, it can help you understand how the lines of text are assembled into the sentences you see in the game.

I'm not asking anyone to translate the whole lot! The idea is that, whatever you do want to translate, you should be able to find the English version here.


  • Translation updates.zip
    4.4 MB · Views: 449
For anyone wanting to translate PoTC:NH, including but not limited to @JTem, @Homo eructus, @Maximus and @BUCHA:

Attached is a zip of all English files in their current forms. This includes all the dialog files, both general and storyline specific, plus all of "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH". The dialog code files (*_dialog.c) are also included. You do not need to understand these to translate the text files (*_dialog.h), but if you can understand the code files, it can help you understand how the lines of text are assembled into the sentences you see in the game.

I'm not asking anyone to translate the whole lot! The idea is that, whatever you do want to translate, you should be able to find the English version here.

It is good to be able to start translating. :cheers
@Grey Roger you where talking about making another zip file again. When do you want to make that (just so I know if should start on something now or better to wait untill after the zip)
Just dusting off the old account here... and rather handily i still have the vanilla game files saved away xD techincally i still have the disc too but not disc drive these days.
The July update is now available.
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates_020721.zip

Included in this version:
  • Several bug fixes, including medical items now showing their health data in the inventory screen, and the pirate who buys the Girl Won in a Card Game paying the correct amount.
  • @Levis has been busy! There's a new street trader in Santiago, but what she sells is not equipment... For the gamblers among you, there's a gaming house in Cartagena.
  • Talking of Cartagena, @Jack Rackham has improved the church which you might see in the distance while walking around the part of town just beyond the gate from the port.
  • He's also improved the "New Invention" quest for engineers. If you're not scared of the librarian and manage to steal one of the books, you can sell it. And if you manage to steal all the books... but that would spoil the surprise. :p
  • For the French and Spanish merchants among you, you can now buy merchant licences from new offices in Port au Prince and Cartagena. And all merchant licences now show who gave them to you.
  • @BathtubPirate has been busy with the "Devlin Opera" storyline. Though still not complete, it now has a lot more gameplay. (You'll need to install a new game and choose to allow unfinished storylines if you want to see it.)


  • fixes.txt
    33.1 KB · Views: 198
No compile.log


  • system.log
    239 bytes · Views: 210
  • error.log
    94 bytes · Views: 237
From "error.log":
COMPILE ERROR - file: characters\characters.h; line: 46
define redefinition: PASSENGERS_MAX
Which installer did you use - the one from post #1 of this thread or another installer from somewhere else? And how did you install the game?

That error is because an old installer defined PASSENGERS_MAX in "PROGRAM\characters\characters.h". The May 2018 installer moved it into "PROGRAM\globals.c". So that error will usually happen either because someone used an older installer or because they extracted the contents of "b14_beta4_final.tar" manually, meaning the game has the old version of "characters.h", the new version of "globals.c", and definitions of PASSENGERS_MAX in both.

Make sure you're using the May 2018 installer. Copy both "Build14_installer_25052018.exe" and "b14_beta4_final.tar" into the same folder as each other. Do nothing to "b14_beta4_final.tar" yourself - just run the installer, it will automatically extract the files from "b14_beta4_final.tar" and copy them into place.

But you do extract the contents of "post_25May_updates_020721.zip" yourself, after the installer has finished its work.
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